C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -
mb_enum.h File Reference

The enumerations. More...

#include <mb_variables.h>


enum  MbeNewtonResult { nr_Failure = -1 , nr_Special = 0 , nr_Success = 1 , nr_Specific = 2 }
 The result of the iterative method. More...
enum  MbeItemLocation {
  iloc_Undefined = -3 , iloc_Unknown = -2 , iloc_OutOfItem = -1 , iloc_OnItem = 0 ,
  iloc_InItem = 1 , iloc_ByItem = 2
 The position of an object. More...
enum  MbeLocation { loc_Undefined = iloc_Unknown , loc_Outside = iloc_OutOfItem , loc_OnCurve = iloc_OnItem , loc_Inside = iloc_InItem }
 Two-dimensional point position. More...
enum  MbeState { dp_NoChanged = 0 , dp_Changed , dp_Degenerated }
 Object condition after modification. More...
enum  MbeProcessState {
  mps_Error = -3 , mps_Skip = -2 , mps_Stop = -1 , mps_Success = 0 ,
  mps_SelfIntersect = 24
 State of the process. More...
enum  MbeSenseValue { orient_BOTH = 0 , orient_FORWARD , orient_BACK }
 Direction. More...
enum  MbeSplineParamType { spt_Unstated = 0 , spt_EquallySpaced = 1 , spt_ChordLength = 2 , spt_Centripetal = 3 }
 The parameterization type of spline objects. More...
enum  MbeNurbsCurveForm {
  ncf_Unspecified = 0 , ncf_PolylineForm , ncf_CircularArc , ncf_EllipticArc ,
  ncf_ParabolicArc , ncf_HyperbolicArc , ncf_BezierForm , ncf_HermitForm ,
  ncf_SurfacePoleForm , ncf_FairCurveForm
 Types of NURBS-curve forms. More...
enum  MbeMatingType {
  trt_None = -1 , trt_Position = 0 , trt_Tangent = 1 , trt_Normal = 2 ,
  trt_SmoothG2 = 3 , trt_SmoothG3 = 4
 The conjugation type. More...
enum  MbePatchMatingType { pmt_None = 0 , pmt_Tangent = 1 , pmt_SmoothG2 = 2 }
 The conjugation type by patch curve. More...
enum  MbeConjugationType { cjt_NormPlus = 0 , cjt_NormMinus = 1 , cjt_G1Plus = 2 , cjt_G1Minus = 3 }
 The type of conjugation by edges. More...
enum  MbeDirectSmoothType { dst_None = -1 , dst_Convex = 0 , dst_Concave = 1 , dst_Smooth = 2 }
 The type of blending. More...
enum  MbeItemGridType { igt_Rectangular = 0 , igt_Concentric = 1 , igt_Hexagonal = 2 }
 Types of two-dimensional mesh. More...
enum  MbeParamDir { pd_DirU = 0 , pd_DirV = 1 }
 Direction on the surface. More...
enum  MbeCurveBuildType { cbt_Boundary = -1 , cbt_Ordinary = 0 , cbt_Specific = 1 , cbt_Tolerant = 2 }
 Types of surfaces intersection curve by construction. More...
enum  MbeSurfaceType { sst_OrdinarySurface = 0 , sst_SpecificSurface = 1 }
 Types of blend surface. More...
enum  MbeCurveGlueType {
  cgt_Unknown = 0 , cgt_Pole = 1 , cgt_Edge = 2 , cgt_Stitch = 3 ,
  cgt_Split = 4
 Curve types of surfaces intersection by topology. More...
enum  MbeStepType {
  ist_SpaceStep = 0x01 , ist_DeviationStep = 0x02 , ist_MetricStep = 0x04 , ist_ParamStep = 0x08 ,
  ist_CollisionStep = 0x10 , ist_MipStep = 0x20
 Methods of calculation of parameter increment by the object. More...
enum  MbeLabelState {
  ls_None = -1 , ls_Null = 0 , ls_Used = 1 , ls_Delete = 2 ,
  ls_Rebuild = 3 , ls_FirstPass = 4 , ls_SecondPass = 5 , ls_Error = 6 ,
  ls_Doubtful = 7 , ls_TempMark = 8
 Working label. More...
enum  MbeSmoothForm {
  st_Unknown = -2 , st_Span = -1 , st_Fillet = 0 , st_Chamfer = 1 ,
  st_Slant1 = 2 , st_Slant2 = 3
 Methods of construction of a blend surface (fillet or chamfer). More...
enum  OperationType {
  bo_Internal = -4 , bo_External = -3 , bo_Intersect = -2 , bo_Difference = -1 ,
  bo_Unknown = 0 , bo_Union = 1 , bo_Base = 2 , bo_Variety = 3
 Types of boolean operations on solids. More...
enum  RegionOperationType { rbo_Intersect = -2 , rbo_Difference = -1 , rbo_Unknown = 0 , rbo_Union = 1 }
 Types of boolean operations on two-dimensional regions. More...
enum  MbeConnectingType {
  ft_Fillet = 0 , ft_OnSurface = 1 , ft_Spline = 2 , ft_Double = 3 ,
  ft_Bridge = 4
 Methods of curves conjugation. More...
enum  MbeCopyMode { cm_Same = 0 , cm_KeepHistory , cm_KeepSurface , cm_Copy }
 Methods of transferring data while copying shells. More...
enum  MbeCurveDerivativeType {
  cdt_CurPoint = 0 , cdt_FirstDer , cdt_SecondDer , cdt_ThirdDer ,
 Supported types of derivatives on the curve. More...
enum  MbeSurfaceDerivativeType {
  sdt_SurPoint = 0 , sdt_DeriveU , sdt_DeriveV , sdt_DeriveUU ,
  sdt_DeriveUV , sdt_DeriveVV , sdt_DeriveUUU , sdt_DeriveUUV ,
  sdt_DeriveUVV , sdt_DeriveVVV , sdt_Normal , sdt_NormalU ,
  sdt_NormalV , sdt_NormalUU , sdt_NormalUV , sdt_NormalVV ,
  sdt_CountNor , sdt_CountDer = sdt_Normal
 Supported types of derivatives on the surface. More...
enum  MbeFacePropagation {
  fp_None = 0 , fp_All = 1 , fp_SmoothlyJointedAlong = 2 , fp_SmoothlyJointedOrtho = 3 ,
  fp_SmoothlyJointed = 4
 Enumeration of faces capturing methods. More...
enum  MbeIntersectionType { ipt_Simple = 0 , ipt_Tangent = 1 }
 Types of intersection points. More...
enum  MbePoleLocation {
  pln_None = -1 , pln_MinU = 0 , pln_MaxU = 1 , pln_MinV = 2 ,
  pln_MaxV = 3
 Location of the poles. More...
enum  MbeSurfacePoleType { spt_Undefined = 0 , spt_Point , spt_Curve }
 Surface border type. More...
enum  ElementaryShellType {
  et_Undefined = -1 , et_Sphere = 0 , et_Torus = 1 , et_Cylinder = 2 ,
  et_Cone = 3 , et_Block = 4 , et_Wedge = 5 , et_Prism = 6 ,
  et_Pyramid = 7 , et_Plate = 8 , et_Icosahedron = 9 , et_Polyhedron = 10 ,
  et_Tetrapipe = 11 , et_Octapipe = 12
 Types of elementary solids. More...
enum  MbeOffsetType { off_Empty = 0 , off_Const = 1 , off_Linea = 2 , off_Cubic = 3 }
 Types of points offset displacement for offset curves and offset surfaces from base objects. More...
enum  MbeProgBarId_Common {
 Identifiers of the execution progress indicator messages. More...
enum  MbeProgBarId_PointsSurface {
 Identifiers of the execution progress indicator messages. Surface by points layer(grid). More...
enum  MbeProgBarId_Mesh { pBar_SimplifyMesh_byTrianglesCount = pbarId_PointsSurface_End + 1 , pBar_SimplifyMesh_byTolerance }
 Identifiers of the execution progress indicator messages different algorithms for meshes. More...
enum  MbeFairSubdivision { fairSubdiv_No = 0 , fairSubdiv_Single = 1 , fairSubdiv_Double = 2 , fairSubdiv_Thrice = 3 }
 Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Curve subdivision coefficient. More...
enum  MbeFairCurvature { fairCur_No = 0 , fairCur_Start = 1 , fairCur_End = 2 , fairCur_Both = 3 }
 Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Accounting for curvature at end points. More...
enum  MbeFairApprox { fairApprox_KnotsSpline = 0 , fairApprox_IsoSpline = 1 , fairApprox_IsoNurbs = 2 }
 Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Approx method. More...
enum  MbeFairVector { fairVector_Tangent = 0 , fairSmooth_Segment = 1 , fairSuperSmooth_Segment = 2 }
 Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Taking into account vector at inflection point. More...
enum  MbeFixPntTng { fixPntTng_NotFix = 0 , fixPntTng_Fix = 1 }
 Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Taking into account tangent on point / point on tangent. More...
enum  MbeFairSplineFormat { fairFormat_HalfOpened = 0 , fairFormat_Open = 1 , fairFormat_Close = 2 , fairFormat_GB = 3 }
 Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Spline Format. More...
enum  MbeFairSmoothing {
  fairSmooth_No = 0 , fairSmooth_Yes = 1 , fairSmooth_FixAng = 2 , fairSmooth_Noisy = 3 ,
  fairSmooth_NoisyMidline = 4
 Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Smoothing. More...
enum  MbeFairMethod { fairMethod_Polyline = 1 , fairMethod_Tangent = 2 , fairMethod_GDHermite = 3 }
 Creation method of fair curve. More...
enum  MbeFairWarning {
  fwarn_Success = 0 , fwarn_IncorrectFirstTang = 1 , fwarn_StraightFirstSite = 2 , fwarn_IncorrectPolylines = 3 ,
  fwarn_IncorrectFixPntTng = 4 , fwarn_BadAccuracyFixPntTng = 5 , fwarn_BadStructureFixPntTng = 6 , fwarn_BadPositionFixPntTng = 7 ,
  fwarn_CriticalConfig = 8 , fwarn_CantSetCurvature = 9 , fwarn_AccuracyCritical = 10 , fwarn_AccuracyStraight = 11 ,
  fwarn_BadAccuracy = 13 , fwarn_BadInflection = 15 , fwarn_CurvatureOutOfRange = 16 , fwarn_SawtoothPolyline = 17
 Warnings of fair curve creation. More...
enum  MbeFairDataType {
  fairData_None = 0 , fairData_Polyline = 1 , fairData_Tangent = 2 , fairData_GDHermite = 3 ,
  fairData_GDHPoly = 4 , fairData_GDHTangent = 5
 Type of input data for creating a fair curve. More...
enum  MbeFairChangeType {
  fairChange_None = 0 , fairChange_Elevate = 1 , fairChange_Subdivide = 2 , fairChange_Change = 3 ,
  fairChange_AddKnot = 4 , fairChange_AddExtr = 5 , fairChange_Conic = 6 , fairChange_Reparam = 7
 Method of modifying a fair curve. More...
enum  MbeFairCurveType {
  fairCrvType_None = 0 , fairCrvType_Bezier = 1 , fairCrvType_BSpline = 2 , fairCrvType_HermiteGD = 3 ,
  fairCrvType_Clothoid = 4 , fairCrvType_Sectrix = 5 , fairCrvType_BezierFillet = 6 , fairCrvType_Poly = 7 ,
  fairCrvType_PolyTangent = 8
 Type of a fair curve to be created. More...
enum  MbeSectionShape {
  cs_Round = 0 , cs_Linea = 1 , cs_Conic = 2 , cs_Cubic = 3 ,
  cs_Shape = 4
 The shape of the variable section surface. More...
enum  MbeSideShape {
  side_Non = 0 , side_Min = 1 , side_Max = 2 , side_Cut = 3 ,
  side_Tau = 4
 The shape of cropping the sides of the variable section surface. More...
enum  MbeFaceHandling { face_Non = 0 , face_Cut = 1 , face_Sew = 2 }
 The processing of initial reference faces. More...
enum  MbePairObjectsSelection { pos_First = 0 , pos_Second = 1 , pos_Both = 2 }
 Selection from a pair of objects. More...
enum class  MbeCurveExtensionWays : unsigned int {
  cew_Linear = 0 , cew_Circular = 1 , cew_CommonNatural = 2 , cew_BaseNatural = 3 ,
 Enumeration of ways to extend the curve. More...

Detailed Description

The enumerations.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MbeFairVector

Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Taking into account vector at inflection point.


Direction of tangent to curve.


Smooth shape of the inflection site.


Super smooth shape of the inflection site.

◆ MbeFixPntTng

Construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline. Taking into account tangent on point / point on tangent.


Do not fix the points on tangents / the tangents on points.


Fix the points on tangents / the tangents on points.

◆ MbeSectionShape

The shape of the variable section surface.


The section is circle or arc.


The section is line segment.


The section is conic curve.


The section is cubic curve.


The section is spline.

◆ MbeSideShape

The shape of cropping the sides of the variable section surface.


Rectangular extending without cropping.


Rectangular cropping on the near edge.


Rectangular cropping on the far edge.


Cropping along the shortest line.


Cropping along a cubic curve with orthogonal edges.

◆ MbeFaceHandling

The processing of initial reference faces.


Without processing.


Cropping by reference curves.


Cropping by reference curves and sew with the constructed face.