| MbSNameMaker (SimpleName _mainName=c3d::UNDEFINED_SNAME, ESides _sideAdd=MbSNameMaker::i_SideNone, SimpleName _buttAdd=0) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~MbSNameMaker () |
| Destructor.
SimpleName | GetSimpleName (size_t i) const |
| Get simple name from array with control of overruning.
void | Inverse () |
| Inversion of simple names array.
bool | GetNameAsPosition (size_t i, ptrdiff_t &row, ptrdiff_t &col) const |
| Get name in form of conditional position in grid of copying (for arrays).
void | SetSideAdd (ESides s) |
| Addition to name of a side face.
void | SetButtAdd (SimpleName b) |
| Addition to name of a butt face.
void | SetCopyHist (bool setHist) |
| Set flag state of working with indices of copying.
bool | GetCopyHist () const |
| Get flag state of working with indices of copying.
void | SetParentNamesAttributes (bool addPNA) |
| Set flag state of addition of name attributes to united faces and edges.
bool | GetParentNamesAttributes () const |
| Get flag state of addition of name attributes to united faces and edges.
void | SetNamesCount (size_t newCount) |
| Set count of names.
virtual MbSNameMaker & | Duplicate () const |
| Create a copy. More...
virtual void | SetNameMaker (const MbSNameMaker &other, bool setVersion=false) |
| Initialize by another name-maker.
virtual void | MakeButtFaceName (MbTopologyItem &item, MbSNameMaker::ESides side) const |
| Generate name for butt face: mainName, +/-defName, sign is defined by direction.
virtual void | MakeFaceName (MbTopologyItem &item, size_t i, SimpleName add) const |
| Generate name for face: mainName, hash( sideName, add ).
virtual void | MakeItemName (MbTopologyItem &item, size_t i) const |
| Generate name on the base of main name and simple name from this names generator.
virtual void | CompileEdgeName (MbTopologyItem &item, const MbName *faceName1, const MbName *faceName2, size_t ind, bool sameSense) const |
| Generate name for edge from names of faces ('sense' is a direction of edge relative to underlined curve).
virtual void | CompileEdgeName (MbTopologyItem &item, const MbName &other) const |
| Generate name by other name, full coincidence.
virtual void | MakeGridName (MbPrimitive &item, size_t i, SimpleName add) const |
| Generate name for grid: mainName, hash( sideName, add ).
void | AddSNameMaker (const MbSNameMaker &other) |
| Add name generator.
MbSNameMaker * | GetSNameMakerFrom (size_t iFrom, size_t iTo) |
| Create with name of iForm index.
MbSNameMaker | GetOriginalSNameMaker () const |
| Get original name maker.
bool | IsSame (const MbSNameMaker &) const |
| Determine whether an object is equal?
| SimpleNameArray (size_t i_max=0, uint16 i_delta=1) |
| Constructor.
| SimpleNameArray (const SimpleNameArray &other) |
| Copy-constructor.
void | Delta (uint16 newDelta) |
| Set an increment by the number of elements while allocating additional memory (1 - autoincrement).
void | SetMaxDelta (uint16 newDelta) |
| Set maximum of increments.
size_t | Count () const |
| Count of elements in array.
ptrdiff_t | MaxIndex () const |
| The last element index.
void | Reserve (size_t additionalSpace) |
| Reserve memory for the specified number of elements.
void | Flush () |
| Delete all elements from the array without freeing memory.
void | Adjust () |
| Free unused memory.
const SimpleName * | GetAddr () const |
| Get address of the beginning of the array.
SimpleName & | operator[] (size_t loc) const |
| Get element by an index.
SimpleName * | AddAt (const SimpleName &ent, size_t index) |
| Insert element by an index.
SimpleName * | AddAt (const MbName &ent, size_t index) |
| Insert name hash by an index.
SimpleName * | Add (const SimpleName &ent) |
| Add an element to the end of the array.
SimpleName * | Add (const MbName &ent) |
| Add an element to the end of the array.
void | RemoveInd (size_t delIndex) |
| Delete element by an index.
void | RemoveInd (size_t firstIdx, size_t lastIdx) |
| Delete elements in range from firstIdx to lastIdx-1 inclusive.
SimpleName * | InsertInd (size_t index, const SimpleName &ent) |
| Insert element by an index.
SimpleName * | InsertInd (size_t index, const MbName &ent) |
| Insert name hash by an index.
size_t | FindIt (const SimpleName &ent) const |
| Find object among elements of the array.
SimpleNameArray & | operator+= (const SimpleNameArray &other) |
| Operator for adding.
| MbNameMaker (SimpleName mn) |
| Constructor by main name. More...
| MbNameMaker (const MbName &n) |
| Constructor by name. More...
virtual | ~MbNameMaker () |
| Destructor.
SimpleName | GetMainName () const |
| Get main name.
void | SetMainName (SimpleName n) |
| Set main name. More...
const VersionContainer & | GetVersionContainer () const |
| Get a version of manufacture.
const MbNameVersion & | GetMbNameVersion () const |
| Get a version of manufacture.
void | SetVersion (const MbNameVersion &v) |
| Set version of manufacture. More...
VERSION | GetMathVersion () const |
| Get version of the mathematical kernel.
void | SetMathVersion (VERSION v) |
| Set version of the mathematical kernel. More...
virtual void | GetItemName (const MbTopologyItem &item, MbName &name) const |
| Get topology item name. More...
virtual void | SetItemName (const MbName &name, MbTopologyItem &item) const |
| Set topology item name. More...
virtual bool | SetItemMainName (MbTopologyItem &item, bool addOldMainName) const |
| Set main name of topology item name. More...
virtual bool | SetItemCopyIndex (MbTopologyItem &item, SimpleName copyIndex) const |
| Set copy index into topology item name. More...
virtual bool | IsChild (const MbTopologyItem &) const |
| Is the name maker a parent for a given topological element?.
virtual void | MakeName (SimpleName sn1, SimpleName sn2, MbTopologyItem &dstItem) const |
| Generate name of topological object by two simple names. More...
virtual void | MakeName (SimpleName sn, MbTopologyItem &dstItem) const |
| Generate name of topological object by simple name. More...
virtual void | MakeFilletFaceName (const MbName &srcName, MbTopologyItem &dstItem) const |
| Generate name for fillet face. More...
virtual void | MakeNameBy (SimpleName sn, MbTopologyItem &dstItem) const |
| Generate name of topological object by template and by simple name. More...
void | SetOriginalMainName (SimpleName orig, MbNamePairList *list) |
| Set original main name and table of name correspondence.
SimpleName | GetOriginalMainName () const |
| Source main name.
const MbNamePairList * | GetNameList () const |
| Table of correspondence of names of originals and of its duplicates.
MbNamePairList * | SetNameList () const |
| Table of correspondence of names of originals and of its duplicates.
MbNameMaker | GetOriginalNameMaker () const |
| Get original name maker.
bool | CleanNameList (c3d::ConstNamesVector &delNamesCopies) const |
| Clean up unnecessary pairs by name copies.
bool | ReplaceNameList (const MbName &newNameCopies, const c3d::ConstNamesVector &oldNamesCopies) const |
| Replace names copies.
bool | IsSame (const MbNameMaker &) const |
| Determine whether an object is equal?
virtual MbeRefType | RefType () const |
| Registration type (for copying, duplication).
refcount_t | GetUseCount () const |
| Get count of references (get count of owners of an object).
refcount_t | AddRef () const |
| Increase count of references by one.
refcount_t | DecRef () const |
| Decrease count of references by one.
refcount_t | Release () const |
| Decrease count of references by one and if count of references became zero, then remove itself.
Generator of names with additions to name.
Generator of names (name-maker) of topological objects with addition of information about sources.
Makes names for faces. Do not use the main names from the range MbName::ReservedMainNames (exception - MbName::ReservedMainNames::rmn_DefaultName).