C3D Toolkit
Kernel - 117982, Vision -
General String class based on Unicode standard. More...
#include <vsn_string.h>
Public Member Functions | |
String () | |
Default constructor creating an empty String. | |
String (const String &str) | |
Copy constructor from another String object. | |
String (const char *str) | |
Constructor by defined pointer to const char. | |
String (char *str) | |
Constructor by defined pointer to char. | |
String (const char *str, unsigned length) | |
Constructor by defined pointer to const char and by length. | |
String (const wchar_t *str) | |
Constructor by defined pointer to null-terminated const wchar_t. | |
String (wchar_t *str) | |
Constructor by defined pointer to null-terminated wchar_t. | |
String (const WString &str) | |
Constructor by WString. | |
String (int value) | |
Constructor by integer. | |
String (short value) | |
Constructor by short integer. | |
String (long value) | |
Constructor by long integer. | |
String (long long value) | |
Constructor by long long integer. | |
String (unsigned value) | |
Constructor by unsigned integer. | |
String (unsigned short value) | |
Constructor by unsigned short integer. | |
String (unsigned long value) | |
Constructor by unsigned long integer. | |
String (unsigned long long value) | |
Constructor by unsigned long long integer. | |
String (float value) | |
Constructor by float. | |
String (double value) | |
Constructor by double. | |
String (bool value) | |
Constructor by bool. | |
String (char value) | |
Constructor by character. | |
String (char value, unsigned length) | |
Constructor by character and length. | |
template<class T > | |
String (const T &value) | |
Constructor by arbitrary type. | |
~String () | |
Destructor. | |
String & | operator= (const String &rhs) |
Assigns String. | |
String & | operator= (const char *rhs) |
Assigns the specified pointer to const char. | |
String & | operator+= (const String &rhs) |
Assigns and add the specified String. | |
String & | operator+= (const char *rhs) |
Assigns and adds the specified ponter to const char. | |
String & | operator+= (char rhs) |
Assigns and adds the specified char. | |
String & | operator+= (int rhs) |
Assigns and adds integer, with concatenation as a string. | |
String & | operator+= (short rhs) |
Assigns and adds short integer, with concatenation as a string. | |
String & | operator+= (long rhs) |
Assigns and adds long integer, with concatenation as a string. | |
String & | operator+= (long long rhs) |
Assigns and adds long long integer, with concatenation as a string. | |
String & | operator+= (unsigned rhs) |
Assigns and adds unsigned integer, with concatenation as a string. | |
String & | operator+= (unsigned short rhs) |
Assigns and adds unsigned unsigned integer, with concatenation as a string. | |
String & | operator+= (unsigned long rhs) |
Assigns and adds unsigned long unsigned integer, with concatenation as a string. | |
String & | operator+= (unsigned long long rhs) |
Assigns and adds long long unsigned integer, with concatenation as a string. | |
String & | operator+= (float rhs) |
Assigns and adds float, with concatenation as a string. | |
String & | operator+= (bool rhs) |
Assigns and adds bool, with concatenation as a string. | |
template<class T > | |
String | operator+= (const T &rhs) |
Assigns and adds arbitrary type, with concatenation as a string. | |
String | operator+ (const String &rhs) const |
Adds String. | |
String | operator+ (const char *rhs) const |
Adds const char array. | |
bool | operator== (const String &rhs) const |
Checks equality to another string. | |
bool | operator!= (const String &rhs) const |
Checks inequality to another string. | |
bool | operator< (const String &rhs) const |
Checks if string is less than another string. | |
bool | operator> (const String &rhs) const |
Checks if string is more than another string. | |
bool | operator== (const char *rhs) const |
Checks conformance to const char string. | |
bool | operator!= (const char *rhs) const |
Checks inequality of specified array. | |
bool | operator< (const char *rhs) const |
Checks if string is less than const char string. | |
bool | operator> (const char *rhs) const |
Checks if string is more than const char string. | |
char & | operator[] (unsigned index) |
Returns char by index. | |
const char & | operator[] (unsigned index) const |
Returns const char by index. | |
char & | At (unsigned index) |
Returns char by index. | |
const char & | At (unsigned index) const |
Returns const char by index. | |
void | Replace (char replaceThis, char replaceWith, bool caseSensitive=true) |
Replaces all occurrences of char. | |
void | Replace (const String &replaceThis, const String &replaceWith, bool caseSensitive=true) |
Replaces all occurrences of specified strings. | |
void | Replace (unsigned pos, unsigned length, const String &replaceWith) |
Replaces substring. | |
void | Replace (unsigned pos, unsigned length, const char *replaceWith) |
Replaces substring by const char pointer. | |
Iterator | Replace (const Iterator &start, const Iterator &end, const String &replaceWith) |
Replaces substring by iterator. | |
String | Replaced (char replaceThis, char replaceWith, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
Returns string with all occurred chars. | |
String | Replaced (const String &replaceThis, const String &replaceWith, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
Returns string with all occurred strings. | |
String & | Append (const String &str) |
Adds specified string. | |
String & | Append (const char *str) |
Adds specified const char array. | |
String & | Append (char c) |
Adds specified char. | |
String & | Append (const char *str, unsigned length) |
Adds specified const char array of defined length. | |
void | Insert (unsigned pos, const String &str) |
Inserts string to specified position. | |
void | Insert (unsigned pos, char c) |
Inserts char to specified position. | |
Iterator | Insert (const Iterator &dest, const String &str) |
Inserts string by iterator. | |
Iterator | Insert (const Iterator &dest, const Iterator &start, const Iterator &end) |
Inserts string particularly by iterator. | |
Iterator | Insert (const Iterator &dest, char c) |
Inserts char by iterator. | |
void | Remove (char c) |
Removes char. | |
void | Chop (std::ptrdiff_t n) |
Removes n characters from the end of the string. | |
void | Erase (unsigned pos, unsigned length=1) |
Erases specified position of defined length. | |
Iterator | Erase (const Iterator &it) |
Erases char by iterator. | |
Iterator | Erase (const Iterator &start, const Iterator &end) |
Erases chars by iterators. | |
void | Resize (unsigned newLength) |
Changes string size. | |
void | Reserve (unsigned newCapacity) |
Sets new char capacity. | |
void | Compact () |
Compacts memory. | |
void | Clear () |
Clears string. | |
void | Swap (String &str) |
Swaps with another string. | |
Iterator | Begin () |
Returns initial iterator. | |
ConstIterator | CBegin () const |
Returns initial const iterator. | |
Iterator | End () |
Returns finite iterator. | |
ConstIterator | CEnd () const |
Returns finite const iterator. | |
char | Front () const |
Returns the first char or 0 if string is empty. | |
char | Back () const |
Returns last char or 0 if string is empty. | |
String | Substring (unsigned pos) const |
Returns substring from specified position to end of substring. | |
String | Substring (unsigned pos, unsigned length) const |
Returns substring from specified position of defined length. | |
String | Trimmed () const |
Returns string with leading and trailing spaces removed. | |
String | ToUpper () const |
Returns string with all uppercase letters. | |
String | ToLower () const |
Returns string with all lowercase letters. | |
ObjectList< String > | Split (char separator, bool keepEmptyStrings=false) const |
Returns strings split by specified chars. The function does not return empty strings by default. | |
void | Join (const std::vector< String > &subStrings, const String &glue) |
Joins specified vector to existing string. | |
unsigned | Find (const String &str, unsigned startPos=0, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
Returns index of the first occurrence in string. If not found, returns NPOS. | |
unsigned | Find (char c, unsigned startPos=0, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
Returns index of the first occurrence in string. If not found, returns NPOS. | |
unsigned | FindLast (const String &str, unsigned startPos=NPOS, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
Returns index of the last occurrence in string. If not found, returns NPOS. | |
unsigned | FindLast (char c, unsigned startPos=NPOS, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
Returns index of the last occurrence in string. If not found, returns NPOS. | |
bool | StartsWith (const String &str, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
True if string begins as specified string. | |
bool | EndsWith (const String &str, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
True if string ends as specified string. | |
const char * | c_str () const |
Returns pointer to const array. | |
unsigned | Length () const |
Returns string length. | |
unsigned | Capacity () const |
Returns buffer capacity. | |
bool | IsEmpty () const |
True if string is empty. | |
int | Compare (const String &str, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
True if strings are identical. | |
int | Compare (const char *str, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
True if chars are identical. | |
bool | Contains (const String &str, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
True if there is an occurrence of specified string. | |
bool | Contains (char c, bool caseSensitive=true) const |
True if there is an occurrence of specified char. | |
void | SetUTF8FromLatin1 (const char *str) |
Builds string content in UTF8 format with Latin1 standard. | |
void | SetUTF8FromWChar (const wchar_t *str) |
Builds string content in UTF8 format from specified chars. | |
unsigned | LengthUTF8 () const |
Counts chars in UTF8 content. | |
unsigned | ByteOffsetUTF8 (unsigned index) const |
Returns byte offset in char in UTF8 content. | |
unsigned | NextUTF8Char (unsigned &byteOffset) const |
Returns the next Unicode char from UTF8 content. | |
unsigned | AtUTF8 (unsigned index) const |
Returns char by index from UTF8 content. | |
void | ReplaceUTF8 (unsigned index, unsigned unicodeChar) |
Replaces char by index in UTF8 content. | |
String & | AppendUTF8 (unsigned unicodeChar) |
Adds Unicode char to end of UTF8 content. | |
String | SubstringUTF8 (unsigned pos) const |
Returns UTF8 substring from specified position to end of string. | |
String | SubstringUTF8 (unsigned pos, unsigned length) const |
Returns UTF8 substring from specified position of defined length. | |
unsigned | ToHash () const |
Returns hash value for HashSet and HashMap. | |
String & | AppendWithFormat (const char *formatString,...) |
Appends string using formatting. | |
String & | AppendWithFormatArgs (const char *formatString, va_list args) |
Appends string using formatting and variables. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static ObjectList< String > | Split (const char *str, char separator, bool keepEmptyStrings=false) |
Returns strings splitted by specified chars. The function does not return empty strings by default. | |
static String | Joined (const std::vector< String > &subStrings, const String &glue) |
Joins all elements of an array into a string and returns the string. | |
static void | EncodeUTF8 (char *&dest, unsigned unicodeChar) |
Encodes Unicode char to UTF8. Please note, that the pointer will be increased. | |
static unsigned | DecodeUTF8 (const char *&src) |
Decodes Unicode char from UTF8. Please note, that the pointer will be increased. | |
static unsigned | CStringLength (const char *str) |
Returns string length. | |
static int | Compare (const char *str1, const char *str2, bool caseSensitive) |
Compares two strings. | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const unsigned | NPOS |
For position. | |
static const unsigned | MIN_CAPACITY = 8 |
Initial capacity. | |
static const String | EMPTY |
Empty string. | |
General String class based on Unicode standard.
The String class supports conversion to and from std::string, std::wstring, const char*, const wchar_t*. A separate CharArray class is used to support the ToAscii() method for conversion to a const char* string.