file | vsn_abscoordinatelistener.h |
| AbsCoordinateListener class is the base abstract class taking events from any virtual interaction device, for example, mouse, keyboard, etc.
file | vsn_absinputcommand.h |
| AbsInputCommand class is a base class for input of certain comands.
file | vsn_absinputdevice.h |
| AbsInputDevice class is a base class used by Vision to interact with arbitrary input devices.
file | vsn_absvisioncomponent.h |
| AbsVisionComponent class is a base class for any Vision component. AbsVisionComponent class provides homogeneity of classes and their interaction.
file | vsn_angledimensiongeometry.h |
| AngleDimensionGeometry class serves for building an angular size.
file | vsn_angledimensionrep.h |
| AngleDimensionRep class is an auxiliary class and represents API to control geometry.
file | vsn_annotationgeometry.h |
| AnnotationGeometry class is a parent geometry class that is inherited by such geometric representations as sizes, lables, etc.
file | vsn_application.h |
| Class Application is a implementation of the window rendering using OpenGL.
file | vsn_baseapplication.h |
| Class BaseApplication is a implementation of the window rendering using OpenGL.
file | vsn_basicobject.h |
| BasicObject class is the base class for all objects.
file | vsn_boundingbox.h |
file | vsn_boundingboxgeometry.h |
| BoundingBoxGeometry is bounding box and serves for displaying an informational graph size in a scene by specified segment.
file | vsn_boundingboxrep.h |
| BoundingBoxRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control BoundingBoxGeometry geometry. BoundingBoxRep class is a representation of a bounding box and serves for displaying informational graph size in a scene by the specified segment and outputting numerical values of all axes in the form of a scale.
file | vsn_box.h |
file | vsn_boxgeometry.h |
| BoxGeometry class presents geometry as a box.
file | vsn_boxrep.h |
| BoxRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control BoxGeometry geometry.
file | vsn_brush.h |
file | vsn_buttoncoordinput.h |
| ButtonCoordInput class takes events from the assigned device, for example, mouse, etc. Events are taken when interacting with device buttons if any.
file | vsn_camera.h |
| Camera for 3D scene rendering.
file | vsn_color.h |
| Color class defines color based on RGB, HSV, or CMYK values.
file | vsn_colorarray.h |
| Image class provides a device-independent image.
file | vsn_command.h |
| Command class links AbsInputCommand set running the same event.
file | vsn_commandcontainer.h |
| CommandContainer class gives the user an opportunity to define an action set, that the user needs to use in his application.
file | vsn_commonmatrix.h |
file | vsn_conegeometry.h |
| ConeGeometry class presents cone geometry.
file | vsn_conerep.h |
| ConeRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control ConeGeometry geometry.
file | vsn_coordlocationlistener.h |
| CoordLocationListener class controls values of coordinates from interaction devices, for example, 3D-mouse and keyboard.
file | vsn_coordlocator.h |
| AbsCoordLocator class converts coordinate values from interaction devices, for example, mouse or keyboard.
file | vsn_coordtuning.h |
| CoordTuning class stores the settings for the specified coordinate list.
file | vsn_cuttingtool.h |
| The tool to control planes of a dynamic section.
file | vsn_cylindergeometry.h |
| CylinderGeometry class presents geometry as a cylinder.
file | vsn_cylinderrep.h |
| CylinderRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control CylinderGeometry geometry.
file | vsn_diameterdimensiongeometry.h |
| DiameterDimensionGeometry class serves for building a diametrical size.
file | vsn_diameterdimensionrep.h |
| DiameterDimensionRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control DiameterDimensionGeometry geometry.
file | vsn_dimensiongeometry.h |
| DimensionGeometry class is the base class of geometry for two-dimensional representations of linear, radial, angular sizes.
file | vsn_dimensionrep.h |
| DimensionRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control DimensionGeometry geometry.
file | vsn_essence.h |
| Essence is a node subclass aggregating several instances of features for behavior definition.
file | vsn_explodedispatcher.h |
| Class ExplodeDispatcher is used to manage the process of disassembling objects the geometric model (scene segments), it also provides support for working with GUI tabs and provides various viewing modes.
file | vsn_feature.h |
| Feature presents the C3D Vision base type for creating 3D Features. It is the basic scene node class that can aggregate with Essence instances like a feature.
file | vsn_fields.h |
| Fields class defines four rectangle fields.
file | vsn_flags.h |
| Flags template class presents a type-safe method of storing OR-combinations of enumeration values.
file | vsn_font.h |
file | vsn_fontregistry.h |
file | vsn_geometry.h |
| Geometry class is the base class for all geometric objects.
file | vsn_geometrybuilder.h |
file | vsn_geometryfactory.h |
| GeometryFactory class presents a factory of geometric object representations, and also generates the prepared scene for the next rendering.
file | vsn_geometryrep.h |
| 3D geometry representation.
file | vsn_geomsamples.h |
| Samples of classes that include geometric data.
file | vsn_global.h |
| Global type declarations and defines.
file | vsn_globalflags.h |
| Global settings for visualization module.
file | vsn_graphicsscene.h |
| GraphicsScene class represents the scene rendering implementation.
file | vsn_graphicssceneengine.h |
file | vsn_graphicsview.h |
file | vsn_gridgeometry.h |
| File contain a class of the geometry grid.
file | vsn_heightmapsurfacegeometry.h |
file | vsn_heightmapsurfacerep.h |
file | vsn_hotpointwidget.h |
| HotPointWidget is a special HotPoint control.
file | vsn_image.h |
| Image class provides a device-independent image.
file | vsn_inputcommand.h |
| InputCommand class stores input devices, and also button codes, that will be used as events further.
file | vsn_inputinstallation.h |
file | vsn_iterator.h |
| Iterator with an arbitrary access.
file | vsn_keyboarddevice.h |
file | vsn_labelgeometry.h |
| Class LabelGeometry is a geometry object shows text with borders.
file | vsn_light.h |
| Light source.
file | vsn_lineardimensiongeometry.h |
file | vsn_markergeometry.h |
file | vsn_material.h |
| Material class and SelectionMaterial class for working with visual properties of the material.
file | vsn_mathbasegeometry.h |
file | vsn_mathgeometry.h |
| Class MathGeometry presents geometry for next rendering that was generated with math representation.
file | vsn_mathgroupgeometry.h |
| The MathGroupGeometry class is for drawing grouped polygon object.
file | vsn_mathgrouprepresentation.h |
| MathGroupRepresentation class is an auxiliary class and represents API to control geometry.
file | vsn_mathrepresentation.h |
| MathRepresentation class is an auxiliary class and represents API to control geometry.
file | vsn_mathsketchgeometry.h |
| Class MathSketchGeometry presents geometry for next rendering that was generated with math representation.
file | vsn_mathsketchrep.h |
| MathSketchRep class is an auxiliary class and represents API to control geometry.
file | vsn_matrix3d.h |
| The extended matrix of transformation in a three-dimensional space.
file | vsn_meshgeometry.h |
| MeshGeometry class for rendering polygon object.
file | vsn_meta.h |
file | vsn_metaobject.h |
file | vsn_mousedevice.h |
file | vsn_mouseevent.h |
file | vsn_mouseeventhandler.h |
file | vsn_mutex.h |
| Mutex class presents non-recursive semantics of ownership and recursive one as well. MutexLocker class is a class for comfort that simplifies blocking and unlocking mutexes.
file | vsn_namespace.h |
file | vsn_node.h |
| Node class is the base class for all C3D Vision classes that are used to construct a scene.
file | vsn_nodekey.h |
| Node unique key.
file | vsn_nodemodification.h |
| NCreatedModificationBasic class is the base class for all ModificationFlag::NodeCreated SceneModification events.
file | vsn_object.h |
| Object class is the base class for all scene objects.
file | vsn_objectdefs.h |
file | vsn_objectpickselection.h |
file | vsn_openglcontextinterface.h |
| OpenGLContextInterface class presents own OpenGL context allowing to render OpenGL in a system window.
file | vsn_openglfbo.h |
| OpenGLFramebufferObject class encapsulates framebuffer OpenGL object.
file | vsn_openglfunctionlistinterface.h |
| The OpenGLFunctionList class provides cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 functions.
file | vsn_orientationmarker.h |
| OrientationMarker is a class for controlling the camera orientation.
file | vsn_painter.h |
| -.
file | vsn_patternmaterial.h |
| Visual properties of the stencil material.
file | vsn_pen.h |
| Pen devinition and predefined styles.
file | vsn_platformrenderingarea.h |
| PlatformRenderingArea class provides abstraction for surface.
file | vsn_point.h |
| PointI and PointF class defines point on the plane using integer precision.
file | vsn_point3d.h |
| The three-dimensional point.
file | vsn_polygongeometry.h |
| The PolygonGeometry class is a geometry object of curve primitives.
file | vsn_polygonrep.h |
file | vsn_postprocessing.h |
file | vsn_prabscamera.h |
| PrAbstractCamera class is the base class that performs processing of the user's input and operates with the scene.
file | vsn_prcameracomplexrotation.h |
file | vsn_prcameraorbit.h |
| PrCameraOrbit class provides interactive user actions, i.e. camera control and its orbiting.
file | vsn_prcamerarelativeorbit.h |
| PrCameraRelativeOrbit class provides interactive user actions, i.e. camera control and its orbiting.
file | vsn_prcamerarotate.h |
| PrCameraRotate class provides interactive user actions, i.e. camera control and its orbiting.
file | vsn_prcamerazoombox.h |
file | vsn_prchangewidget.h |
| The set of standard models of the widget.
file | vsn_prfindselectobject.h |
| The file contains classes searching objects under the mouse cursor or objects getting in a bounding rectangle.
file | vsn_radialdimensiongeometry.h |
| RadialDimensionGeometry class serves for building a radial dimension.
file | vsn_radialdimensionrep.h |
| RadialDimensionRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control RadialDimensionGeometry geometry.
file | vsn_rect.h |
| RectI class defines rectangle in the plane using integer precision.
file | vsn_rendercontainer.h |
| Container for visual objects that includes visual object map and shader linking map.
file | vsn_renderingarea.h |
| RenderingArea class represents abstract surface for visualization.
file | vsn_renderingareaformat.h |
| RenderingAreaFormat class represents RenderingArea format.
file | vsn_renderobject.h |
| RenderObject class contains GeometryRep + bounding box.
file | vsn_renderpostprocess.h |
| RenderPostProcess class allows you to perform the final post-processing of the scene with a shader.
file | vsn_renderstate.h |
| Renderstate class represents an object rendering state.
file | vsn_renderstatistics.h |
| RenderStatistics class provides the functional to compile statistics of the scene rendering.
file | vsn_resourcestream.h |
| ResourceStream class is a stream intended for reading data from resource (memory).
file | vsn_scenecontent.h |
| SceneContent class represents scene content as the graph.
file | vsn_scenemodification.h |
| The base class for all changes that can be sent and received by C3D Vision change notification system.
file | vsn_scenesegment.h |
| SceneSegment class is the base class for all segments in the scene graph.
file | vsn_scsegmentdata.h |
| SceneSegmentData class represents scene segment data.
file | vsn_scsegmentref.h |
| SceneSegmentRef class sets reference to geometry representation.
file | vsn_segmentfeatures.h |
| Scene segment features.
file | vsn_selectionmanager.h |
| SelectionManager class controls a list of selected items.
file | vsn_shader.h |
| Shader class implements a pixel shader and its program. This class provides loading and also compiling and performing subprogram of vertexes and shader itself.
file | vsn_size.h |
| SizeI class describes a size and uses an integer precision.
file | vsn_sketch.h |
file | vsn_sketchitems.h |
file | vsn_string.h |
| General String class based on Unicode standard.
file | vsn_textsamples.h |
| GeomFTTextObject class generates text string for outputting on the screen.
file | vsn_texture2d.h |
| Texture2D class is for processing 2D textures. The class is used to create textures on the fly or to change the existing texture resources.
file | vsn_texture3d.h |
| Texture3D class is for processing 3D textures. The class is used to create textures on the fly or to change the existing texture resources.
file | vsn_torusgeometry.h |
| TorusGeometry class presents geometry as a torus.
file | vsn_torusrep.h |
| TorusRep class is an auxiliary class and presents API to control TorusGeometry geometry.
file | vsn_transform.h |
file | vsn_triadrep.h |
| TriadRep class used for building a geometry of three axes.
file | vsn_variant.h |
| Variant class implements union of most common data types in Vision and supports fixed set of types.
file | vsn_vector3d.h |
| Vector in three-dimensional space.
file | vsn_viewport.h |
| Viewport class defines viewport.
file | vsn_visionwork.h |
file | vsn_waitcondition.h |
file | vsn_widgetmodels.h |
| The set of standard models of the widget.
file | vsn_widgets.h |
| he set of standard widgets.
file | vsn_window.h |
| Class Window is a implementation of the window rendering using OpenGL.
file | vsn_wireframegeometry.h |
| Abstract base class for rendering geometry.