C3D Toolkit
Kernel - 117982, Vision -
This is the complete list of members for MbSpine, including all inherited members.
_FirstDer(double t, MbVector3D &p) const | MbSpine | inline |
_PointOn(double t, MbCartPoint3D &p) const | MbSpine | inline |
_SecondDer(double t, MbVector3D &p) const | MbSpine | inline |
_ThirdDer(double t, MbVector3D &p) const | MbSpine | inline |
AddRef() const | MbRefItem | |
ByOptionalCurve() const | MbSpine | inline |
BySurfaceNormal() const | MbSpine | inline |
CalculateMatrix(double &v, bool ext, MbMatrix3D &matrix0, MbMatrix3D &matrix1, MbMatrix3D &matrix2) const | MbSpine | |
ChangeCurve(const MbCurve3D &) | MbSpine | |
ChangeOptionalCurve(const MbCurve3D &) | MbSpine | |
Create(const MbCurve3D &c, bool parallel, bool same, VERSION vers=Math::DefaultMathVersion()) | MbSpine | static |
Create(const MbCurve3D &c, bool same, const MbVector3D &dir, bool parallel, VERSION vers=Math::DefaultMathVersion()) | MbSpine | static |
Create(const MbCurve3D &sp, bool sameS, const MbCurve3D &dc, bool sameD, bool parallel, VERSION vers=Math::DefaultMathVersion()) | MbSpine | static |
Create(const MbCurve3D &sp, bool sameS, const MbSurface &surf, const MbCurve *pCrv, VERSION vers) | MbSpine | static |
Create(const MbWireFrame &wireFrame, bool same, const MbVector3D *direction, bool parallel, VERSION version) | MbSpine | static |
Create(const MbWireFrame &wireFrame, bool same, const MbSurface &surface, const MbCurve *pCurve, VERSION version) | MbSpine | static |
DecRef() const | MbRefItem | |
DeviationStep(double t, double angle) const | MbSpine | |
Duplicate(MbRegDuplicate *=nullptr) const | MbSpine | |
Explore(double &t, bool ext, MbCartPoint3D &pnt, MbVector3D &fir, MbVector3D *sec, MbVector3D *thir) const | MbSpine | inlinevirtual |
FirstDer(double &t, MbVector3D &p) const | MbSpine | inline |
GetCurve() const | MbSpine | inline |
GetDirection() const | MbSpine | inline |
GetDirectionCurve() const | MbSpine | inline |
GetFeatureCurve() const | MbSpine | inline |
GetLocalAxisMethod() const | MbSpine | inline |
GetOrt0() const | MbSpine | inline |
GetOrtParam() const | MbSpine | inline |
GetPlacement(double v) const | MbSpine | |
GetPlacement(double v, MbPlacement3D &pl) const | MbSpine | |
GetPureName(const VersionContainer &) const | TapeBase | virtual |
GetRegistrable() const | TapeBase | |
GetSegmentsCount() const | MbSpine | |
GetSpineSurface() const | MbSpine | inline |
GetTMax() const | MbSpine | inline |
GetTMin() const | MbSpine | inline |
GetUseCount() const | MbRefItem | |
GetVersion() const | MbSpine | inline |
Inverse(MbRegTransform *iReg=nullptr) | MbSpine | |
IsA() const | MbSpine | inline |
IsClosed() const | MbSpine | inline |
IsFamilyRegistrable() const | TapeBase | virtual |
IsParallel() const | MbSpine | inline |
IsSame(const MbSpine &other, double accuracy=LENGTH_EPSILON) const | MbSpine | |
IsSimilar(const MbSpine &) const | MbSpine | |
IsUserDirection() const | MbSpine | inline |
la_calcDirection enum value | MbSpine | |
la_optionalCurve enum value | MbSpine | |
la_planeParallel enum value | MbSpine | |
la_surfaceNormal enum value | MbSpine | |
la_userDirection enum value | MbSpine | |
LocalAxes enum name | MbSpine | |
MbRefItem() | MbRefItem | protected |
MbSpine(const MbCurve3D &cur, bool par, bool same, VERSION vers=Math::DefaultMathVersion()) | MbSpine | protected |
MbSpine(const MbCurve3D &cur, bool same, const MbVector3D &dir, bool par, VERSION vers=Math::DefaultMathVersion()) | MbSpine | protected |
MbSpine(const MbCurve3D &cur, bool same, const MbCurve3D &opt, bool sameO, bool par, VERSION vers=Math::DefaultMathVersion()) | MbSpine | protected |
Move(const MbVector3D &, MbRegTransform *=nullptr) | MbSpine | |
MoveVector(double &v, MbVector3D &vect) const | MbSpine | |
PointOn(double &t, MbCartPoint3D &p) const | MbSpine | inline |
PrepareWrite() const | MbSpine | inline |
RefType() const | MbRefItem | virtual |
Release() const | MbRefItem | |
Reset() | MbSpine | |
Rotate(const MbAxis3D &, double angle, MbRegTransform *=nullptr) | MbSpine | |
SecondDer(double &t, MbVector3D &p) const | MbSpine | inline |
SetCurve() | MbSpine | inline |
SetDirection(const MbVector3D &d, bool checkBySpineCurve=false) | MbSpine | |
SetEqual(const MbSpine &) | MbSpine | |
SetLocalAxisMethod(LocalAxes la) | MbSpine | inline |
SetOrtParam(double t) | MbSpine | |
SetRegistrable(RegistrableRec regs=registrable) const | TapeBase | |
Step(double t, double sag) const | MbSpine | |
TapeBase(RegistrableRec regs=noRegistrable) | TapeBase | |
TapeBase(const TapeBase &) | TapeBase | |
ThirdDer(double &t, MbVector3D &p) const | MbSpine | inline |
Transform(const MbMatrix3D &, MbRegTransform *=nullptr) | MbSpine | |
TransformMatrix(double v, MbMatrix3D &matrix) const | MbSpine | |
~TapeBase() | TapeBase | virtual |