C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -

A ruled shell parameters. More...

#include <sheet_metal_param.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for MbRuledSolidValues:

Public Types

enum  MbeGapShiftType { gsAngle = 0 , gsLength , gsRatio , gsSegmentRatio }
 A displacement type of the gap. More...

Public Member Functions

 MbRuledSolidValues ()
 Default constructor.
 MbRuledSolidValues (const MbRuledSolidValues &other)
 MbRuledSolidValues (const MbPlacement3D &place1, const MbContour &cntr1, const SArray< double > *brks1, const MbPlacement3D *place2, const MbContour *cntr2, const SArray< double > *brks2, const double thick, const double rad, const double sAngle, const double h, const double gap, const double shift, const MbeGapShiftType type, const bool guideByNorm, const bool generByNorm, const bool cylBends, const bool joinByVert, const double surfDist, const MbSurface *surf)
 Constructor by specific parameters.
void Init (const MbRuledSolidValues &other)
 Initialize by another object.
void Init (const MbPlacement3D &place1, const MbContour &cntr1, const SArray< double > *brks1, const MbPlacement3D *place2, const MbContour *cntr2, const SArray< double > *brks2)
 Initialize contours.
MbRuledSolidValuesoperator= (const MbRuledSolidValues &other)
 Assignment operator.
bool IsSame (const MbRuledSolidValues &other, double accuracy) const
 Determine whether an object is equal?

Public Attributes

MbPlacement3D placement1
 The local coordinate system of the first contour.
SPtr< MbContourcontour1
 The first contour.
DPtr< SArray< double > > breaks1
 The fragmentation parameters of the first contour.
DPtr< MbPlacement3Dplacement2
 The local coordinate system of the second contour.
SPtr< MbContourcontour2
 The second contour.
DPtr< SArray< double > > breaks2
 The fragmentation parameters of the second contour.
double thickness
 The sheet thickness.
double radius
 The fillet radius of sketch.
double slopeAngle
 Draft angle (for creating by one sketch).
double height
 Height of shell ring (for creating by one sketch).
double gapValue
 Gap value.
double gapAngle
 Gap draft angle (for creating by one sketch).
double gapShift
 Shift of the gap.
MbeGapShiftType shiftType
 A displacement type of the gap.
bool guideSidesByNorm
 Guide sides along normal to the ruled surface.
bool generSidesByNorm
 Generating sides along normal to the ruled surface.
bool cylindricBends
 Create bend with permanent radius.
bool joinByVertices
 Join contour through vertices.
double surfDistance
 Distance from the surface "surface".
SPtr< MbSurfacesurface
 Surface to extrude up to which.

Detailed Description

A ruled shell parameters.

Shell ring is constructed by one or two sketches. In the case of one sketch the second parameter is calculated from height and slopeAngle.
Gap is calculated by the following rule: depending on the type of gap shift the point is calculated on the sketch, normal is calculated in its, line passing along this normal through calculated point on the sketch shifted to the left and right at the half value gapValue. Resulting straight lines define boundaries of the gap.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: