C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -

Parameters of an offset curve in space. More...

#include <op_curve_parameter.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for MbSpatialOffsetCurveParams:

Public Member Functions

 MbSpatialOffsetCurveParams (const MbVector3D &v, const MbSNameMaker &nm)
 Constructor by parameters.
void SetBySurfaceNormal (bool set, c3d::ConstSurfaceSPtr *s=nullptr)
 Setting the mode whether offset point is moved according to surface normal or not.
bool BySurfaceNormal () const
 Get surface.
const c3d::ConstSurfaceSPtrGetSurface () const
 Get surface.
const MbSNameMakerGetNameMaker () const
 Get names maker reference.

Public Attributes

MbVector3D offsetVect
 The displacement vector at a point of the curve.
bool useFillet
 If 'true', the gaps are to be filled with fillet, otherwise with the extended curves.
bool keepRadius
 If 'true', the existent fillet radii are to be kept.
bool bluntAngle
 If 'true', sharp corners are to be blunt.
bool fromBeg
 The translation vector is associated with the beginning (if true).

Protected Attributes

bool useSurfaceNormal
 Offset point is moved according to surface normal.
c3d::ConstSurfaceSPtr surface
 Curve's surface or similar to such surface.
const MbSNameMakersnMaker
 An object defining the frame curves names.

Detailed Description

Parameters of an offset curve in space.

Parameters of an offset curve in space from a three-dimensional curve and a direction vector.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: