C3D Toolkit
Kernel - 117982, Vision -
Diagnostics of shells and their components. More...
#include <templ_rp_array.h>
#include <templ_sptr.h>
#include <mb_operation_result.h>
#include <mb_variables.h>
#include <attr_common_attribute.h>
#include <topology.h>
#include <solid.h>
#include <point_frame.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
Classes | |
struct | MbShellsIntersectionData |
Information about two solids intersection. More... | |
Functions | |
bool | IsDegeneratedCurve (const MbCurve3D &curve, double eps) |
Check for the curve degeneration in three-dimensional space. More... | |
bool | CheckSurfaceDegeneracy (const MbSurface &surf, double u, double v, double eps, bool °Ru, bool °Rv, bool &colUV) |
Checking the degeneracy of a surface at a point. More... | |
bool | CheckShellClosure (const MbFaceShell &shell, bool checkChangedOnly=false) |
Check of solid's shell for closedness. More... | |
bool | CheckSolidClosure (const MbSolid &solid) |
Check of solid's shell for closedness. More... | |
template<class EdgesVector > | |
bool | CheckBoundaryEdges (const EdgesVector &allEdges, EdgesVector *boundaryEdges) |
Search for the boundary edges of a closed shell. More... | |
bool | CheckBadEdges (const c3d::ConstEdgesVector &allEdges, c3d::ConstEdgesVector *badEdges) |
Search of incorrect edges. More... | |
template<class VerticesVector > | |
bool | CheckInexactVertices (const VerticesVector &vertArr, double mAcc, VerticesVector *inexactVerts) |
Search for inexact vertices. More... | |
bool | IsInexactIntersectionCurve (const MbSurfaceIntersectionCurve &curve, double mMaxAcc) |
Is the curve of intersection inaccurate. More... | |
bool | IsInexactEdge (const MbCurveEdge &edge, double mMaxAcc) |
Is the curve of intersection edges inaccurate. More... | |
template<class EdgesVector > | |
bool | CheckInexactEdges (const EdgesVector &allEdges, double mAcc, EdgesVector *inexactEdges) |
Approximate search of inexact edges. More... | |
void | CheckBadFaces (const MbFaceShell &shell, bool &areIdenticalBaseSurfaces, bool &areBadFacePointers) |
Check of substrates and pointers to faces. More... | |
bool | CheckLoopsInterposition (const MbFace &face) |
Check interposition of face loops. More... | |
bool | CheckLoopConnection (const MbFace &face, const MbLoop &loop, double &lengthTolerance, double ¶mTolerance, c3d::IndicesPairsVector &badLocs) |
Check for connectivity of loop edges. More... | |
bool | CheckLoopConnection (const MbFace &face, const MbLoop &loop, double &lengthTolerance, double *paramTolerance, c3d::ConstOrientEdgesVector &badConnectedEdges, c3d::ConstEdgesVector &badVertexEdges) |
Check for connectivity of a loop edges. More... | |
bool | CheckLoopConnection (const MbFace &face, const MbLoop &loop, double &lengthTolerance, double *paramTolerance, c3d::ConstOrientEdgesVector &badConnectedEdges) |
Check for connectivity of a loop edges. More... | |
bool | CheckLoopConnection (const MbFace &face, const MbLoop &loop, double &lengthTolerance, double *paramTolerance) |
Check for connectivity of a loop edges. More... | |
bool | FindLoopsSelfIntersections (const MbFace &face, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, bool checkInsideEdges, std::vector< std::pair< c3d::IndicesPair, MbCartPoint3D > > *loopPnts) |
Find face loops with self-intersections. More... | |
bool | CheckFacesConnection (const RPArray< MbFace > &faces) |
Check for connectivity of faces 'faces'. More... | |
bool | CheckFacesConnection (const c3d::FacesVector &faces) |
Check for connectivity of faces 'faces'. More... | |
bool | CheckFacesConnection (const c3d::ConstFacesVector &faces) |
Check for connectivity of faces 'faces'. More... | |
bool | FindOverlappingSimilarFaces (const MbFaceShell &srcShell, const MbFaceShell &dstShell, bool sameNormals, c3d::IndicesPairsVector &simPairs) |
Find "parent" faces of a derived shell in the initial shell. More... | |
bool | FindFacesEdgesCarriers (const c3d::ConstEdgesVector &edges, const MbFaceShell &shell, bool sameNormals, c3d::IndicesPairsVector &efPairs) |
Find faces edges of the derived shell are based on. More... | |
bool | RepairEdge (MbCurveEdge &edge, bool updateFacesBounds) |
Repair incorrect edge of a shell. More... | |
bool | RepairEdges (MbFaceShell &shell, bool updateFacesBounds=true) |
Repair incorrect edges of a shell. More... | |
bool | RepairVertices (MbFaceShell &shell) |
Repair incorrect vertices of a shell. More... | |
bool | RemoveCommonSurfaceSubstrates (MbFaceShell &shell, bool checkEdges=true) |
Remove common surface substrates. More... | |
bool | ResetSurfacesBoundingBoxes (MbFaceShell &shell, bool updateBasisParameticLimits=false) |
Reset bounding boxes of surfaces. More... | |
bool | ResetSurfaceBoundingBoxes (MbSurface &surface, bool updateBasisParameticLimits=false) |
Reset bounding boxes of a surface. More... | |
bool | ResetCurvesTemporaryData (MbFaceShell &shell) |
Reset all temporary data of curves. More... | |
ThreeStates | IsOrientedOutward (const MbFaceShell &shell) |
Checking shell orientation. More... | |
bool | CheckTopologyItemsMainNames (const MbFaceShell &shell, c3d::ConstEdgesVector &edges, c3d::ConstVerticesVector &vertices) |
Check whether vertices and edges names contain a main name of one of the parents (edges and faces corresponding). More... | |
bool | AddEdgeSmoothnessAttributes (MbFaceShell &shell, bool skipExisting) |
Add edges smoothness attributes. More... | |
bool | AddEdgeSmoothnessAttributes (MbFaceShell &shell, bool skipExisting, c3d::ConstEdgesVector &filledEdges, c3d::ConstEdgesVector &emptyEdges) |
Add edges smoothness attributes. More... | |
bool | UpdateEdgeSmoothnessAttributes (MbFaceShell &shell) |
Update edges smoothness attributes data. More... | |
bool | RemoveEdgeSmoothnessAttributes (MbFaceShell &shell) |
Remove edges smoothness attributes. More... | |
const MbDoubleRangeAttribute * | GetEdgeSmoothnessAttribute (const MbCurveEdge &edge) |
Get edge smoothness attribute from an edge. More... | |
MbResultType | IsDegeneratedElementary (const MbSurface &inputSurface, double accuracy=Math::metricPrecision) |
Check whether the surface is degenerated. More... | |
Diagnostics of shells and their components.