C3D Toolkit
Kernel - 117982, Vision -
The enumerations. More...
#include <mb_variables.h>
Enumerations | |
enum | MbeNewtonResult { nr_Failure = -1 , nr_Special = 0 , nr_Success = 1 , nr_Specific = 2 } |
The result of the iterative method. More... | |
enum | MbeItemLocation { iloc_Undefined = -3 , iloc_Unknown = -2 , iloc_OutOfItem = -1 , iloc_OnItem = 0 , iloc_InItem = 1 , iloc_ByItem = 2 } |
The position of an object. More... | |
enum | MbeLocation { loc_Undefined = iloc_Unknown , loc_Outside = iloc_OutOfItem , loc_OnCurve = iloc_OnItem , loc_Inside = iloc_InItem } |
Two-dimensional point position. More... | |
enum | MbeState { dp_NoChanged = 0 , dp_Changed , dp_Degenerated } |
Object condition after modification. More... | |
enum | MbeProcessState { mps_Error = -3 , mps_Skip = -2 , mps_Stop = -1 , mps_Success = 0 , mps_SelfIntersect = 24 } |
State of the process. More... | |
enum | MbeSenseValue { orient_BOTH = 0 , orient_FORWARD , orient_BACK } |
Direction. More... | |
enum | MbeSplineParamType { spt_Unstated = 0 , spt_EquallySpaced = 1 , spt_ChordLength = 2 , spt_Centripetal = 3 } |
The parameterization type of spline objects. More... | |
enum | MbeNurbsCurveForm { ncf_Unspecified = 0 , ncf_PolylineForm , ncf_CircularArc , ncf_EllipticArc , ncf_ParabolicArc , ncf_HyperbolicArc , ncf_BezierForm , ncf_HermitForm , ncf_SurfacePoleForm , ncf_FairCurveForm } |
Types of NURBS-curve forms. More... | |
enum | MbeMatingType { trt_None = -1 , trt_Position = 0 , trt_Tangent = 1 , trt_Normal = 2 , trt_SmoothG2 = 3 , trt_SmoothG3 = 4 } |
The conjugation type. More... | |
enum | MbePatchMatingType { pmt_None = 0 , pmt_Tangent = 1 , pmt_SmoothG2 = 2 } |
The conjugation type by patch curve. More... | |
enum | MbeConjugationType { cjt_NormPlus = 0 , cjt_NormMinus = 1 , cjt_G1Plus = 2 , cjt_G1Minus = 3 } |
The type of conjugation by edges. More... | |
enum | MbeDirectSmoothType { dst_None = -1 , dst_Convex = 0 , dst_Concave = 1 , dst_Smooth = 2 } |
The type of blending. More... | |
enum | MbeItemGridType { igt_Rectangular = 0 , igt_Concentric = 1 , igt_Hexagonal = 2 } |
Types of two-dimensional mesh. More... | |
enum | MbeParamDir { pd_DirU = 0 , pd_DirV = 1 } |
Direction on the surface. More... | |
enum | MbeCurveBuildType { cbt_Boundary = -1 , cbt_Ordinary = 0 , cbt_Specific = 1 , cbt_Tolerant = 2 } |
Types of surfaces intersection curve by construction. More... | |
enum | MbeSurfaceType { sst_OrdinarySurface = 0 , sst_SpecificSurface = 1 } |
Types of blend surface. More... | |
enum | MbeCurveGlueType { cgt_Unknown = 0 , cgt_Pole = 1 , cgt_Edge = 2 , cgt_Stitch = 3 , cgt_Split = 4 } |
Curve types of surfaces intersection by topology. More... | |
enum | MbeStepType { ist_SpaceStep = 0x01 , ist_DeviationStep = 0x02 , ist_MetricStep = 0x04 , ist_ParamStep = 0x08 , ist_CollisionStep = 0x10 , ist_MipStep = 0x20 } |
Methods of calculation of parameter increment by the object. More... | |
enum | MbeLabelState { ls_None = -1 , ls_Null = 0 , ls_Used = 1 , ls_Delete = 2 , ls_Rebuild = 3 , ls_FirstPass = 4 , ls_SecondPass = 5 , ls_Error = 6 , ls_Doubtful = 7 , ls_TempMark = 8 } |
Working label. More... | |
enum | MbeSmoothForm { st_Unknown = -2 , st_Span = -1 , st_Fillet = 0 , st_Chamfer = 1 , st_Slant1 = 2 , st_Slant2 = 3 } |
Methods of construction of a blend surface (fillet or chamfer). More... | |
enum | OperationType { bo_Internal = -4 , bo_External = -3 , bo_Intersect = -2 , bo_Difference = -1 , bo_Unknown = 0 , bo_Union = 1 , bo_Base = 2 , bo_Variety = 3 } |
Types of boolean operations on solids. More... | |
enum | RegionOperationType { rbo_Intersect = -2 , rbo_Difference = -1 , rbo_Unknown = 0 , rbo_Union = 1 } |
Types of boolean operations on two-dimensional regions. More... | |
enum | MbeConnectingType { ft_Fillet = 0 , ft_OnSurface = 1 , ft_Spline = 2 , ft_Double = 3 , ft_Bridge = 4 } |
Methods of curves conjugation. More... | |
enum | MbeCopyMode { cm_Same = 0 , cm_KeepHistory , cm_KeepSurface , cm_Copy } |
Methods of transferring data while copying shells. More... | |
enum | MbeCurveDerivativeType { cdt_CurPoint = 0 , cdt_FirstDer , cdt_SecondDer , cdt_ThirdDer , cdt_CountDer } |
Supported types of derivatives on the curve. More... | |
enum | MbeSurfaceDerivativeType { sdt_SurPoint = 0 , sdt_DeriveU , sdt_DeriveV , sdt_DeriveUU , sdt_DeriveUV , sdt_DeriveVV , sdt_DeriveUUU , sdt_DeriveUUV , sdt_DeriveUVV , sdt_DeriveVVV , sdt_Normal , sdt_NormalU , sdt_NormalV , sdt_NormalUU , sdt_NormalUV , sdt_NormalVV , sdt_CountNor , sdt_CountDer = sdt_Normal } |
Supported types of derivatives on the surface. More... | |
enum | MbeFacePropagation { fp_None = 0 , fp_All = 1 , fp_SmoothlyJointedAlong = 2 , fp_SmoothlyJointedOrtho = 3 , fp_SmoothlyJointed = 4 } |
Enumeration of faces capturing methods. More... | |
enum | MbeIntersectionType { ipt_Simple = 0 , ipt_Tangent = 1 } |
Types of intersection points. More... | |
enum | MbePoleLocation { pln_None = -1 , pln_MinU = 0 , pln_MaxU = 1 , pln_MinV = 2 , pln_MaxV = 3 } |
Location of the poles. More... | |
enum | MbeSurfacePoleType { spt_Undefined = 0 , spt_Point , spt_Curve } |
Surface border type. More... | |
enum | ElementaryShellType { et_Undefined = -1 , et_Sphere = 0 , et_Torus = 1 , et_Cylinder = 2 , et_Cone = 3 , et_Block = 4 , et_Wedge = 5 , et_Prism = 6 , et_Pyramid = 7 , et_Plate = 8 , et_Icosahedron = 9 , et_Polyhedron = 10 , et_Tetrapipe = 11 , et_Octapipe = 12 } |
Types of elementary solids. More... | |
enum | MbeOffsetType { off_Empty = 0 , off_Const = 1 , off_Linea = 2 , off_Cubic = 3 } |
Types of points offset displacement for offset curves and offset surfaces from base objects. More... | |
enum | MbeProgBarId_Common { } |
Identifiers of the execution progress indicator messages. More... | |
enum | MbeProgBarId_PointsSurface { } |
Identifiers of the execution progress indicator messages. Surface by points layer(grid). More... | |
enum | MbeProgBarId_Mesh { pBar_SimplifyMesh_byTrianglesCount = pbarId_PointsSurface_End + 1 , pBar_SimplifyMesh_byTolerance } |
Identifiers of the execution progress indicator messages different algorithms for meshes. More... | |
enum | MbeFairSubdivision { fairSubdiv_No = 0 , fairSubdiv_Single = 1 , fairSubdiv_Double = 2 , fairSubdiv_Thrice = 3 } |
Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Curve subdivision coefficient. More... | |
enum | MbeFairCurvature { fairCur_No = 0 , fairCur_Start = 1 , fairCur_End = 2 , fairCur_Both = 3 } |
Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Accounting for curvature at end points. More... | |
enum | MbeFairApprox { fairApprox_KnotsSpline = 0 , fairApprox_IsoSpline = 1 , fairApprox_IsoNurbs = 2 } |
Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Approx method. More... | |
enum | MbeFairVector { fairVector_Tangent = 0 , fairSmooth_Segment = 1 , fairSuperSmooth_Segment = 2 } |
Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Taking into account vector at inflection point. More... | |
enum | MbeFixPntTng { fixPntTng_NotFix = 0 , fixPntTng_Fix = 1 } |
Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Taking into account tangent on point / point on tangent. More... | |
enum | MbeFairSplineFormat { fairFormat_HalfOpened = 0 , fairFormat_Open = 1 , fairFormat_Close = 2 , fairFormat_GB = 3 } |
Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Spline Format. More... | |
enum | MbeFairSmoothing { fairSmooth_No = 0 , fairSmooth_Yes = 1 , fairSmooth_FixAng = 2 , fairSmooth_Noisy = 3 , fairSmooth_NoisyMidline = 4 } |
Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Smoothing. More... | |
enum | MbeFairMethod { fairMethod_Polyline = 1 , fairMethod_Tangent = 2 , fairMethod_GDHermite = 3 } |
Creation method of fair curve. More... | |
enum | MbeFairWarning { fwarn_Success = 0 , fwarn_IncorrectFirstTang = 1 , fwarn_StraightFirstSite = 2 , fwarn_IncorrectPolylines = 3 , fwarn_IncorrectFixPntTng = 4 , fwarn_BadAccuracyFixPntTng = 5 , fwarn_BadStructureFixPntTng = 6 , fwarn_BadPositionFixPntTng = 7 , fwarn_CriticalConfig = 8 , fwarn_CantSetCurvature = 9 , fwarn_AccuracyCritical = 10 , fwarn_AccuracyStraight = 11 , fwarn_BadAccuracy = 13 , fwarn_BadInflection = 15 , fwarn_CurvatureOutOfRange = 16 , fwarn_SawtoothPolyline = 17 } |
Warnings of fair curve creation. More... | |
enum | MbeFairDataType { fairData_None = 0 , fairData_Polyline = 1 , fairData_Tangent = 2 , fairData_GDHermite = 3 , fairData_GDHPoly = 4 , fairData_GDHTangent = 5 } |
Type of input data for creating a fair curve. More... | |
enum | MbeFairChangeType { fairChange_None = 0 , fairChange_Elevate = 1 , fairChange_Subdivide = 2 , fairChange_Change = 3 , fairChange_AddKnot = 4 , fairChange_AddExtr = 5 , fairChange_Conic = 6 , fairChange_Reparam = 7 } |
Method of modifying a fair curve. More... | |
enum | MbeFairCurveType { fairCrvType_None = 0 , fairCrvType_Bezier = 1 , fairCrvType_BSpline = 2 , fairCrvType_HermiteGD = 3 , fairCrvType_Clothoid = 4 , fairCrvType_Sectrix = 5 , fairCrvType_BezierFillet = 6 , fairCrvType_Poly = 7 , fairCrvType_PolyTangent = 8 } |
Type of a fair curve to be created. More... | |
enum | MbeSectionShape { cs_Round = 0 , cs_Linea = 1 , cs_Conic = 2 , cs_Cubic = 3 , cs_Shape = 4 } |
The shape of the variable section surface. More... | |
enum | MbeSideShape { side_Non = 0 , side_Min = 1 , side_Max = 2 , side_Cut = 3 , side_Tau = 4 } |
The shape of cropping the sides of the variable section surface. More... | |
enum | MbeFaceHandling { face_Non = 0 , face_Cut = 1 , face_Sew = 2 } |
The processing of initial reference faces. More... | |
enum | MbePairObjectsSelection { pos_First = 0 , pos_Second = 1 , pos_Both = 2 } |
Selection from a pair of objects. More... | |
enum class | MbeCurveExtensionWays : unsigned int { cew_Linear = 0 , cew_Circular = 1 , cew_CommonNatural = 2 , cew_BaseNatural = 3 , cew_Undefined } |
Enumeration of ways to extend the curve. More... | |
The enumerations.
enum MbeFairVector |
enum MbeFixPntTng |
enum MbeSectionShape |
enum MbeSideShape |
The shape of cropping the sides of the variable section surface.
enum MbeFaceHandling |