C3D Toolkit
Kernel - 117982, Vision -
Modules | |
Geometric Model Objects | |
Topological Objects | |
Surfaces | |
Curves | |
Point | |
Ancillary Items | |
Two-Dimensional uv-Curves | |
Two-Dimensional Regions | |
Classes | |
class | MbPlaneItem |
Geometric object in two-dimensional space. More... | |
class | MbRefItem |
Reference-counted object. More... | |
class | MbSerialItem< Type > |
Serialization class template (ordinal numbering of created objects). More... | |
class | MbSpaceItem |
Geometrical object in three-dimensional space. More... | |
enum PrePropType |
Types of properties.
Types of properties.
Properties give access to internal data of objects.
enum MbePlaneType |
Types of geometric objects in two-dimensional space.
Geometric objects are grouped by families: curves, multiline, region.
enum MbeRefType |
Types of object with reference counter.
Type has an information of inheritor object.
enum MbeSpaceType |
Types of spatial geometric objects.
Geometric objects are grouped into families: points, curves, surfaces, model objects and ancillary facilities.
Enumerator | |
st_Undefined | Unknown object. |
st_SpaceItem | Geometric object. |
st_Point3D | Point. |
st_FreePoint3D | Type for the user-defined points. |
st_Curve3D | Curve. |
st_Line3D | Line. |
st_LineSegment3D | Line segment. |
st_Arc3D | Circle, ellipse, arc. |
st_Spiral | Spiral. |
st_ConeSpiral | Conical spiral. |
st_CurveSpiral | Spiral curve constructed by generatrix. |
st_CrookedSpiral | Spiral along the guide curve. |
st_PolyCurve3D | Curve constructed by points. |
st_Polyline3D | Polyline. |
st_Nurbs3D | NURBS curve. |
st_Bezier3D | Bezier curve. |
st_Hermit3D | Composite Hermit cubic spline. |
st_CubicSpline3D | Cubic spline. |
st_PlaneCurve | Plane curve in space. |
st_OffsetCurve3D | Offset curve. |
st_TrimmedCurve3D | Truncated curve. |
st_ReparamCurve3D | Reparametrized curve. |
st_BridgeCurve3D | Curve as a bridge connecting two curves. |
st_CharacterCurve3D | Functionally defined curve. |
st_ContourOnSurface | Contour on the surface. |
st_ContourOnPlane | Contour on the plane. |
st_SurfaceCurve | Curve on the surface. |
st_SilhouetteCurve | Silhouette curve. |
st_SurfaceIntersectionCurve | Curve as intersection of surfaces. |
st_BSpline | B-spline. |
st_Contour3D | Contour. |
st_CoonsDerivative | Curve of Coons surface derivetives. |
st_FreeCurve3D | Type for the user-defined curves. |
st_Surface | Surface. |
st_ElementarySurface | Elementary surface. |
st_Plane | Plane. |
st_ConeSurface | Conical surface. |
st_CylinderSurface | Cylindrical surface. |
st_SphereSurface | Sphere. |
st_TorusSurface | Torus. |
st_SweptSurface | Swept surface. |
st_ExtrusionSurface | Extrusion surface. |
st_RevolutionSurface | Revolution surface. |
st_EvolutionSurface | Swept surface with guide curve. |
st_ExactionSurface | Swept surface with rotating ends. |
st_ExpansionSurface | Plane-parallel swept surfaces. |
st_SpiralSurface | Spiral surface. |
st_RuledSurface | Ruled surface. |
st_SectorSurface | Sectorial surface. |
st_PolySurface | Surface constructed by points. |
st_HermitSurface | Hermit surface. |
st_SplineSurface | NURBS surface. |
st_GridSurface | Surface defined by points. |
st_TriBezierSurface | Triangular Bezier surface. |
st_SimplexSurface | Triangular NURBS surface. |
st_OffsetSurface | Offset surface. |
st_DeformedSurface | Deformed surface. |
st_NurbsSurface | NURBS surface defined by curves. |
st_CornerSurface | The surface based on three curves. |
st_CoverSurface | The surface based on the four curves. |
st_CoonsPatchSurface | Bicubic Coons surface constructed by four curves. |
st_GregoryPatchSurface | Gregory surface constructed by four curves. |
st_LoftedSurface | Lofted surface. |
st_ElevationSurface | Lofted surface with the guide. |
st_MeshSurface | The surface constructed by the grid curves. |
st_GregorySurface | The surface on the bounding contour. |
st_SmoothSurface | Conjugation surface. |
st_ChamferSurface | The surface of the bevel. |
st_FilletSurface | Fillet surface. |
st_ChannelSurface | Fillet surface with variable radius. |
st_FullFilletSurface | Full fillet surface. |
st_JoinSurface | The surface of the joint. |
st_CurveBoundedSurface | The surface bounded by curves. |
st_BendedUnbendedSurface | Surface constructed by fold / unbending. |
st_CylindricBendedSurface | Surface constructed by cylindrical fold. |
st_CylindricUnbendedSurface | Surface constructed by cylindrical unbending. |
st_ConicBendedSurface | Surface constructed by conical fold. |
st_ConicUnbendedSurface | Surface constructed by conical unbending. |
st_GregoryRibbonPatchSurface | Gregory patch surface with ribbons. |
st_ExplorationSurface | Swept surface with scaling and winding of generating curve. |
st_SectionSurface | The swept mutable section surface. |
st_FreeSurface | Type for the user-defined surfaces. |
st_Legend | The helper object. |
st_Marker | Point and two orthonormal vectors. |
st_Thread | Thread. |
st_Symbol | Symbol. |
st_PointsSymbol | Symbol on the basic points. |
st_Rough | Designation of roughness. |
st_Leader | Designation of the leader line. |
st_Dimension3D | Dimension. |
st_LinearDimension3D | Linear dimension. |
st_DiameterDimension3D | Diameter dimension. |
st_RadialDimension3D | Radial dimension. |
st_AngularDimension3D | Angular dimension. |
st_PMI | Annotation item.. |
st_FreeLegend | Type for the user helper objects. |
st_Item | Model object. |
st_AssistedItem | The local coordinate system. |
st_PointFrame | Point frame. |
st_WireFrame | Wire frame. |
st_Solid | Solid. |
st_Instance | The model object in the local coordinate system. |
st_Assembly | Assembly unit of model objects. |
st_Mesh | Polygonal form of an object as a set of points, polylines, and plates. |
st_SpaceInstance | Wrapper over a geometry MbSpaceItem. |
st_PlaneInstance | Wrapper over a flat object MbPlaneItem. |
st_Collection | Collection of elements. |
st_FreeItem | Type for the user-defined objects. |