C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -
creator.h File Reference

Constructor of object of the geometric model. More...

#include <mb_operation_result.h>
#include <mb_cart_point3d.h>
#include <space_item.h>
#include <topology_faceset.h>
#include <name_item.h>


class  MbCreator
 Constructor of object of the geometric model. More...


 C3D namespace declaration.


enum  MbeCreatorType {
  ct_Undefined = 0 , ct_Creator = 1 , ct_DisplaceMaker = 10 , ct_MotionMaker = 11 ,
  ct_RotationMaker = 12 , ct_TransformationMaker = 13 , ct_PointsCreator = 101 , ct_SimpleWireFrameCreator = 200 ,
  ct_Curve3DCreator = 201 , ct_Nurbs3DCreator = 202 , ct_SurfaceSplineCreator = 203 , ct_ProjectionCurveCreator = 204 ,
  ct_OffsetCurveCreator = 205 , ct_IntersectionCurveCreator = 206 , ct_ConnectingCurveCreator = 207 , ct_ExtensionCurveCreator = 208 ,
  ct_FairBaseCreator = 209 , ct_FairCurveCreator = 210 , ct_FairFilletCreator = 211 , ct_FairClothoidCreator = 212 ,
  ct_FairChangeCreator = 213 , ct_UnwrapCurveCreator = 214 , ct_WrapCurveCreator = 215 , ct_BeamCurveCreator = 216 ,
  ct_FilletWireCreator = 217 , ct_WireFrameIntoNurbsCreator = 218 , ct_TrimmedWireFrameCreator = 219 , ct_UnwrapPointCreator = 220 ,
  ct_WrapPointCreator = 221 , ct_SimpleMeshCreator = 400 , ct_ReverseMeshCreator = 401 , ct_BooleanMeshCreator = 402 ,
  ct_CuttingMeshCreator = 403 , ct_ShellCreator = 501 , ct_SimpleCreator = 502 , ct_ElementarySolid = 503 ,
  ct_CurveSweptSolid = 504 , ct_CurveExtrusionSolid = 505 , ct_CurveRevolutionSolid = 506 , ct_CurveEvolutionSolid = 507 ,
  ct_CurveLoftedSolid = 508 , ct_BooleanSolid = 509 , ct_CuttingSolid = 510 , ct_SymmetrySolid = 511 ,
  ct_HoleSolid = 512 , ct_SmoothSolid = 513 , ct_ChamferSolid = 514 , ct_FilletSolid = 515 ,
  ct_FullFilletSolid = 516 , ct_ShellSolid = 517 , ct_DraftSolid = 518 , ct_RibSolid = 519 ,
  ct_SplitShell = 520 , ct_NurbsBlockSolid = 521 , ct_FaceModifiedSolid = 522 , ct_ModifiedNurbsItem = 523 ,
  ct_NurbsModification = 524 , ct_TransformedSolid = 525 , ct_ThinShellCreator = 526 , ct_UnionSolid = 527 ,
  ct_DetachSolid = 528 , ct_DuplicationSolid = 529 , ct_ReverseCreator = 530 , ct_DividedShell = 531 ,
  ct_SheetMetalSolid = 601 , ct_BendOverSegSolid = 602 , ct_JogSolid = 603 , ct_BendsByEdgesSolid = 604 ,
  ct_BendUnbendSolid = 605 , ct_ClosedCornerSolid = 606 , ct_StampSolid = 607 , ct_SphericalStampSolid = 608 ,
  ct_BeadSolid = 609 , ct_JalousieSolid = 610 , ct_JointBendSolid = 611 , ct_StitchedSolid = 612 ,
  ct_RuledSolid = 613 , ct_RestoredEdgesSolid = 614 , ct_SheetUnionSolid = 615 , ct_StampRibSolid = 616 ,
  ct_BendAnySolid = 617 , ct_SimplifyFlatSolid = 618 , ct_UserStampSolid = 619 , ct_RemoveOperationSolid = 620 ,
  ct_BuildSheetMetalSolid = 621 , ct_NormalizeHolesSolid = 622 , ct_JoinShell = 701 , ct_MeshShell = 702 ,
  ct_RuledShell = 703 , ct_NurbsSurfacesShell = 704 , ct_TruncatedShell = 705 , ct_ExtensionShell = 706 ,
  ct_PatchSetCreator = 707 , ct_FilletShell = 708 , ct_MedianShell = 709 , ct_SectionShell = 710 ,
  ct_AttributeProvider = 801 , ct_FreeItem = 900
 Types of creators. More...


bool CreateShell (MbFaceShell *&shell, const RPArray< MbCreator > &creators, MbeCopyMode copyMode)
 Create a shell by history tree. More...
bool CreateShell (MbFaceShell *&shell, const std::vector< SPtr< MbCreator > > &creators, MbeCopyMode copyMode)
 Create a shell by history tree. More...

Detailed Description

Constructor of object of the geometric model.