C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -
+ Collaboration diagram for Operation Parameters:


 Shell Building Parameters
 Sheet Metal Building Parameters
 Direct Building Parameters
 Surface Building Parameters
 Space Curve Building Parameters
 Curve Building Parameters


class  MbPrecision
 The precision of object construction. More...
class  MbOperationResults
 The common operation results. More...
struct  MbItemIndex
 Index of object identification. More...
struct  MbItemThinValues
 Extended index of object identification. More...
struct  MbEdgeFacesIndexes
 Index of edge identification. More...
struct  MbExtendedIndex
 Index of face and it edges. More...
class  MbStampParams
 Input data for stamping operation. More...
class  MbStampPartsParams
 Input data for create parts of stamping solid. More...
class  MbSphericalStampParams
 Input data for stamping operation. More...
class  MbSphericalStampPartsParams
 Input data for create parts of stamping solid. More...

Detailed Description