C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 action_analysis.hFunctions for normals and curvature analysis of surfaces and curves
 action_b_shaper.hFunctions for conversion of the polygonal geometric object to BRep objects
 action_curve.hFunctions for two-dimensional curves construction
 action_curve3d.hFunctions for three-dimensional curves construction
 action_direct.hFunctions for direct editing of solids
 action_general.hFunctions for operating with curves, surfaces, shells and solids
 action_mesh.hFunctions for construction of the polygonal geometric object
 action_phantom.hCreation of phantom operations
 action_point.hFunctions for points creation
 action_sheet.hFunctions for operating with a sheet metal solid
 action_shell.hFunctions for open solids construction
 action_solid.hFunctions for creation of solids, operations on solids
 action_surface.hFunctions for surfaces creation
 action_surface_curve.hFunctions for three-dimensional curves construction
 action_wireframe.hFunctions for wire frame creation
 alg_base.hCommon auxiliary functions
 alg_circle_curve.hCircle construction, center of circle calculation
 alg_curve_delete_part.hOperations with a curve in two-dimensional space. Deletion of a curve piece
 alg_curve_distance.hConstruction of curves in two-dimensional space
 alg_curve_envelope.hOperations with curves in two-dimensional space
 alg_curve_equid.hConstruction of equidistance. Construction of hatching
 alg_curve_fillet.hConstruction of fillet or chamfer between two curves in two-dimensional space
 alg_curve_hatch.hIntersection of curves in two-dimensional space for hatching
 alg_curve_tangent.hConstruction of line
 alg_dimension.hRadial dimension of surface. Distance between surfaces
 alg_diskrete_length_data.hData for support of discrete length/radius/distance in processes of input of curves by user
 alg_draw.hObjects drawing
 alg_indicator.hA progress indicator
 alg_max_distance.hDefinition of distance between objects
 alg_nurbs_conic.hConstruction of conic sections as NURBS curves
 alg_polyline.hFunctions to create curves for external use
 alg_silhouette_hide.hObtaining the isocline curves
 assembly.hAssembly unit
 assisting_item.hAssisting item of the geometric model
 ats_check.hFunctions for solids comparison and testing
 attr_color.hAttributes. Color. Thickness of drawing lines. Style of drawing lines. Properties for OpenGL
 attr_common_attribute.hCommon attributes subtype
 attr_dencity.hAttributes. Density
 attr_elementary_attribute.hElementary attributes subtype
 attr_flange_attribute.hSwept flange attribute of a sheet solid
 attr_geometric_attribute.hGeometric attribute
 attr_hotpoint_attribute.hAttribute of hot-point
 attr_identifier.hObject identifier
 attr_product.hProduct attributes
 attr_registry.hAttribute definition instance
 attr_selected.hAttributes. Selection. Visibility. Modification
 attr_stamprib_attribute.hAttribute of reinforsed rib of sheet solid
 attr_user_attribute.hUser attributes
 attr_uuid_attribute.hUuid attribute for instances
 attribute_container.hAn attribute container
 attribute_item.hObject attributes
 cdet_bool.hCalculation of intersections between solids using the boolean operations
 cdet_data.hData types of collision detection
 cdet_utility.hUtility of collision detection and proximity queries
 check_geometry.hDiagnostics of shells and their components
 collection.hCollection of elements
 comanager.hModule: COMANAGER
 constraint.hGeometric constraint
 constraint_item.h2D-constraints between geometric objects of C3D-model
 contour_graph.hContours construction
 conv_annotation_item.hObjects used for import and export of annotation and dimensions
 conv_exchange_settings.hSettings of import and export procedure
 conv_model_document.hEntities of converter-compatible model: document, part, assembly, instance
 conv_model_exchange.hCommon API of the converter
 conv_predefined.hEnumerations for import/export operations
 conv_requestor.hInterface of scale request. Interface of stitching request
 conv_res_type.hEnumeration with the result of conversion
 conv_topo_mesh.hПреобразователь сетки к форме, сохраняющей связи граней и полигонов
 cr_attribute_provider.hTopological objects attributes provider
 cr_beam_creator.hConstructor of beam curve
 cr_boolean_solid.hBoolean operation constructor
 cr_chamfer_solid.hConstructor of solid with edges' chamfers
 cr_connecting_curve.hConstructor of curve connecting two curves
 cr_cutting_solid.hCut solid constructor
 cr_detach_solid.hSubdivision of face set into connected parts
 cr_displace_creator.hConstructors of displacement of an object
 cr_draft_solid.hConstructor of a shell with drafted faces
 cr_duplication_solid.hConstructor of duplication face sets
 cr_elementary_solid.hConstruction of shell for elementary solid
 cr_evolution_solid.hConstructor of shell of evolution solid
 cr_extending_curve.hConstructor of curve extension
 cr_extension_shell.hConstruction of an extended face of a shell
 cr_extrusion_solid.hConstructor of an extrusion solid's shell
 cr_fair_curve.hConstructor of fair curve
 cr_fillet_solid.hEdges fillet constructor
 cr_fillet_wireframe.hWire frame fillets creator
 cr_hole_solid.hConstructor of shell of hole, pocket, groove
 cr_intersection_curve.hIntersection curve constructor
 cr_join_shell.hConstruction of a join shell
 cr_lofted_solid.hConstructor of a lofted shell
 cr_median_shell.hConstruction of a median shell between faces of solid
 cr_mesh_creator.hConstruction of polygonal object
 cr_mesh_shell.hConstruction of a shell from a mesh of curves
 cr_modified_nurbs_.hConstructor of a shell with deformable faces
 cr_modified_solid.hConstructor of a modified shell
 cr_nurbs3d.hConstructor of the spatial spline with tangents
 cr_nurbs_block_solid.hConstructor of a block from NURBS-surfaces
 cr_nurbs_surfaces_solid.hConstruction of a sell from NURBS-surfaces
 cr_nurbs_wireframe.hCreator NURBS copies of the wire frame
 cr_offset_curve.hOffset curve constructor
 cr_patch_creator.hConstruction of a patch-shaped shell
 cr_projection_curve.hProjection wireframe constructor
 cr_revolution_solid.hConstructor of a revolution shell
 cr_rib_solid.hConstructor of a solid with a rib
 cr_ruled_shell.hConstruct a ruled shell
 cr_section_shell.hConstructor of shell on mutable section surface
 cr_sheet_bend_any_solid.hConstruction of a shell from any solid with bends
 cr_sheet_bend_by_edge_solid.hConstruction of bends by edges of a shell of a solid from sheet material
 cr_sheet_bend_over_seg_solid.hConstruction of a shell from sheet material bent along a segment
 cr_sheet_bend_unbend_solid.hConstruction of a shell from sheet material with bend/unbend
 cr_sheet_builder_solid.hConstructor of the sheet metal shell based on an arbitrary solid
 cr_sheet_closed_corner_solid.hConstruction of a shell from sheet material with corner enclosure
 cr_sheet_joint_bend_solid.hA composite bend construction
 cr_sheet_metal_solid.hConstruction of a shell from sheet material
 cr_sheet_normalize_holes_solid.hNormalization of the holes of sheet solid
 cr_sheet_restored_edges_solid.hConstruction of side edges of bends
 cr_sheet_simplified_flat_solid.hConstruction of the simplified flat pattern
 cr_sheet_union_solid.hConstructor of operation of union of sheet solids by butt
 cr_simple_creator.hConstructor of solid shell without history
 cr_smooth_solid.hConstructor of chamfer or fillet of solid's edges
 cr_split_data.hTruncating elements of a shell
 cr_split_shell.hConstruction of a shell with splitting of faces
 cr_stamp_bead_solid.hConstructor of a shell from sheet material with a bead
 cr_stamp_jalousie_solid.hConstructor of a shell form sheet material with jalousie
 cr_stamp_jog_solid.hConstructor of a shell from sheet material with a jog
 cr_stamp_remove_solid.hConstruction of a shell without the specified operation
 cr_stamp_rib_solid.hConstructor of a sheet solid with a rib
 cr_stamp_ruled_solid.hConstructor of a sheet ruled shell
 cr_stamp_solid.hConstructor of a shell from the sheet material with stamping
 cr_stamp_spherical_solid.hConstructor of a shell from the sheet material with spherical stamping
 cr_stamp_user_solid.hConstructor of a shell from the sheet material with stamping by a tool solid
 cr_stitch_solid.hConstructor of a shell by stitching the faces
 cr_surface_spline.hConstructor of spline on a surface by points
 cr_swept_solid.hConstructor of a solid's shell of forming operation
 cr_symmetry_solid.hConstructor of a symmetric solid
 cr_thin_sheet.hConstruction of a shell from a surface
 cr_thin_shell_solid.hConstructor of an offset shell
 cr_transformed_solid.hConstructor of a transformed shell
 cr_trimmed_wireframe.hTrimmed wire frame creator
 cr_truncated_shell.hConstruction of a truncated shell
 cr_union_solid.hConstructor of union of two face sets to one face set
 cr_unwrap_curve.hUnwrapped curve creator
 cr_unwrap_point.hUnwrapped point creator
 cr_wireframe_creator.hConstruction of wireframe without history
 cr_wrap_curve.hWrapped curve creator
 cr_wrap_point.hWrapped point creator
 creator.hConstructor of object of the geometric model
 creator_transaction.hThe history tree of object
 cur_arc.hCircle, ellipse or circular or elliptical arc in two-dimensional space
 cur_arc3d.hEllipse in three-dimensional space
 cur_b_spline.hB-spline set of NURBS-curve
 cur_bezier.hBezier spline in two-dimensional space
 cur_bezier3d.hBezier spline in three-dimensional space
 cur_bridge3d.hBridge curve connecting ends of two curves
 cur_character_curve.hFunctionally defined two-dimensional curve
 cur_character_curve3d.hFunctionally defined curve
 cur_cone_spiral.hConical spiral
 cur_contour.hContour in two-dimensional space
 cur_contour3d.hContour in three-dimensional space
 cur_contour_on_plane.hContour on plane
 cur_contour_on_surface.hContour on surface
 cur_contour_with_breaks.hContour with breaks
 cur_cosinusoid.hCosinusoid in two-dimensional space
 cur_crooked_spiral.hSpiral with constant radius and axis defined by an arbitrary curve on the XZ plane "position"
 cur_cubic_spline.hCubic spline in two-dimensional space
 cur_cubic_spline3d.hCubic spline
 cur_curve_spiral.hSpiral with a variable radius which changes according to the generating curve
 cur_hermit.hComposite Hermite cubic spline in two-dimensional space
 cur_hermit3d.hComposite Hermite cubic spline
 cur_line.hLine in two-dimensional space
 cur_line3d.hLine in three-dimensional space
 cur_line_segment.hLine segment in two-dimensional space
 cur_line_segment3d.hLine segment in three-dimensional space
 cur_nurbs.hTwo-dimensional NURBS curve
 cur_nurbs3d.hA spatial NURBS curve
 cur_offset_curve.hOffset extended curve
 cur_offset_curve3d.hOffset curve in three-dimensional space
 cur_plane_curve.hPlane curve in three-dimensional space
 cur_point_curve.hThe curve degenerated to a point
 cur_polycurve.hCurve in two-dimensional space, defined by points
 cur_polycurve3d.hCurve in three-dimensional space, defined by control points
 cur_polyline.hPolyline in two-dimensional space
 cur_polyline3d.hPolyline in three-dimensional space
 cur_projection_curve.hProjection curve
 cur_reparam_curve.hReparametrized curve in two-dimensional space
 cur_reparam_curve3d.hReparametrized curve in three-dimensional space
 cur_silhouette_curve.hIsocline curve or silhouette curve of surface
 cur_surface_curve.hCurve on surface
 cur_surface_intersection.hIntersection curve of two surfaces
 cur_trimmed_curve.hTrimmed curve in two-dimensional space
 cur_trimmed_curve3d.hTrimmed curve in three-dimensional space
 curve.hCurve in two-dimensional space
 curve3d.hCurve in three-dimensional space
 dxf_converter.hDXF - converter
 dxf_data.hDXF - converter
 func_analytical_function.hSymbolic (user) functions
 func_composite_function.hComposite Function
 func_const_function.hLinear function
 func_cubic_function.hCubic Hermite function
 func_cubic_spline_function.hCubic spline function
 func_curve_coordinate.hThe function by curve coordinate
 func_line_function.hLinear function
 func_mono_smooth_function.hMonotone spline interpolation class c2 based one-parameter groups of diffeomorphisms (N.V. Osadchenko)
 func_nurbs_function.hNURBS function
 func_power_function.hPower function
 func_serve_function.hService function
 func_sinus_function.hSinus function
 function.hScalar function of parameter
 function_factory.hCreation of scalar functions
 gce_precision.hSet of constants and tolerance values to solve two-dimensional constraint problems
 gcm_manager.hObject API of geometric solver in 3D
 gcm_mates_generator.hTest generator of 3D-mates
 gcm_reposition.hAbstract for control of model position in the assembly
 gcm_res_code.hError codes of geometric solver for 3D
 gcm_routines.hAPI of procedures and functions of 3D solver
 gcm_types.hData types of geometric solver
 generic_utility.hTemplate utilities
 hash32.hHash-function with probability of collisions 1/(2^32)
 heal_imported.hPospprocessing of imported solids
 instance_item.hInstance of object
 io_base.hLightweight macros of serialization which contain functions declarations only
 io_define.hMacros of serialization, warnings suppression, memory control
 io_memory_buffer.hSerialization: memory buffer
 io_tape.hSerialization: utilities for reading and writing of stream classes
 io_tape_define.hSerialization: reading and writing of stream classes. Main definitions
 io_tree.hTree of geometric model
 io_version_container.hContainer of versions
 io_version_container_rw.hContainer of versions. Reading/writing
 item_registrator.hRegistrators of objects: copying and transformation
 last.hControl of memory leaks
 legend.hAuxiliary geometric object in the three-dimensional space
 lump.hSolid, matrix of its transformation and identifiers of owners
 m2b_mesh_curvature.hStruct to store curvatures, principal curvature directions and normals at mesh vertex
 map_create.hThe projection module. The general functions and interfaces
 map_implementation.hThe array of projections of solids
 map_lump.hObjects for the projection
 map_section.hThe projection module. Data structures which map a view of section of a solids set
 map_section_complex.hThe tool for the iterative construction of multi-segment section
 map_thread.hThe thread mapping definition
 map_vestige.hVestiges of three-dimensional objects
 math_cfg.hSystem and platform definition
 math_define.hBase macros and functions
 math_namespace.hC3D namespace
 math_version.hMathematical version
 math_x.hConnection of mathematical functions in LINUX and WINDOWS, and for Intel compiler
 mb_axis3d.hThe axis-vector which is attached to a fixed point
 mb_cart_point.hThe cartesian two-dimensional point
 mb_cart_point3d.hThe three-dimensional point
 mb_cross_point.hPoint on a curve. Intersection point of two curves
 mb_cube.hThe bounding box (cube) of a geometric object
 mb_cube_tree.hBounding boxes tree
 mb_dim_accuracy.hN-dimensional accuracy
 mb_dimension.hDimensions definition
 mb_enum.hThe enumerations
 mb_homogeneous.hExtended point with homogeneous coordinates in the two-dimensional space
 mb_homogeneous3d.hExtended point with homogeneous coordinates in the three-dimensional space
 mb_matrix.hThe extended matrix of transformation in a two-dimensional space
 mb_matrix3d.hThe extended matrix of transformation in a three-dimensional space
 mb_nurbs_function.hThe module of geometric constructions
 mb_operation_result.hOperation result
 mb_oriented_box.hArbitrarily oriented bounding box (OBB)
 mb_placement.hLocal coordinate system in two dimensional space
 mb_placement3d.hA local coordinate system
 mb_pmi.hAnnotation item
 mb_point_mating.hGeometric constructions module. Conjugation at point
 mb_property.hProperties of mathematical objects
 mb_property_title.hProperties of mathematical objects
 mb_rect.hBounding rectangle
 mb_rect1d.hBounding box objects. One-dimensional box
 mb_rect2d.hBounding box objects. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional boxes
 mb_rough.hRoughness conventional notation. Leader conventional notation
 mb_smooth_nurbs_fit_curve.hThe module of geometric constructions
 mb_symbol.hConventional notation classes definition
 mb_thread.hThread definition
 mb_variables.hConstants and variables
 mb_vector.hTwo-dimensional vector
 mb_vector3d.hVector in three-dimensional space
 mesh.hThe polygonal geometric object - Mesh
 mesh_float_point.hTwo-dimensional point of polygon or triangulation
 mesh_float_point3d.hPoint, vector and axis based on single precision floating point number (float)
 mesh_plane_grid.hTriangulation of two-dimensional region
 mesh_primitive.hBase class for mesh data structures (MbMesh). Vertex. Polygon
 mesh_triangle.hTriangulation data structures
 mip_curve_properties.hMass-inertial properties
 mip_solid_area_volume.hConstruction of solid triangulation
 mip_solid_mass_inertia.hInertial properties of solid
 model_entity.hGeometric model
 model_item.hA model geometric object
 model_tree.hImplementation of Model Tree classes
 model_tree_data.hImplementation of data of Model Tree node
 mt_ref_item.hSuperclass for objects their lifetime is automatically regulated by reference counter
 name_check.hThe treatment of names of topological objects
 name_contour_tree.hThe tree of named contours
 name_flags.hCommon interface for bit-flags treatment
 name_item.hA name of a topological object
 name_version.hVersion of an object topological name
 op_binding_data.hItems binding classes
 op_boolean_flags.hFlags of a boolean operation and its heirs
 op_curve_parameter.hParameters of operations on the curves
 op_direct_mod_parameter.hDirect modeling parameters
 op_duplication_parameter.hParameters of duplication
 op_mesh_parameter.hParameters of operations on the polygonal meshes
 op_shell_parameter.hParameters of operations on the solids
 op_swept_parameter.hParameters of operations on the solids
 op_wireframe_parameter.hParameters of operations on the wire frame
 pars_equation_tree.hNode of a binary tree
 pars_list.hList of variables
 pars_tree_variable.hInterface of variable
 pars_user_function.hUser-defined function
 pars_yacc.hAlgorithm of syntax parsing of algebraic expression
 part_solid.hIdentifiers of the parts of the solid
 plane_instance.hInstance of a two-dimensional object
 plane_item.hGeometric object in two-dimensional space
 point3d.hSpatial point with properties of geometric object
 position_data.hData for operation dimensions
 reference_item.hReference counter (of an object owners)
 region.hTwo-dimensional region
 sheet_metal_param.hStructures of parameters for sheet operation
 shell_history.hFaces history
 solid.hSolid solid
 space_instance.hInstance of three-dimensional object
 space_item.hGeometrical object in three-dimensional space
 surf_chamfer_surface.hChamfer surface
 surf_channel_surface.hFillet surface with variable radius is normal or with preservation of edges
 surf_cone_surface.hConical surface
 surf_coons_surface.hBicubic Coons surface on four curves and its transverse derivatives
 surf_coons_surface_.hBicubic Coons surface on four curves and its transverse derivatives. Temporary data
 surf_corner_surface.hTriangular surface on grid of three curves
 surf_cover_surface.hBilinear surface on four curves
 surf_curve_bounded_surface.hThe surface with an arbitrary curved boundary and possible cuts inside
 surf_cylinder_surface.hThe cylindrical surface
 surf_elementary_surface.hAn elementary surface
 surf_elevation_surface.hLofted surface with guide curve
 surf_evolution_surface.hThe swept surface
 surf_exaction_surface.hSweep with guide curve surface with rotating ends
 surf_expansion_surface.hMotion surface (plane-parallel swept surface)
 surf_exploration_surface.hThe swept surface with scaling and winding of generation curve
 surf_extrusion_surface.hExtrusion surface
 surf_fillet_surface.hFillet surface of constant radii, ordinary or with preservation of fillet
 surf_gregory_surface.hThe surface on the bounding contour
 surf_grid_surface.hSurface based on triangulation
 surf_join_surface.hThe surface of the joint
 surf_lofted_surface.hLofted surface
 surf_mesh_surface.hThe surface passing through two families of curves
 surf_offset_surface.hOffset surface
 surf_plane.hA plane
 surf_polysurface.hA surface specified by rectangular matrix of points
 surf_revolution_surface.hRevolution surface
 surf_ruled_surface.hRuled surface
 surf_section_surface.hThe mutable section surface
 surf_sector_surface.hSectorial surface
 surf_smooth_surface.hSmooth surface
 surf_sphere_surface.hSpherical surface
 surf_spine.hCurvilinear spine for sweep surface
 surf_spiral_surface.hSpiral surface
 surf_spline_surface.hNURBS surface
 surf_swept_surface.hSwept surface
 surf_tessellation.hFunctions for calculation step movement on the surface and the curve for methods of splitting the surface GetTesselation(..) and AddTesselation(..)
 surf_torus_surface.hToroidal surface
 system_atomic.hSystem-dependent atomic operations. If atomic operations are required, this file should be used (atomic must not be used!!!)
 system_cpp_standard.hC\C++ standards
 system_dependency.hSystem-dependent functions
 system_types.hBase types of data
 templ_array2.hTwo-dimensional array of objects
 templ_balance_tree.hBalanced tree
 templ_c_array.hDynamic one-dimensional array without counter of elements number
 templ_csp_array.hOrdered one-dimensional array of pointers
 templ_css_array.hOrdered one-dimensional array of objects
 templ_delete_define.hTypes of deletion of elements from array
 templ_dptr.hSmart pointer to objects without reference counters
 templ_fdp_array.hOne-dimensional array of pointers
 templ_fdp_array_.hStandard implementations of FDPArray elements deletion functions
 templ_fdp_array_rw.hSerialization of FDPArray
 templ_ifc_array.hOne-dimensional array of pointers with counting of references
 templ_ifc_array_rw.hSerialization of IFC_Array
 templ_im_array.hOrdered array of indices of the given PArray
 templ_kdtree.hK-d tree
 templ_multimap.hMultiset implementing the core functionality of std::multimap
 templ_p_array.hOne-dimensional array of pointers
 templ_p_array_rw.hSerialization of PArray
 templ_parameter.hParamenter with the control of being changed
 templ_pointer.hSmart pointer
 templ_rp_array.hOne-dimensional array of pointers
 templ_rp_array_rw.hSerialization of RPArray
 templ_rp_stack.hNot owning stack of pointers
 templ_rw_operator.hFunctions of serialization
 templ_s_array.hOne-dimensional array of objects
 templ_s_array_rw.hSerialization of SArray
 templ_s_queue.hQueue of objects without destructors
 templ_sfdp_array.hSorted one-dimensional array of pointers to objects
 templ_sfp_array.hOrdered array of pointers
 templ_sp_array.hOrdered array of pointers
 templ_sparse_array2.hTwo-dimensional array of objects
 templ_sptr.hSmart pointer and reference to objects with reference counter
 templ_ss_array.hOrdered array of objects
 templ_stack.hA stack of objects
 templ_t_list.hSerialization of list
 templ_three_states.hTree-position flag
 templ_type_modified.hAn object with the modifications flag
 templ_visitor.hVisitor of classes
 tool_enabler.hKernel modules enabler
 tool_err_handling.hError-handling services
 tool_log.hInformation logging
 tool_memory_debug.hMemory allocation control during the debugging process
 tool_memory_leaks_check.hСлежение за утечками
 tool_memory_leaks_utils.hУтилиты Слежения за утечками
 tool_multithreading.hManaging of parallel data processing
 tool_mutex.hLocks implementation on base of system synchronization mechanisms and OpenMP locks. details Implementation of locks (including scoped lock) on base of system synchronization mechanisms and OpenMP locks.
 tool_progress_indicator.hA run progress indicator
 tool_quick_sort.hA sorting function
 tool_string_util.hUtility functions for working with strings
 tool_time_test.hA debug tool for collection of the information about the algorithm running time
 tool_uuid.hGlobal unique identifier
 topology.hTopological objects: vertices, edges, loop, face
 topology_faceset.hShell or set of faces
 topology_item.hTopological object in three-dimensional space
 topology_iterator.hIterators for model traverse: containers, assemblies, faces, edges, verticies of solids, loops of faces, edges of loops, faces and edjes adjacent to verticies
 tri_face.hApproximation of face by array of triangular and quadrangular plates
 tri_lump.hMathematical face and its calculated grid
 vsn_abscoordinatelistener.hAbsCoordinateListener class is the base abstract class taking events from any virtual interaction device, for example, mouse, keyboard, etc
 vsn_absinputcommand.hAbsInputCommand class is a base class for input of certain comands
 vsn_absinputdevice.hAbsInputDevice class is a base class used by Vision to interact with arbitrary input devices
 vsn_absvisioncomponent.hAbsVisionComponent class is a base class for any Vision component. AbsVisionComponent class provides homogeneity of classes and their interaction
 vsn_angledimensiongeometry.hAngleDimensionGeometry class serves for building an angular size
 vsn_angledimensionrep.hAngleDimensionRep class is an auxiliary class and represents API to control geometry
 vsn_annotationgeometry.hAnnotationGeometry class is a parent geometry class that is inherited by such geometric representations as sizes, lables, etc
 vsn_application.hClass Application is a implementation of the window rendering using OpenGL
 vsn_baseapplication.hClass BaseApplication is a implementation of the window rendering using OpenGL
 vsn_basicobject.hBasicObject class is the base class for all objects
 vsn_boundingboxgeometry.hBoundingBoxGeometry is bounding box and serves for displaying an informational graph size in a scene by specified segment
 vsn_boundingboxrep.hBoundingBoxRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control BoundingBoxGeometry geometry. BoundingBoxRep class is a representation of a bounding box and serves for displaying informational graph size in a scene by the specified segment and outputting numerical values of all axes in the form of a scale
 vsn_boxgeometry.hBoxGeometry class presents geometry as a box
 vsn_boxrep.hBoxRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control BoxGeometry geometry
 vsn_brush.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_buttoncoordinput.hButtonCoordInput class takes events from the assigned device, for example, mouse, etc. Events are taken when interacting with device buttons if any
 vsn_camera.hCamera for 3D scene rendering
 vsn_color.hColor class defines color based on RGB, HSV, or CMYK values
 vsn_colorarray.hImage class provides a device-independent image
 vsn_command.hCommand class links AbsInputCommand set running the same event
 vsn_commandcontainer.hCommandContainer class gives the user an opportunity to define an action set, that the user needs to use in his application
 vsn_commentrep.hCommentRep class presents a text in a frame on a leader line
 vsn_commonmatrix.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_conegeometry.hConeGeometry class presents cone geometry
 vsn_conerep.hConeRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control ConeGeometry geometry
 vsn_coordlocationlistener.hCoordLocationListener class controls values of coordinates from interaction devices, for example, 3D-mouse and keyboard
 vsn_coordlocator.hAbsCoordLocator class converts coordinate values from interaction devices, for example, mouse or keyboard
 vsn_coordtuning.hCoordTuning class stores the settings for the specified coordinate list
 vsn_cuttingtool.hThe tool to control planes of a dynamic section
 vsn_cylindergeometry.hCylinderGeometry class presents geometry as a cylinder
 vsn_cylinderrep.hCylinderRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control CylinderGeometry geometry
 vsn_diameterdimensiongeometry.hDiameterDimensionGeometry class serves for building a diametrical size
 vsn_diameterdimensionrep.hDiameterDimensionRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control DiameterDimensionGeometry geometry
 vsn_dimensiongeometry.hDimensionGeometry class is the base class of geometry for two-dimensional representations of linear, radial, angular sizes
 vsn_dimensionrep.hDimensionRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control DimensionGeometry geometry
 vsn_essence.hEssence is a node subclass aggregating several instances of features for behavior definition
 vsn_explodedispatcher.hClass ExplodeDispatcher is used to manage the process of disassembling objects the geometric model (scene segments), it also provides support for working with GUI tabs and provides various viewing modes
 vsn_feature.hFeature presents the C3D Vision base type for creating 3D Features. It is the basic scene node class that can aggregate with Essence instances like a feature
 vsn_fields.hFields class defines four rectangle fields
 vsn_flags.hFlags template class presents a type-safe method of storing OR-combinations of enumeration values
 vsn_fontregistry.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_geometry.hGeometry class is the base class for all geometric objects
 vsn_geometrybuilder.hNOT TRANSLATED
 vsn_geometryfactory.hGeometryFactory class presents a factory of geometric object representations, and also generates the prepared scene for the next rendering
 vsn_geometryrep.h3D geometry representation
 vsn_geomsamples.hSamples of classes that include geometric data
 vsn_global.hGlobal type declarations and defines
 vsn_globalflags.hGlobal settings for visualization module
 vsn_graphicsscene.hGraphicsScene class represents the scene rendering implementation
 vsn_graphicssceneengine.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_graphicsview.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_gridgeometry.hFile contain a class of the geometry grid
 vsn_heightmapsurfacegeometry.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_heightmapsurfacerep.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_hotpointwidget.hHotPointWidget is a special HotPoint control
 vsn_image.hImage class provides a device-independent image
 vsn_inputcommand.hInputCommand class stores input devices, and also button codes, that will be used as events further
 vsn_inputinstallation.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_iterator.hIterator with an arbitrary access
 vsn_keyboarddevice.hNOT TRANSLATED
 vsn_labelgeometry.hClass LabelGeometry is a geometry object shows text with borders
 vsn_light.hLight source
 vsn_lineardimensiongeometry.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_material.hMaterial class and SelectionMaterial class for working with visual properties of the material
 vsn_mathbasegeometry.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_mathgeometry.hClass MathGeometry presents geometry for next rendering that was generated with math representation
 vsn_mathgroupgeometry.hThe MathGroupGeometry class is for drawing grouped polygon object
 vsn_mathgrouprepresentation.hMathGroupRepresentation class is an auxiliary class and represents API to control geometry
 vsn_mathrepresentation.hMathRepresentation class is an auxiliary class and represents API to control geometry
 vsn_mathsketchgeometry.hClass MathSketchGeometry presents geometry for next rendering that was generated with math representation
 vsn_mathsketchrep.hMathSketchRep class is an auxiliary class and represents API to control geometry
 vsn_matrix3d.hThe extended matrix of transformation in a three-dimensional space
 vsn_meshgeometry.hMeshGeometry class for rendering polygon object
 vsn_metaobject.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_mousedevice.hNOT TRANSLATED
 vsn_mouseevent.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_mouseeventhandler.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_mutex.hMutex class presents non-recursive semantics of ownership and recursive one as well. MutexLocker class is a class for comfort that simplifies blocking and unlocking mutexes
 vsn_node.hNode class is the base class for all C3D Vision classes that are used to construct a scene
 vsn_nodekey.hNode unique key
 vsn_nodemodification.hNCreatedModificationBasic class is the base class for all ModificationFlag::NodeCreated SceneModification events
 vsn_object.hObject class is the base class for all scene objects
 vsn_objectdefs.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_objectpickselection.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_openglcontextinterface.hOpenGLContextInterface class presents own OpenGL context allowing to render OpenGL in a system window
 vsn_openglfbo.hOpenGLFramebufferObject class encapsulates framebuffer OpenGL object
 vsn_openglfunctionlistinterface.hThe OpenGLFunctionList class provides cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 functions
 vsn_orientationmarker.hOrientationMarker is a class for controlling the camera orientation
 vsn_patternmaterial.hVisual properties of the stencil material
 vsn_pen.hPen devinition and predefined styles
 vsn_platformrenderingarea.hPlatformRenderingArea class provides abstraction for surface
 vsn_point.hPointI and PointF class defines point on the plane using integer precision
 vsn_point3d.hThe three-dimensional point
 vsn_polygongeometry.hThe PolygonGeometry class is a geometry object of curve primitives
 vsn_polygonrep.hNOT TRANSLATED
 vsn_postprocessing.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_prabscamera.hPrAbstractCamera class is the base class that performs processing of the user's input and operates with the scene
 vsn_prcameracomplexrotation.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_prcameraorbit.hPrCameraOrbit class provides interactive user actions, i.e. camera control and its orbiting
 vsn_prcamerarelativeorbit.hPrCameraRelativeOrbit class provides interactive user actions, i.e. camera control and its orbiting
 vsn_prcamerarotate.hPrCameraRotate class provides interactive user actions, i.e. camera control and its orbiting
 vsn_prcamerazoombox.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_prchangewidget.hThe set of standard models of the widget
 vsn_prfindselectobject.hThe file contains classes searching objects under the mouse cursor or objects getting in a bounding rectangle
 vsn_radialdimensiongeometry.hRadialDimensionGeometry class serves for building a radial dimension
 vsn_radialdimensionrep.hRadialDimensionRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control RadialDimensionGeometry geometry
 vsn_rect.hRectI class defines rectangle in the plane using integer precision
 vsn_rendercontainer.hContainer for visual objects that includes visual object map and shader linking map
 vsn_renderingarea.hRenderingArea class represents abstract surface for visualization
 vsn_renderingareaformat.hRenderingAreaFormat class represents RenderingArea format
 vsn_renderobject.hRenderObject class contains GeometryRep + bounding box
 vsn_renderpostprocess.hRenderPostProcess class allows you to perform the final post-processing of the scene with a shader
 vsn_renderstate.hRenderstate class represents an object rendering state
 vsn_renderstatistics.hRenderStatistics class provides the functional to compile statistics of the scene rendering
 vsn_resourcestream.hResourceStream class is a stream intended for reading data from resource (memory)
 vsn_scenecontent.hSceneContent class represents scene content as the graph
 vsn_scenemodification.hThe base class for all changes that can be sent and received by C3D Vision change notification system
 vsn_scenesegment.hSceneSegment class is the base class for all segments in the scene graph
 vsn_scsegmentdata.hSceneSegmentData class represents scene segment data
 vsn_scsegmentref.hSceneSegmentRef class sets reference to geometry representation
 vsn_segmentfeatures.hScene segment features
 vsn_selectionmanager.hSelectionManager class controls a list of selected items
 vsn_shader.hShader class implements a pixel shader and its program. This class provides loading and also compiling and performing subprogram of vertexes and shader itself
 vsn_size.hSizeI class describes a size and uses an integer precision
 vsn_string.hGeneral String class based on Unicode standard
 vsn_textsamples.hGeomFTTextObject class generates text string for outputting on the screen
 vsn_texture2d.hTexture2D class is for processing 2D textures. The class is used to create textures on the fly or to change the existing texture resources
 vsn_texture3d.hTexture3D class is for processing 3D textures. The class is used to create textures on the fly or to change the existing texture resources
 vsn_torusgeometry.hTorusGeometry class presents geometry as a torus
 vsn_torusrep.hTorusRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control TorusGeometry geometry
 vsn_transform.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_triadrep.hTriadRep class used for building a geometry of three axes
 vsn_variant.hVariant class implements union of most common data types in Vision and supports fixed set of types
 vsn_vector3d.hVector in three-dimensional space
 vsn_viewport.hViewport class defines viewport
 vsn_visionwork.hNOT TRANSLATED
 vsn_waitcondition.hNO TRANSLATION
 vsn_widgetmodels.hThe set of standard models of the widget
 vsn_widgets.hHe set of standard widgets
 vsn_window.hClass Window is a implementation of the window rendering using OpenGL
 vsn_wireframegeometry.hAbstract base class for rendering geometry
 wire_frame.hThree-dimensional wire frame
 wireframe_point.hWire frame point