C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -
attribute_item.h File Reference

Object attributes. More...

#include <io_tape_define.h>
#include <reference_item.h>
#include <math_define.h>
#include <mb_property_title.h>


class  MbAttribute
 Object attributes. More...
class  MbAttributeAction
 Object for properties. More...


 C3D namespace declaration.


enum  MbeAttributeType {
  at_Undefined = 0 , at_ElementaryAttribute = 101 , at_Identifier = 102 , at_Color = 103 ,
  at_Width = 104 , at_Style = 105 , at_Visual = 106 , at_Selected = 107 ,
  at_Visible = 108 , at_WireCount = 109 , at_Changed = 110 , at_Dencity = 111 ,
  at_NameAttribute = 112 , at_UpdateStamp = 113 , at_Embodiment = 114 , at_Elasticity = 115 ,
  at_Strains = 116 , at_ShellThickness = 117 , at_ElementaryLast = 200 , at_CommonAttribute = 201 ,
  at_BoolAttribute = 202 , at_IntAttribute = 203 , at_DoubleAttribute = 204 , at_StringAttribute = 205 ,
  at_GeomAttribute = 206 , at_StampRibAttribute = 207 , at_Int64Attribute = 208 , at_BinaryAttribute = 209 ,
  at_SweptFlangeAttribute = 210 , at_Int32VectorAttribute = 211 , at_Int64VectorAttribute = 212 , at_DoubleVectorAttribute = 213 ,
  at_UuidInstanceAttribute = 214 , at_BaseHotPointAttribute = 215 , at_HotPointAttribute = 216 , at_CompHotPointAttribute = 217 ,
  at_DoubleRangeAttribute = 218 , at_CommonLast = 300 , at_LinkingAttribute = 301 , at_AnchorAttribute = 302 ,
  at_DirectiveAttribute = 401 , at_KeepUniqueKey = 402 , at_ProductAttribute = 501 , at_ModelInfo = 502 ,
  at_PersonOrganizationInfo = 503 , at_ProductInfo = 504 , at_STEPTextDescription = 505 , at_STEPReferenceHolder = 506 ,
  at_UserAttribute = 601 , at_UserFirst = 602 , at_UserLast = 900 , at_ExternalAttribute = 901 ,
  at_ExternalAttributeImp = 902 , at_FreeItem = 1000
 Types of attributes. More...
enum  MbeImplicationType {
  ace_Attribute , ace_ModelItem , ace_TopItem , ace_MeshItem ,
  ace_Model , ace_AttribContainer
 Types of attribute containers. More...


constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_ShellFace [] = _T( "c3d_ShellFace" )
 Hint for an offset face with the null value of offset.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_OffsetFace [] = _T( "c3d_OffsetFace" )
 Hint for an offset face.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_OpenFace [] = _T( "c3d_OpenFace" )
 Hint for an open face.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_StuckOffset [] = _T( "c3d_StuckOffset" )
 Hint for an offset of a stuck face.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_StuckDelete [] = _T( "c3d_StuckDelete" )
 Hint for a deleted stuck face.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_UnstitchByEdge [] = _T( "c3d_UnstitchByEdge" )
 Hint for separation neighbour faces by an edge.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_CheckFlankId [] = _T( "c3d_CheckFlankId" )
 Hint for checking flank's identifier.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_ShellSequenceNumber [] = _T( "c3d_ShellSequenceNumber" )
 Hint for shell sequence number.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_KeptObject [] = _T( "c3d_KeptObject" )
 Hint for kept object.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_DeletingObject [] = _T( "c3d_DeletingObject" )
 Hint for deleting object.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_TemporalObject [] = _T( "c3d_TemporalObject" )
 Hint for temporal object.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_MergedStateMarker [] = _T( "c3d_MergedStateMarker" )
 Hint for a temporary marker of merged attributes.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_BendMinAnlge [] = _T( "BendMinAnlge" )
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_UnbendMinAngle [] = _T( "UnbendMinAngle" )
 For a cylindrical and conical face - parameter u which is less than corresponding parameter of any point on the face.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_ExtendedFace [] = _T( "c3d_ExtendedFace" )
 Hint for extended face.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_CLSecClosure [] = _T( "c3d_CLSecClosure" )
 Hint for center line section closure.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_ValidationPropertyMassExchange [] = _T( "c3d_ValidationPropertyMassExchange" )
 Prompt for the mass validation property.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_ValidationPropertyVolumeExchange [] = _T( "c3d_ValidationPropertyVolumeExchange" )
 Prompt for the volume validation property.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_ValidationPropertySurfaceAreaExchange [] = _T( "c3d_ValidationPropertySurfaceAreaExchange" )
 Prompt for the surface area validation property.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_ItemIdentifierExchange [] = _T( "c3d_ItemIdentifierExchange" )
 Prompt for the item identifier in model exchange operations.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_TextureUrl [] = _T( "C3D_Texture_URL" )
 Prompt for the URL of texture in model exchange operations.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_UniqueCompId [] = _T( "c3d_UniqueCompID" )
 Prompt for the item identifier.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3d_ShellOpenClosedOriginal [] = _T( "c3d_ShellOpenClosedOriginal" )
 Prompt for shell closure type in source data.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3d_DraftOperationHotPoint [] = _T( "c3d_DraftOperationHotPoint" )
 Prompt for attribute of hot point in draft operations.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3d_OperationSingleHotPoint [] = _T( "c3d_OperationSingleHotPoint" )
 Prompt for attribute of simple hot point.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3d_OperationCompositeHotPoint [] = _T("c3d_OperationCompositeHotPoint")
 Prompt for attribute of composite hot point.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_EdgeSmoothnessInfo [] = _T( "c3d_EdgeSmoothnessInfo" )
 Hint for an edge smoothness attribute.
constexpr TCHAR c3d::c3dStr_EdgeForFilletNamesRecover [] = _T( "c3d_EdgeEdgeForFilletNamesRecover" )
 Hint for the edge name attribute used to recover fillet names.

Detailed Description

Object attributes.