void | MinSurfaceCurvature (const MbSurface &surf, const MbCartPoint &pnt, double &func, MbVector *der=nullptr) |
| Calculate at the point of the surface the minimum normal curvature, as well as its gradient. More...
void | MaxSurfaceCurvature (const MbSurface &surf, const MbCartPoint &pnt, double &func, MbVector *der=nullptr) |
| Calculate at the point of the surface the maximum normal curvature, as well as its gradient. More...
void | GaussCurvature (const MbSurface &surf, const MbCartPoint &pnt, double &func, MbVector *der=nullptr) |
| Calculate at a surface point the Gaussian curvature, as well as its gradient. More...
void | MeanCurvature (const MbSurface &surf, const MbCartPoint &pnt, double &func, MbVector *der=nullptr) |
| Calculate at the point of the surface the mean curvature, as well as its gradient. More...
void | UNormalCurvature (const MbSurface &surf, const MbCartPoint &pnt, double &func, MbVector *der=nullptr) |
| Calculate at the surface point the normal curvature in the direction of u, as well as its gradient. More...
void | VNormalCurvature (const MbSurface &surf, const MbCartPoint &pnt, double &func, MbVector *der=nullptr) |
| Calculate at the surface point the normal curvature in the direction of v, as well as its gradient. More...
void | SurfaceMinMaxCurvature (const MbSurface &surface, SurfaceFunction func, double &maxNegCurv, MbCartPoint &maxNegLoc, double &maxPosCurv, MbCartPoint &maxPosLoc, MbeExtremsSearchingMethod method=esm_LineSegregation) |
| Find the points of the surface at which the selected curvature takes the largest in modulus values. More...
void | FacesMinMaxCurvature (const RPArray< MbFace > &faces, SurfaceFunction func, double &maxNegCurv, MbFace *&maxNegFace, MbCartPoint &maxNegLoc, double &maxPosCurv, MbFace *&maxPosFace, MbCartPoint &maxPosLoc, bool borderControl=false, MbeExtremsSearchingMethod method=esm_LineSegregation) |
| Find the points of the shell at which the selected curvature takes the most modulo values. More...
void | FacesMinMaxCurvature (const c3d::ConstFacesVector &faces, SurfaceFunction func, double &maxNegCurv, const MbFace *&maxNegFace, MbCartPoint &maxNegLoc, double &maxPosCurv, const MbFace *&maxPosFace, MbCartPoint &maxPosLoc, bool borderControl=false, MbeExtremsSearchingMethod method=esm_LineSegregation) |
| Find the points of the shell at which the selected curvature takes the most modulo values. More...
void | FacesMinMaxCurvature (const c3d::ConstFacesSPtrVector &faces, SurfaceFunction func, double &maxNegCurv, const MbFace *&maxNegFace, MbCartPoint &maxNegLoc, double &maxPosCurv, const MbFace *&maxPosFace, MbCartPoint &maxPosLoc, bool borderControl=false, MbeExtremsSearchingMethod method=esm_LineSegregation) |
| Find the points of the shell at which the selected curvature takes the most modulo values. More...
void | SurfaceMinMaxCurvature (const MbSurface &surface, double &maxNegCurv, MbCartPoint &maxNegLoc, double &maxPosCurv, MbCartPoint &maxPosLoc, MbeExtremsSearchingMethod method=esm_LineSegregation) |
| Find the points on the surface at which the major normal curvatures take the largest values in the module. More...
void | FacesMinMaxCurvature (const RPArray< MbFace > &faces, double &maxNegCurv, MbFace *&maxNegFace, MbCartPoint &maxNegLoc, double &maxPosCurv, MbFace *&maxPosFace, MbCartPoint &maxPosLoc, bool borderControl=false, MbeExtremsSearchingMethod method=esm_LineSegregation) |
| Find the points on the shell at which the major normal curvatures take the largest values in the module. More...
void | FacesMinMaxCurvature (const c3d::ConstFacesVector &faces, double &maxNegCurv, const MbFace *&maxNegFace, MbCartPoint &maxNegLoc, double &maxPosCurv, const MbFace *&maxPosFace, MbCartPoint &maxPosLoc, bool borderControl=false, MbeExtremsSearchingMethod method=esm_LineSegregation) |
| Find the points on the shell at which the major normal curvatures take the largest values in the module. More...
void | FacesMinMaxCurvature (const c3d::ConstFacesSPtrVector &faces, double &maxNegCurv, const MbFace *&maxNegFace, MbCartPoint &maxNegLoc, double &maxPosCurv, const MbFace *&maxPosFace, MbCartPoint &maxPosLoc, bool borderControl=false, MbeExtremsSearchingMethod method=esm_LineSegregation) |
| Find the points on the shell at which the major normal curvatures take the largest values in the module. More...
double | CurveOrientedCurvature (const MbCurve3D &curve, double ¶m, const MbVector3D *planeNorm=nullptr) |
| Oriented curvature for a plane curve. More...
void | CurveMinMaxCurvature (const MbCurve3D &curve, double &maxCurv, double &maxParam, double &minCurv, double &minParam, c3d::DoubleVector *bendPoints=nullptr, c3d::DoubleVector *maxPoints=nullptr, c3d::DoubleVector *minPoints=nullptr, c3d::DoublePairsVector *rapPoints=nullptr) |
| Find the points on the curve at which the curvature takes the largest and smallest values. More...
void | SurfaceMaxCurvatureDirection (const MbSurface &surf, const MbCartPoint &pnt, MbVector &dir) |
| The direction of the maximum normal surface curvature. More...
bool | SurfacesNormalsMinMaxAngles (const MbSurfacesJointAnalysisParams ¶ms, MbSurfacesJointAnalysisResults &results) |
| The function of finding the minimum and maximum angles between surfaces normals of the intersection curve. More...
bool | SurfacesJointMinMaxValues (const MbSurfacesJointAnalysisParams ¶ms, MbSurfacesJointAnalysisResults &results) |
| The function of finding the minimum and maximum values of surface joint parameter. More...
Functions for normals and curvature analysis of surfaces and curves.