C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -
c3d Namespace Reference

C3D namespace declaration. More...


class  C3DExchangeBuffer
 Memory buffer for data exchange. More...
struct  ref_pair
 A pair of references. More...
class  StrHash
 Hash with a string type. More...
class  IModelTreeNode
 Model tree node. More...
class  IModelTree
 Generic model tree. More...
class  IEmbodimentNode
 Embodiments tree node. More...
class  IEmbodimentTree
 Embodiment Tree. More...
struct  LumpCompLess
class  MbTreeNode
 Tree node. More...
class  MbEmbodimentNode
 Embodiments tree node. More...
class  MbModelTree
 Tree of geometric model. More...
class  ItemDataBase
 A base class for user data of a tree node. More...
class  ItemDataBool
 Bool property. More...
class  ItemDataInteger
 Integer property. More...
class  ItemDataDouble
 Double property. More...
class  ItemDataString
 String property. More...
class  ItemAttrBool
 Data of Bool attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrInteger
 Data of Integer attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrDouble
 Data of Double attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrString
 Data of String attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrProductInfo
 Data of MbProductInfo attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrInt64
 Data of int64 attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrIdentifier
 Data of Identifier attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrColor
 Data of Color attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrWidth
 Data of Width attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrStyle
 Data of Style attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrSelected
 Data of Selection attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrVisible
 Data of Visibility attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrChanged
 Data of Modification attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrDencity
 Data of Dencity attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrUpdateStamp
 Data of Update timestamp attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrAnchor
 Data of Anchor attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrEmbodiment
 Data of embodiment attribute. More...
class  ItemAttrThickness
 Data of Thickness attribute. More...
class  UserDataMap
 A container for user data of a tree node. More...
struct  MbItemData
 Tree node data. More...
class  LogHelper
 Logging switch in a scope. More...


typedef std::map< c3d::string_t, c3d::string_toptionNameValuePairs_t
 The container of named values of options.
typedef std::pair< size_t, size_t > IndicesPair
 Pair of non-negative integer indices.
typedef std::pair< ptrdiff_t, ptrdiff_t > NumbersPair
 Pair of integer numbers.
typedef std::pair< uint, uint > UintPair
 Pair of 32-bit non-negative integer indices.
typedef std::pair< bool, bool > BoolPair
 Bool pair.
typedef std::pair< double, double > DoublePair
 Pair of doubles.
typedef std::pair< IndicesPair, double > IndicesPairDouble
 A pair of indices and double.
typedef std::pair< double, IndicesPairDoubleIndicesPair
 Double and a pair of indices.
typedef std::pair< size_t, bool > IndexBool
 Index-double pair.
typedef std::pair< bool, size_t > BoolIndex
 Double-index pair.
typedef std::pair< ptrdiff_t, bool > NumberBool
 Index-double pair.
typedef std::pair< bool, ptrdiff_t > BoolNumber
 Double-index pair.
typedef std::pair< size_t, double > IndexDouble
 Index-double pair.
typedef std::pair< double, size_t > DoubleIndex
 Double-index pair.
typedef std::pair< bool, double > FlagDouble
 Flag-double pair.
typedef std::pair< double, bool > DoubleFlag
 Double-flag pair.
typedef FlagDouble BoolDouble
 Flag-double pair.
typedef DoubleFlag DoubleBool
 Double-flag pair.
typedef std::vector< size_t > IndicesVector
 Vector of non-negative integer indices.
typedef std::vector< ptrdiff_t > NumbersVector
 Vector of integer numbers.
typedef std::vector< uint > UintVector
 Vector of 32-bit non-negative integer indices.
typedef std::vector< bool > BoolVector
 Bool vector.
typedef std::vector< double > DoubleVector
 Double vector.
typedef std::vector< IndicesPairIndicesPairsVector
 Vector of pairs of non-negative integer indices.
typedef std::vector< NumbersPairNumbersPairsVector
 Vector of pairs of integer indices.
typedef std::vector< DoublePairDoublePairsVector
 Vector of double pairs.
typedef std::set< size_t > IndicesSet
 Set of non-negative integer indices.
typedef std::set< ptrdiff_t > NumbersSet
 Set of integer numbers.
typedef std::set< uint > UintSet
 Set of 32-bit non-negative integer indices.
typedef std::set< UintPairUintPairsSet
 Set of pairs of 32-bit non-negative integer indices.
typedef std::set< IndicesPairIndicesPairsSet
 Set of pairs of non-negative integer indices.
typedef std::pair< IndicesPair, IndicesPairIndicesPairsPair
 Pair of indices' pair.
typedef std::vector< MbCartPointParamPointsVector
 Points vector.
typedef std::vector< MbVectorParamVectorsVector
 Vectors vector.
typedef std::pair< MbCartPoint, size_t > ParamPointIndex
 Pair point-index.
typedef std::pair< MbCartPoint, size_t > Point2DIndex
 Pair point-index.
typedef std::pair< size_t, MbCartPointIndexParamPoint
 Pair index-point.
typedef std::pair< size_t, MbCartPointIndexPoint2D
 Pair index-point.
typedef std::pair< MbCartPoint, MbCartPointParamPointsPair
 Pair point-point.
typedef std::pair< MbCartPoint, MbVectorParamPointVector
 Pair point-vector.
typedef std::pair< MbCartPoint, MbVectorPointVector2D
 Pair point-vector.
typedef std::vector< MbCartPoint3DSpacePointsVector
 Points vector.
typedef std::vector< MbVector3DSpaceVectorsVector
 Vectors vector.
typedef std::pair< MbCartPoint3D, size_t > SpacePointIndex
 Pair point-index.
typedef std::pair< MbCartPoint3D, size_t > Point3DIndex
 Pair point-index.
typedef std::pair< size_t, MbCartPoint3DIndexSpacePoint
 Pair index-point.
typedef std::pair< size_t, MbCartPoint3DIndexPoint3D
 Pair index-point.
typedef std::pair< MbCartPoint3D, MbCartPoint3DSpacePointsPair
 Pair point-point.
typedef std::pair< MbCartPoint3D, MbVector3DSpacePointVector
 Pair point-vector.
typedef std::pair< MbCartPoint3D, MbVector3DPointVector3D
 Pair point-vector.
typedef std::pair< MbCube, size_t > CubeIndex
 Bounding box and index.
typedef std::pair< size_t, MbCubeIndexCube
 Index and bounding box.
typedef std::pair< MbCube *, size_t > CubePtrIndex
 Bounding box and index.
typedef std::pair< size_t, MbCube * > IndexCubePtr
 Index and bounding box.
typedef std::pair< const MbCube *, size_t > ConstCubePtrIndex
 Bounding box and index.
typedef std::pair< size_t, const MbCube * > IndexConstCubePtr
 Index and bounding box.
typedef std::vector< CubePtrIndexCubesPtrIndices
 Vector of bounding boxes and indices.
typedef std::vector< ConstCubePtrIndexConstCubesPtrIndices
 Vector of bounding boxes and indices.
typedef std::vector< MbCubeCubesVector
 Vector of bounding boxes.
typedef std::vector< IndexCubeIndexCubeVector
 Vector of indices and bounding boxes.
typedef std::vector< CubeIndexCubeIndexVector
 Vector of indices and bounding boxes.
typedef MbCubeTree< MbCube, MbCube, MbCartPoint3D, MbVector3DCubesTree
 Tree of bounding boxes.
typedef std::pair< MbPlacement3D, MbCartPoint3DPlacePoint3DPair
 Pair local coordinate system-point.
typedef std::vector< PlacePoint3DPairPlacePoint3DPairVector
 Local coordinate system-point pairs vector.
typedef std::pair< MbRect *, size_t > RectPtrIndex
 Bounding box and index.
typedef std::pair< const MbRect *, size_t > ConstRectPtrIndex
 Bounding box and index.
typedef std::vector< RectPtrIndexRectsPtrIndices
 Vector of bounding boxes and indices.
typedef std::vector< ConstRectPtrIndexConstRectsPtrIndices
 Vector of bounding boxes and indices.
typedef std::vector< MbRectRectsVector
 Vector of bounding boxes.
typedef MbCubeTree< MbRect, MbRect, MbCartPoint, MbVectorRectsTree
 Tree of bounding boxes.
typedef MbTriangle MeshTriangle
typedef std::vector< MbTriangleMeshTrianglesVector
 Mesh triangles vector.
typedef SPtr< MbSpaceItemSpaceItemSPtr
 Smart pointer of an geometrical object.
typedef SPtr< const MbSpaceItemConstSpaceItemSPtr
 Smart pointer of an geometrical object.
typedef std::pair< MbSpaceItem *, MbSpaceItem * > SpaceItemPair
 Pair of geometrical objects.
typedef std::vector< MbSpaceItem * > SpaceItemsVector
 Vector of geometrical objects.
typedef std::vector< const MbSpaceItem * > ConstSpaceItemsVector
 Vector of geometrical objects.
typedef std::vector< SpaceItemSPtrSpaceItemsSPtrVector
 Vector of geometrical objects.
typedef std::vector< ConstSpaceItemSPtrConstSpaceItemsSPtrVector
 Vector of geometrical objects.
typedef std::pair< atomic_double, atomic_doubleAtomicDoublePair
 Pair of thread-safe doubles.
typedef std::basic_string< TCHAR > string_t
 Definition of the string used by the C3D kernel.



enum  MbeItemDataType
 A type of user data of the model tree node. More...
Assert violation notification.
enum  eAssertViolationNotify { avn_Mute , avn_CERR , avn_ASSERT }


double CalcAngle0X (double dx, double dy)
 Calculate angle between line and 0X-axis. More...
long double CalcAngle0X (long double dx, long double dy)
 Calculate the angle between a line and 0X-axis. More...
double CalcAngle0X (const MbCartPoint &p1, const MbCartPoint &p2)
 Calculate the angle between a line and 0X-axis. More...
double & NormalizeAngle (double &angle, double angleEpsilon=Math::AngleEps)
 Normalize an angle. More...
void AngleToParam (double dir, bool left, double &t)
 Transform a circle angle to the curve parameter. More...
template<class Type >
double AngleBetweenVectors (const Type &v1, const Type &v2)
 Calculate the angle between two-dimensional vectors. More...
double CalcAngle3Points (const MbCartPoint &p1, const MbCartPoint &centre, const MbCartPoint &p3)
 Calculate the minimal angle between lines. More...
template<class ParamsVector >
bool ArFind (const ParamsVector &arParam, double t, ptrdiff_t &id)
 Find a parameter in the array. More...
MbCartPoint LineSegDivide (const MbCartPoint &p1, const MbCartPoint &p2)
 Split segment by the middle. More...
ptrdiff_t mod (ptrdiff_t i, ptrdiff_t n)
 I by modulo n (cyclic case).
int Sign (double a)
 Determination of the sign of a real number.
int Round (double x)
 Round-off the real number.
int32 LRound (double x)
 Round-off the real number.
int32 CheckLRound (double x)
 Round-off the real number with validation.
bool InRange (double x1, double x2, double x)
 Check if the number is in range [x1, x2]. More...
bool IsParamOn (double tmin, double tmax, double t, double treg)
 Check if parameter is in the range of the curve. More...
bool InRangePlus (double x1, double x, double eps=FLT_EPSILON)
 Check if the number is in range [0, x1). More...
template<class TypeVector >
bool IsMonotonic (const TypeVector &items, bool isAscending, bool allowEqual=false)
 Whether vector of objects is ascending or descending. More...
template<class Point , class Vector , class PointsVector >
bool ArePointsOnLine (const PointsVector &pnts, double metricEps=METRIC_EPSILON)
 Whether points lie on the line. More...
template<class SpacePointsVector >
bool IsPlanar (const SpacePointsVector &pnts, MbPlacement3D *place, double mEps=METRIC_EPSILON)
 Whether the set of points lies on plane. More...
template<class Point >
bool IsPlanar2 (const Array2< Point > &pnts, MbPlacement3D *place, double mEps=METRIC_EPSILON)
 Whether the set of points lies on plane. More...
template<class PointsVector , class BBox >
bool CalculateBoundingBox (const PointsVector &pnts, BBox &bbox)
 Calculate points bounding box. More...
template<class Point , class BBox >
bool CalculateBoundingBox2 (const Array2< Point > &pnts, BBox &bbox)
 Calculate points bounding box. More...
template<class DoubleVector >
void SetLimitParam (DoubleVector &tarr, double tmin, double tmax, double teps=Math::paramEpsilon)
 Set the range of parameter. More...
MbeConvResType ImportFromFile (MbModel &model, const path_string &fileName, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Read a file of an exchange format into model. More...
MbeConvResType ImportFromFile (c3d::ItemSPtr &item, const path_string &filePath, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Read a file of an exchange format into element. More...
MbeConvResType ImportFromFile (ItModelDocument &mDoc, const path_string &filePath, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Read a file of an exchange format into model. More...
MbeConvResType ExportIntoFile (MbModel &model, const path_string &filePath, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Write the model into an exchange format file. More...
MbeConvResType ExportIntoFile (MbItem &item, const path_string &filePath, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Write the model into an exchange format file. More...
MbeConvResType ExportIntoFile (ItModelDocument &mDoc, const path_string &filePath, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Write the model into an exchange format file. More...
MbeConvResType ImportFromBuffer (MbModel &model, const C3DExchangeBuffer &buffer, MbeModelExchangeFormat modelFormat, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Import data from buffer into model. More...
MbeConvResType ImportFromBuffer (c3d::ItemSPtr &item, const C3DExchangeBuffer &buffer, MbeModelExchangeFormat modelFormat, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Import data from buffer into model. More...
MbeConvResType ImportFromBuffer (ItModelDocument &mDoc, const C3DExchangeBuffer &buffer, MbeModelExchangeFormat modelFormat, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Import data from buffer into model. More...
MbeConvResType ExportIntoBuffer (MbModel &model, MbeModelExchangeFormat modelFormat, C3DExchangeBuffer &buffer, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Export model into buffer. More...
MbeConvResType ExportIntoBuffer (MbItem &item, MbeModelExchangeFormat modelFormat, C3DExchangeBuffer &buffer, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Export model into buffer. More...
MbeConvResType ExportIntoBuffer (ItModelDocument &item, MbeModelExchangeFormat modelFormat, C3DExchangeBuffer &buffer, IConvertorProperty3D *prop=nullptr, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
 Export model document into buffer. More...
template<typename Type1 , typename Type2 >
ref_pair< Type1, Type2 > tie (Type1 &iter1, Type2 &iter2)
 Get references as one bunch.
SimpleName Hash32 (uint8 *k, size_t length, SimpleName _c=INIT_HASH32_VAL)
 Hash-function. More...
template<typename T >
SimpleName Hash32Ptr (T *k)
 Hash of the pointer. More...
SimpleName HashStr (const c3d::string_t &str)
 Hash of the string. More...
SimpleName HashStr (const char *c_str)
 Hash of the string. More...
SimpleName HashStr (const wchar_t *w_str)
 Hash of the string. More...
const StrHash NullStrHash (0, StrHash::htp_undef)
 Hash of the empty string. More...
const StrHash UndefStrHash (SimpleName(-1), StrHash::htp_undef)
 Hash for the string absence. More...
SimpleName Hash32SN (SimpleName k1, SimpleName k2)
 Hash of two simple names. More...
writeroperator<< (writer &out, const StrHash &strHash)
 Operator of writing hash. More...
readeroperator>> (reader &in, c3d::StrHash &strHash)
 Operator of hash reading. More...
template<class ItemPtr >
bool IsNullPointer (const ItemPtr *itemPtr)
 Null pointer check . More...
template<class ElementsVector >
void UniqueSortVector (ElementsVector &items)
 Sorting an array with removing duplicates. More...
template<class ElementsVector , class Element >
size_t DirectSearch (const ElementsVector &items, const Element &item)
 Finding an element in a unsorted array. More...
template<class ElementsVector , class Element >
size_t BinarySearch (const ElementsVector &items, const Element &item)
 Finding an element in a sorted array. More...
template<class Point >
bool EqualPoints (const Point &p1, const Point &p2, double eps)
 Check points for equality. More...
template<class Point >
bool EqualPoints (const Point &p1, const Point &p2, double xEpsilon, double yEpsilon)
 Check points for equality. More...
template<class Point >
bool EqualPoints (const Point &p1, const Point &p2, double xEpsilon, double yEpsilon, double zEpsilon)
 Check points for equality. More...
template<class Vector >
bool EqualVectors (const Vector &p1, const Vector &p2, double eps)
 Check equality of vectors with given tolerance. More...
template<class Vector >
bool EqualVectors (const Vector &p1, const Vector &p2, double xEpsilon, double yEpsilon)
 Check equality of vectors with given tolerance. More...
template<class Vector >
bool EqualVectors (const Vector &p1, const Vector &p2, double xEpsilon, double yEpsilon, double zEpsilon)
 Check equality of vectors with given tolerance. More...
template<class Matrix >
bool EqualMatrices (const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2, double accuracy)
 Compare matrices. More...
template<class BBox >
bool EqualCubes (const BBox &c1, const BBox &c2, double eps)
 Check for equality of boxes with controlled tolerance. More...
void GetCosSin (const double &tt, double &cosT, double &sinT)
 Calculation of the cosine and sine. More...
double ACos (double x)
 Secure acos function. More...
bool IsFinite (double val)
 Function to check whether the given number is finite. More...
bool EqualLengths (double lx, double ly, double minLen=METRIC_EPSILON, double minDev=LENGTH_EPSILON)
 Check lengths for equality. More...
template<typename PointParamVector , typename PointVector >
void SplitHomoVector (const PointParamVector &hList, PointVector &uvList)
 Separation of coordinates and weights. More...
template<typename PointParamVector , typename PointVector , typename ParamVector >
void SplitHomoVector (const PointParamVector &hList, PointVector &uvList, ParamVector &tList)
 Separation of coordinates and weights. More...
MbVector Perpendicular (MbVector vec)
 Vector rotated by pi/2 radians counterclockwise.
bool IsNull (const MbVector &vec, double eps)
 Check vector length to be equaled to zero with given tolerance.
bool Nonzero (const MbVector3D &vec, double eps)
 Check equality of vector to zero with given tolerance. More...
float D2F (double v)
 Conversion of number from double to float with check before assignment.
template<class ItemsVector >
bool DeleteCreatorsCopies (ItemsVector &items, double eps=LENGTH_EPSILON)
 Delete creators' copies.
c3d::t_ofstream & operator<< (c3d::t_ofstream &file, const IModelTreeNode &node)
 Operators for outputing a tree to xml. More...
c3d::t_ofstream & operator<< (c3d::t_ofstream &file, IModelTreeNode &node)
 Tree node writing to xml.
c3d::t_ofstream & operator<< (c3d::t_ofstream &file, const IModelTree &tree)
 Tree writing to xml.
c3d::t_ofstream & operator<< (c3d::t_ofstream &file, IModelTree &tree)
 Tree writing to xml.
ItemDataBaseCreateAttributeData (MbAttribute *attr)
 Create user data object for the attribute. Return nullptr if this attribute is not supported in the model tree.
std::unique_ptr< MbAttributeContainerGetTreeNodeAttributes (const IModelTreeNode *node, reader &in)
 Read attributes for the model tree node.
 MTREE_ATTR_DATALESS_CLASS (ItemAttrVisual, idtAttrVisual)
 Definition of attribute dataless classes.
readeroperator>> (reader &in, UserDataMap &itemmap)
 UserDataMap reading.
writeroperator<< (writer &out, const UserDataMap &itemmap)
 UserDataMap writing.
size_t size_of (string_t s)
 Memory allocated by string.

std::wstring StdToWString (const std::string &s)
 String transformation from multibyte to wide-char.

std::string WToStdString (const std::wstring &s)
 String transformation from wide-char to multibyte.

string_t ToC3Dstring (const std::string &s)
 String transformation to the C3D form.

std::string ToSTDstring (const string_t &s)
 String transformation to the standard form.

string_t ToC3Dstring (const std::wstring &s)
 String transformation to the C3D form.
path_string WToPathstring (const std::wstring &s)
 String transformation to the standard form.
std::wstring ToWstring (const string_t &s)
 String transformation to the standard form.
std::string PathToSTDstring (const path_string &s)
 String transformation to the standard form.
string_t PathToC3Dstring (const path_string &s)
 String transformation to the standard form.
path_string StdToPathstring (const std::string &s)
 String transformation to the standard form.
path_string C3DToPathstring (const string_t &s)
 String transformation to the standard form.
void ToLower (::std::string &v)
 convert symbols to lower case.
void ToLower (::std::wstring &v)
 convert symbols to lower case.
TCHAR * CharUpper (TCHAR *s)
 Convert symbols to upper case.
void EnableMemoryLeakDump ()
 Enable memory leakage control. More...


constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_ShellFace [] = _T( "c3d_ShellFace" )
 Hint for an offset face with the null value of offset.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_OffsetFace [] = _T( "c3d_OffsetFace" )
 Hint for an offset face.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_OpenFace [] = _T( "c3d_OpenFace" )
 Hint for an open face.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_StuckOffset [] = _T( "c3d_StuckOffset" )
 Hint for an offset of a stuck face.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_StuckDelete [] = _T( "c3d_StuckDelete" )
 Hint for a deleted stuck face.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_UnstitchByEdge [] = _T( "c3d_UnstitchByEdge" )
 Hint for separation neighbour faces by an edge.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_CheckFlankId [] = _T( "c3d_CheckFlankId" )
 Hint for checking flank's identifier.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_ShellSequenceNumber [] = _T( "c3d_ShellSequenceNumber" )
 Hint for shell sequence number.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_KeptObject [] = _T( "c3d_KeptObject" )
 Hint for kept object.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_DeletingObject [] = _T( "c3d_DeletingObject" )
 Hint for deleting object.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_TemporalObject [] = _T( "c3d_TemporalObject" )
 Hint for temporal object.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_MergedStateMarker [] = _T( "c3d_MergedStateMarker" )
 Hint for a temporary marker of merged attributes.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_BendMinAnlge [] = _T( "BendMinAnlge" )
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_UnbendMinAngle [] = _T( "UnbendMinAngle" )
 For a cylindrical and conical face - parameter u which is less than corresponding parameter of any point on the face.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_ExtendedFace [] = _T( "c3d_ExtendedFace" )
 Hint for extended face.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_CLSecClosure [] = _T( "c3d_CLSecClosure" )
 Hint for center line section closure.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_ValidationPropertyMassExchange [] = _T( "c3d_ValidationPropertyMassExchange" )
 Prompt for the mass validation property.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_ValidationPropertyVolumeExchange [] = _T( "c3d_ValidationPropertyVolumeExchange" )
 Prompt for the volume validation property.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_ValidationPropertySurfaceAreaExchange [] = _T( "c3d_ValidationPropertySurfaceAreaExchange" )
 Prompt for the surface area validation property.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_ItemIdentifierExchange [] = _T( "c3d_ItemIdentifierExchange" )
 Prompt for the item identifier in model exchange operations.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_TextureUrl [] = _T( "C3D_Texture_URL" )
 Prompt for the URL of texture in model exchange operations.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_UniqueCompId [] = _T( "c3d_UniqueCompID" )
 Prompt for the item identifier.
constexpr TCHAR c3d_ShellOpenClosedOriginal [] = _T( "c3d_ShellOpenClosedOriginal" )
 Prompt for shell closure type in source data.
constexpr TCHAR c3d_DraftOperationHotPoint [] = _T( "c3d_DraftOperationHotPoint" )
 Prompt for attribute of hot point in draft operations.
constexpr TCHAR c3d_OperationSingleHotPoint [] = _T( "c3d_OperationSingleHotPoint" )
 Prompt for attribute of simple hot point.
constexpr TCHAR c3d_OperationCompositeHotPoint [] = _T("c3d_OperationCompositeHotPoint")
 Prompt for attribute of composite hot point.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_EdgeSmoothnessInfo [] = _T( "c3d_EdgeSmoothnessInfo" )
 Hint for an edge smoothness attribute.
constexpr TCHAR c3dStr_EdgeForFilletNamesRecover [] = _T( "c3d_EdgeEdgeForFilletNamesRecover" )
 Hint for the edge name attribute used to recover fillet names.
const SimpleName SIMPLENAME_MAX = size_t(SYS_MAX_UINT32)
 Maximum allowable simple name.
const SimpleName UNDEFINED_SNAME = size_t(SYS_MAX_UINT32)
 A value is used as "undefined", not yet assigned name.
const SimpleName INIT_HASH32_VAL = size_t( 31415926 )
 The initial value for the hash-function.
constexpr uint32 GOLDENRATIO = 0x9e3779b9
 Golden section - an arbitrary number for hash-function.
constexpr size_t MATRIX_MAX_COUNT = 1000000000
 Maximum number of MxN matrix elements.
constexpr size_t ARRAY_MAX_COUNT = 1000000
 Maximum size of array.
constexpr double METRIC_PORTION = 0.075
 Proportion of distance between control points.
constexpr double METRIC_DELTA = 0.05
 Metric offset.
constexpr double PARAM_DELTA_MIN = 0.005
 Minimal portion of parameter increment.
constexpr double PARAM_DELTA_MAX = 1.0
 Maximal portion of parameter increment.
constexpr double MIN_LENGTH = 1.0E-4
 Minimal object length.
constexpr double MAX_LENGTH = 5.0E+7
 Maximal object length.
constexpr double MIN_RADIUS = 1.0E-4
 Minimal object radius.
constexpr double MAX_RADIUS = 2.5E+7
 Maximal object radius.
constexpr double DELTA_MIN = 1E-3
 Reduction factor.
constexpr double DELTA_MID = 1E-2
 Reduction factor.
constexpr double DELTA_MOD = 1E-1
 Reduction factor.
constexpr double DELTA_MAX = 1E+3
 Magnification factor.
constexpr double POWER_1 = 1E+1
 Magnification factor.
constexpr double POWER_2 = 1E+2
 Magnification factor.
constexpr double POWER_3 = 1E+3
 Magnification factor.
constexpr double POWER_4 = 1E+4
 Magnification factor.
constexpr double POWER_5 = 1E+5
 Magnification factor.
constexpr double ONE_THIRD = 0.33333333333333333333
constexpr double TWO_THIRD = 0.66666666666666666666
constexpr double ONE_SIXTH = 0.166666666666666666667
constexpr double ONE_FIFTH = 0.2
constexpr double TWO_FIFTH = 0.4
constexpr double ONE_QUARTER = 0.25
constexpr double ONE_HALF = 0.5
constexpr double ONE_SEVENTH = 0.14285714285714285714
constexpr double ONE_EIGHTH = 0.125
constexpr double _CONIC_MIN_ = 0.05
 Minimum factor of smooth surface section completeness (0.5 for parabola, less for ellipse).
constexpr double _CONIC_MAX_ = 0.95
 Maximum factor of smooth surface section completeness (0.5 for parabola, greater for hyperbola).
constexpr double _ARC_ = 0.0
 Factor of smooth surface section completeness in case of u = const corresponds to circle arc.
constexpr int32 TEN = 10
 Number 10.
constexpr int32 TWENTY = 20
 Number 20.
constexpr int32 TESSERA_MAX = 4000
 Maximum count of cell in rows and columns for triangulation grid.
constexpr int32 COUNT_MAX = 512
 Magnification factor.
constexpr int32 COUNT_MID = 256
 Magnification factor.
constexpr int32 COUNT_MIN = 128
 Magnification factor.
constexpr int32 COUNT_BIN = 64
 Inclusion level.
constexpr int32 WIRE_MAX = 256
 The maximum number of mesh lines.
constexpr int32 ITERATE_COUNT = 16
 Number of approximations in iterative method.
constexpr int32 ITERATE_LIMIT = 32
 Count of iterations for construction of tangent circles.
constexpr int32 NEWTON_COUNT = 8
 Number of approximations in iterative method.
constexpr int32 NEWTON_COUNT_2X = 16
 Number of approximations in iterative method.
constexpr int32 NEWTON_COUNT_3X = 24
 Number of approximations in iterative method.
constexpr int32 NEWTON_COUNT_4X = 32
 Number of approximations in iterative method.
constexpr int32 NEWTON_COUNT_8X = 64
 Number of approximations in iterative method.
constexpr int32 LIMIT_COUNT = 4
 Number of approximations in iterative method.
constexpr int32 COUNT_DELTA = 10
 Reduction or magnification factor.
constexpr int32 COUNT_DELTA_2X = 20
 Reduction or magnification factor.
constexpr int32 ITEMS_COUNT = 12
 Number of points in step method.
constexpr int32 BEZIER_DEGREE = 4
 Default degree of Bezier-spline.
constexpr int32 NURBS_DEGREE = 4
 Degree of NURBS.
constexpr int32 NURBS_POINTS_COUNT = 6
 Default number of points for NURBS direct editing.
constexpr int32 NURBS_POINTS_MAX_COUNT = 100
 Default maximum number of points for NURBS direct editing.
constexpr int32 APPROX_POINTS_MUL_COEFF = 3
 Factor of points count incrementing in method of least squares.
constexpr int32 SPACE_DIM = 3
 Dimension of 3D space.
constexpr int32 TRT_FREE = 0
 No conjugation.
constexpr int32 TRT_TANGENT = 1
 Tangent conjugation.
constexpr int32 TRT_NORMAL = 2
 Normal conjugation.

Detailed Description

C3D namespace declaration.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ eAssertViolationNotify


Mute assert violations.


Write message into error stream.


ASSERT macro application.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

c3d::t_ofstream& c3d::operator<< ( c3d::t_ofstream &  file,
const IModelTreeNode node 

Operators for outputing a tree to xml.

Tree node writing to xml.

Variable Documentation

◆ c3dStr_BendMinAnlge

constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_BendMinAnlge[] = _T( "BendMinAnlge" )

For a planar face bended in cylinder - u-parameter which is less than corresponding parameter of any point on the face, bended in cone - angular parameter of the ray which goes out from the parameters plane origin and does not intersect contours of the face.