C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -

The bend parameters. More...

#include <sheet_metal_param.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MbBendValues:

Public Member Functions

 MbBendValues ()
 Default constructor.
 MbBendValues (double coef, double rad, double ang, double coneAng)
 Constructor by specific parameters.
 MbBendValues (const MbBendValues &other)
void Init (double coef, double rad, double ang, double coneAng)
 Initialize by specific parameters.
void Init (const MbBendValues &other)
 Initialize by another structure.
const MbBendValuesoperator= (const MbBendValues &other)
 Assignment operator.
bool IsSame (const MbBendValues &other, double accuracy) const
 Determine whether an object is equal?
void Transform (const MbMatrix3D &matr)
 To transform by the matrix.

Public Attributes

double k
 Coefficient determining the position of the neutral layer.
double radius
 The internal radius of the bend.
double angle
 The bend angle.
double coneAngle
 The angle between the axis and the side of the cone.

Detailed Description

The bend parameters.

If k=0.0, then internal face of bend is unbend without deformation, if k = 1.0 - external.
The parameter "radius" is equal to radius of inner cylindrical face of bend for conic bend is undefined.
Bend angle "angle" is used in the creation of cylindrical bends in the operations of "bend by an edge" and "bend by a line".
The parameter coneAngle is equal to 0.0 for cylindrical bend and greater than 0.0 for conical.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: