C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -
+ Collaboration diagram for Shell Building Parameters:


class  MbSplitData
 Truncating elements. More...
struct  MbApproxNurbsCurveResult< Nurbs >
 Output data for the approximation polyline by a NURBS curve. More...
struct  MbMergingFlags
 Control flags of shell items merging. More...
struct  MbBooleanFlags
 Control flags of Boolean operations. More...
class  DuplicationValues
 Abstract class of duplication parameters. More...
class  DuplicationMeshValues
 Duplication by grid. More...
class  DuplicationMatrixValues
 Duplication by matrices. More...
class  MbDuplicationSolidParams
 Class with solid duplication parameters. More...
class  MbMeshSimplificationParams
 Triangulation simplification parameters. More...
class  MbConvexHullParams
 Parameters for convex hull 2D creation. More...
struct  MbConvexHullResults
 Results of convex hull 2D creating. More...
class  MbConvexHullParams3D
 Parameters for convex hull 3D creation. More...
class  MbMeshUnwrapParams
 Parameter for an unwrapping the mesh on a plane. More...
class  MbMeshUnwrapResult
 Result of an unwrapping the mesh on a plane. More...
struct  SmoothValues
 Parameters of fillet or chamfer of edge. More...
struct  FullFilletValues
 Parameters of face fillet. More...
struct  CornerValues
 Parameters of vertex fillet. More...
class  HoleValues
 The parameters of notch. More...
class  BorerValues
 The hole parameters. More...
class  PocketValues
 The parameters of pocket or boss. More...
class  SlotValues
 The parameters of slot. More...
class  MbPatchMating
 Patch curve conjugation. More...
class  MbCurveMate
 Curve with conjugation. More...
struct  PatchValues
 The parameters of patch. More...
class  MbPatchCurve
 Curve for the patch construction. More...
class  MbPatchShellParams
 Patch operation parameters. More...
struct  NurbsSurfaceValues
 The parameters of spline surface. More...
class  MbNurbsSurfacesShellParams
 The parameters of spline surface. More...
struct  MeshSurfaceValues
 Surface parameter by grid of curves. More...
class  MbMeshShellParameters
 Parameters for creating the shell by mesh of curves. More...
struct  RuledSurfaceValues
 Data for the construction of a ruled surface. More...
struct  ExtensionValues
 The shell extension parameters. More...
struct  JoinSurfaceValues
 Data for construction of surface of the joint. More...
struct  GridsToShellValues
 Operation parameters of grids-to-shell conversion. More...
class  MbGridShellParams
 Operation parameters of grids-to-shell conversion. More...
struct  MedianShellValues
 Operation parameters of median shell between selected faces of solid. More...
class  MedianShellFaces
 Set of faces for build a median shell. More...
class  MbMedianShellParams
 Parameters for creating the median shell. More...
struct  MbMedianShellResults
 Results of creating the median shell. More...
struct  MbShellStitchParams
 Stitch parameters. More...
class  MbShellCuttingParams
 Shell cutting operation parameters. More...
struct  RectifyValues
 Parameter for an unwrapping the face on a plane. More...
class  MbLocalCubePhantomParams
 Parameter class for the creation of a bounding box phantom in a local coordinate system. More...
class  MbShellChamferParams
 Parameters for creating chamfers for edges of a solid. More...
class  MbDivideShellParams
 Parameter class for a shell division into parts using given edges container. More...
class  MbShellFilletValues
 Parameters for creating a fillet of edges of a solid. More...
class  MbLoftedCurvesShellParams
 LoftedShell operation parameters. More...
class  MbLoftedPointsShellParams
 LoftedShell operation parameters. More...
class  MbLoftedSolidParams
 Input data for lofted solid operation. More...
struct  VariableSectionValues
 Data required for sweeping operation with variable section. More...
class  MbEvolutionShellParams
 Input data for sweeping solid operation. More...
class  MbExtensionShellParams
 Parameter class an extension of an open solid by extrusion. More...
class  MbRuledShellParams
 Parameter class for the creation an open ruled solid. More...
class  MbRuledShellResult
 Output data for the creation an open ruled solid. More...
class  MbIngotSolidParams
 Parameter class for an ingot solid creation from the set of specified objects. More...
class  MbShellFullFilletParams
 Parameters for creating a fillet of a chain of the body faces. More...
class  MbRibSolidParameters
 Parameters of a rib. More...
class  MbOctaLatticeParams
 Lattice shell based on three control points, lattice parameters and number of elements. More...
class  MbBooleanOperationParams
 Parameters of Boolean operation. More...
class  MbElementarySolidParams
 Parameters for creating an elementary solid. More...
class  MbElementarySolidResults
 Results of construction an elementary solid. More...
class  MbShellPartParams
 Parameters for extracting a specified part of a decomposing solid. More...
class  MbShellPartResults
 Results of extracting a specified part of a decomposing solid. More...
class  MbHoleSolidParams
 Parameters for creating a shell with a hole, a pocket or a groove. More...
class  MbFilletBundle
 Faces of one solid to create a fillet between two disjoint sets of faces. More...
class  MbFilletData
 Data to create fillet between disjoint faces. More...
class  MbJoinShellParams
 Parameters for creating a join shell. More...
class  MbJoinShellResults
 Results of creating the shell of join. More...
class  MbSmoothPhantomParams
 Parameters for creating phantom surfaces of fillet/chamfer. More...
class  MbSmoothSequenceParams
 Parameters for creating a sequence of smoothly connected edges. More...
class  MbSmoothPositionDataParams
 Parameters for creating support points of fillet/chamfer operation sizes. More...
class  MbCutShellSilhouetteResult
 Results of creating a solid cutted by a silhouette contour. More...
class  MbDraftSolidParams
 Draft operation parameters. More...
class  MbDraftSolidResults
 Results of creating a draft's solid. More...
class  MbSectionResults
 Results of construction of a shell on swept mutable section surface. More...
class  MbBeamElementParams
 Input parameters of "Beam element" operation. More...
class  MbBeamElementResults
 Output parameters of "Beam element" operation. More...
class  MbSweptData
 The generating data. More...
class  MbSweptSide
 Parameters of rotation and extrusion. More...
struct  SweptValues
 The parameters of form-generating operation. More...
class  SweptValuesAndSides
 The parameters of extrusion or rotation. More...
class  ExtrusionValues
 The parameters of extrusion operation. More...
class  RevolutionValues
 The parameters of revolution operation. More...
struct  EvolutionValues
 Parameters of the sweeping operation. More...
class  IVariableSectionData
 An Abstract Base Class for obtaining sections for sweeping operation with variable section. More...
struct  LoftedValues
 The operation parameters of constructing solid by lofted. More...
struct  MbSweptLayout
 The parameters of Boolean operation of extrusion or revolution to object. More...
struct  MbExtrusionLayout
 The parameters of Boolean operation of extrusion to object. More...
struct  MbRevolutionLayout
 The parameters of Boolean operation of revolution to object. More...
class  MbSectionRail
 The surface section control function. More...
class  MbNearestSolidParams
 Parameters of the GetNearestSolid operation to find the nearest body. More...
class  MbNearestSolidResult
 The result of the search operation for the nearest body in the specified direction. More...


enum  ElementaryShellType {
  et_Undefined = -1 , et_Sphere = 0 , et_Torus = 1 , et_Cylinder = 2 ,
  et_Cone = 3 , et_Block = 4 , et_Wedge = 5 , et_Prism = 6 ,
  et_Pyramid = 7 , et_Plate = 8 , et_Icosahedron = 9 , et_Polyhedron = 10 ,
  et_Tetrapipe = 11 , et_Octapipe = 12
 Types of elementary solids. More...
enum  MbeHoleType { ht_BorerValues = 0 , ht_PocketValues = 1 , ht_SlotValues = 2 }
 Types of notch. More...
enum  BorerValues::BorerType {
  BorerValues::bt_SimpleCylinder = 0 , BorerValues::bt_TwofoldCylinder = 1 , BorerValues::bt_ChamferCylinder = 2 , BorerValues::bt_ComplexCylinder = 3 ,
  BorerValues::bt_SimpleCone = 4 , BorerValues::bt_ArcCylinder = 5 , BorerValues::bt_DoubleCylinder = 6
 Types of holes. More...
enum  MbSweptWay { sw_scalarValue = -2 , sw_shell = -1 , sw_surface = 0 }
 Method of extrusion/rotation. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ElementaryShellType

Types of elementary solids.

Types of elementary solids which can be constructed by several points.


Undefined type.


Sphere (3 points).


Torus (3 points).


Cylinder (3 points).


Cone (3 points, in the case of non-frustum cone, 4 points, in the case of frustum cone).


Block (4 points).


Wedge (4 points).


Prism (n + 1 points, n > 2).


Pyramid (n + 1 points, n > 2).


Plate (4 points).


Icosahedron (3 points).


Polyhedron (3 points).


Tetrapipe (3 points).


Octapipe (3 points).

◆ MbeHoleType

Types of notch.

Types of notch. These are used to determine one from the constructions: holes, pockets, grooves.







◆ BorerType

Types of holes.

The type determines the hole shape.


Simple cylindrical hole.


Double cylindrical hole.


Cylindrical hole with a chamfer.


Double cylindrical hole with a transition.


Simple conical hole.


Center hole of form R (arcuate).


Double cylindrical hole with a fillet.

◆ MbSweptWay

enum MbSweptWay

Method of extrusion/rotation.

Method of extrusion/rotation constructing.


Extrude to a given depth / rotate by a given angle.


To the nearest object (solid).


To the surface.