C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -

Assisting item of the geometric model. More...

#include <assisting_item.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MbAssistingItem:
+ Collaboration diagram for MbAssistingItem:

Public Member Functions

 MbAssistingItem (const MbPlacement3D &)
 Constructor by a local coordinate system.
virtual ~MbAssistingItem ()
MbeSpaceType IsA () const override
 Get the type of the object.
MbSpaceItemDuplicate (MbRegDuplicate *=nullptr) const override
 Create a copy of the object. More...
void Transform (const MbMatrix3D &, MbRegTransform *=nullptr) override
 Convert the object according to the matrix. More...
void Move (const MbVector3D &, MbRegTransform *=nullptr) override
 Move an object along a vector. More...
void Rotate (const MbAxis3D &, double angle, MbRegTransform *=nullptr) override
 Rotate an object around an axis at a given angle. More...
bool IsSame (const MbSpaceItem &other, double accuracy=LENGTH_EPSILON) const override
 Determine whether an object is equal. More...
bool IsSimilar (const MbSpaceItem &init) const override
 Determine whether an object is similar. More...
bool SetEqual (const MbSpaceItem &init) override
 Make objects equal if they are similar. More...
double DistanceToPoint (const MbCartPoint3D &) const override
 Determine the distance to the point. More...
void AddYourGabaritTo (MbCube &r) const override
 Expand sent bounding box (a.k.a. gabarit), so that it included the object. More...
void CalculateLocalGabarit (const MbMatrix3D &into, MbCube &cube) const override
 To compute bounding box in a local coordinate system. More...
void CalculateMesh (const MbStepData &stepData, const MbFormNote &note, MbMesh &mesh) const override
 Build polygonal copy mesh. More...
MbPropertyCreateProperty (MbePrompt name) const override
 Create your own property with the name.
void GetProperties (MbProperties &properties) override
 Outstanding properties of the object. More...
void SetProperties (const MbProperties &properties) override
 Change the properties of an object. More...
void GetBasisPoints (MbControlData3D &) const override
 Get control points of object.
void SetBasisPoints (const MbControlData3D &) override
 Change the object by control points.
bool GetPlacement (MbPlacement3D &) const override
 Get the coordinate system of an item.
bool SetPlacement (const MbPlacement3D &p) override
 Set the coordinate system of an item.
MbItemCreateMesh (const MbStepData &stepData, const MbFormNote &note, MbRegDuplicate *iReg) const override
 Create polygonal object. More...
bool GetMatrixFrom (MbMatrix3D &from) const override
 Get transform matrix from local coordinate system of object.
bool GetMatrixInto (MbMatrix3D &into) const override
 Get transform matrix into local coordinate system of object.
Functions of assisting item.
const MbPlacement3DGetPlacement () const
 Get the coordinate system of an item.
MbPlacement3DSetPlacement ()
 Get the coordinate system of an item for editing.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MbItem
 MbItem ()
virtual ~MbItem ()
MbeSpaceType Type () const override
 Get the group object type.
MbeSpaceType Family () const override
 Get family of objects.
MbeImplicationType ImplicationType () const override
 Get attribute container type.
MbPropertyCreateProperty (MbePrompt n) const override
 Create your own property with the name.
void GetProperties (MbProperties &properties) override
 Outstanding properties of the object. More...
void SetProperties (const MbProperties &properties) override
 Change the properties of an object. More...
void GetBasisPoints (MbControlData3D &) const override
 Get control points of object.
void SetBasisPoints (const MbControlData3D &) override
 Change the object by control points.
virtual void GetBasisPoints (MbControlData &) const
virtual void SetBasisPoints (const MbControlData &)
bool RebuildItem (MbeCopyMode sameShell, RPArray< MbSpaceItem > *items, IProgressIndicator *progInd) override
 Reconstruct object according to the history tree. More...
virtual bool AddYourMesh (const MbStepData &stepData, const MbFormNote &note, MbMesh &mesh) const
 Add polygonal object. More...
virtual MbItemCutMesh (const MbPlacement3D &cutPlace, double distance, const MbSNameMaker *names=nullptr) const
 Cut the polygonal object by one or two parallel planes. More...
virtual bool NearestMesh (MbeSpaceType sType, MbeTopologyType tType, MbePlaneType pType, const MbAxis3D &axis, double maxDistance, bool gridPriority, double &t, double &dMin, MbItem *&find, SimpleName &findName, MbRefItem *&element, SimpleName &elementName, MbPath &path, MbMatrix3D &from) const
 Find the nearest object or name of the nearest object. More...
virtual bool GetItems (MbeSpaceType type, const MbMatrix3D &from, std::vector< SPtr< MbItem >> &items, std::vector< MbMatrix3D > &matrs)
 Get all objects by the type. More...
virtual bool GetItems (MbeSpaceType type, const MbMatrix3D &from, RPArray< MbItem > &items, SArray< MbMatrix3D > &matrs)
 Get all objects by type. More...
virtual bool GetUniqItems (MbeSpaceType type, CSSArray< const MbItem * > &items) const
 Get all unique objects by type. More...
virtual const MbItemGetItemByPath (const MbPath &path, size_t ind, MbMatrix3D &from, size_t currInd=0) const
 Get the object by its path. More...
virtual const MbItemFindItem (const MbSpaceItem *s, MbPath &path, MbMatrix3D &from) const
 Find object by geometric object. More...
virtual const MbItemFindItem (const MbPlaneItem *s, MbPath &path, MbMatrix3D &from) const
 Find object by geometric object. More...
virtual const MbItemFindItem (const MbItem *s, MbPath &path, MbMatrix3D &from) const
 Find object by object of geometric model. More...
virtual const MbItemGetItemByName (SimpleName n, MbPath &path, MbMatrix3D &from) const
 Find object by name. More...
virtual void TransformSelected (const MbMatrix3D &matr, MbRegTransform *iReg=nullptr)
 Transform selected object according to the matrix. More...
virtual void MoveSelected (const MbVector3D &to, MbRegTransform *iReg=nullptr)
 Move selected object along a vector. More...
virtual void RotateSelected (const MbAxis3D &axis, double angle, MbRegTransform *iReg=nullptr)
 Rotate selected object by a given angle about an axis. More...
void Assign (const MbItem &other)
 Copy creators and attributes.
void CopyItemName (const MbItem &other)
 Copy the name of an object.
SimpleName GetItemName () const
 Get name of object.
void SetItemName (SimpleName n)
 Set name of the object.
bool IsAttributeEqual (int attribute)
 Whether a sign attribute matches an object?
- Public Member Functions inherited from MbSpaceItem
virtual ~MbSpaceItem ()
void PrepareWrite () const
 Register object. More...
MbeRefType RefType () const override
 Get a registration type (for copying, duplication).
bool IsFamilyRegistrable () const override
 Whether the object belongs to a registrable family.
virtual void Refresh ()
 Translate all the time (mutable) data objects in an inconsistent (initial) state.
void CalculateWire (const MbStepData &stepData, MbMesh &mesh) const
void CalculateWire (double sag, MbMesh &mesh) const
virtual void GetBasisItems (RPArray< MbSpaceItem > &)
 Outstanding reference objects in a container sent.
- Public Member Functions inherited from TapeBase
 TapeBase (RegistrableRec regs=noRegistrable)
 TapeBase (const TapeBase &)
virtual ~TapeBase ()
RegistrableRec GetRegistrable () const
 Whether the stream class is registrable.
void SetRegistrable (RegistrableRec regs=registrable) const
 Set the state of registration of the stream class.
virtual const char * GetPureName (const VersionContainer &) const
 Get the class name.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MbRefItem
refcount_t GetUseCount () const
 Get count of references (get count of owners of an object).
refcount_t AddRef () const
 Increase count of references by one.
refcount_t DecRef () const
 Decrease count of references by one.
refcount_t Release () const
 Decrease count of references by one and if count of references became zero, then remove itself.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MbTransactions
 MbTransactions ()
 Constructor without parameters.
template<class Creators >
 MbTransactions (const Creators &creators)
 Constructor by creators.
virtual ~MbTransactions ()
void CreatorsCopy (MbTransactions &other, MbRegDuplicate *iReg=nullptr) const
 Clear the given history tree and copy the creators to it.

void CreatorsAssign (const MbTransactions &other)
 Clear the history tree and copy the creators from the given history tree to it.

bool SetCreatorsEqual (const MbTransactions &other)
 Make the creators equal to the creators from the given history tree if the creators are similar.
bool IsCreatorsSimilar (const MbTransactions &other) const
 Check whether the corresponding creators of the given history tree are similar.
void CreatorsTransform (const MbMatrix3D &, MbRegTransform *=nullptr)
 Transform the creators according to the matrix.
void CreatorsMove (const MbVector3D &, MbRegTransform *=nullptr)
 Move creators along the vector.
void CreatorsRotate (const MbAxis3D &, double angle, MbRegTransform *=nullptr)
 Rotate the creators about the axis by the given angle.
size_t GetCreatorsCount () const
 Get the creators count.
void Reserve (size_t count)
 Reserve space for creators.
const MbCreatorGetCreator (size_t ind) const
 Get constructor by its index.
MbCreatorSetCreator (size_t ind)
 Get constructor by its index with possibility of editing.
virtual bool GetCreators (RPArray< MbCreator > &) const
 Add your own creators to the given array.
virtual bool GetCreators (c3d::CreatorsSPtrVector &) const
 Add your own creators to the given array.
template<class CreatorsVector >
bool GetCreatorsCopies (CreatorsVector &creators, MbRegDuplicate *iReg) const
 Add copies of your own creators to the given array.
size_t FindCreator (const MbCreator *creator)
 Find the number of creators in the history tree or return SYS_MAX_T if it is absent.
bool AddCreator (const MbCreator &, bool addSame=false)
 Add the constructor (addSame = false) or its copy (addSame = true) to the history tree.
bool AddCreator (const MbCreator *, bool addSame=false)
 Add the constructor (addSame = false) or its copy (addSame = true) to the history tree.
template<class CreatorsVector >
void AddCreators (const CreatorsVector &creators)
 Add creators to the history tree.
MbCreatorDetachCreator (size_t ind)
 Remove the constructor with the specified index from the history tree and return it.
bool DeleteCreator (size_t ind)
 Delete the constructor with the specified index and remove it from the history tree.
void DeleteCreators ()
 Delete all the creators and clear the history tree.
int GetCreatorStatus (size_t ind) const
 Get the status of creator with the specified index.
bool SetCreatorStatus (size_t ind, MbeProcessState)
 Set status to creator with the specified index.
size_t GetActiveCreatorsCount () const
 Get the active creators count.
bool SetActiveCreatorsCount (size_t activeCount)
 Set the count of active creators from the beginning to the given index.
void BreakCreatorsToBasisItem (size_t c, RPArray< MbSpaceItem > &)
 Get the object created by the specified number of creators and the basis items of the other creators.
void GetCreatorsBasisItems (RPArray< MbSpaceItem > &)
 Get the basis items of the creators.
void GetCreatorsBasisPoints (MbControlData3D &) const
 Get the basis points of the creators.
void SetCreatorsBasisPoints (const MbControlData3D &)
 Change the object by control points.
void GetProperties (MbProperties &, bool sameCreators=false)
 Get properties of the creators (using original creators or their copies).
void SetProperties (const MbProperties &)
 Set properties of the creators.
void CreatorsRead (reader &in)
 Read creators from the stream.
void CreatorsWrite (writer &out) const
 Write creators to the stream.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MbAttributeContainer
 MbAttributeContainer ()
 Constructor without parameters.
 MbAttributeContainer (MbAttribute &)
 Constructor by attribute.
virtual ~MbAttributeContainer ()
void AttributesRead (reader &)
 Read attributes from stream.
void AttributesWrite (writer &) const
 Writing attributes to stream.
void GetProperties (MbProperties &)
 Get properties of attributes.
void SetProperties (const MbProperties &)
 Set properties of attributes.
void SetDensity (double)
 Set density of an object.
double GetDensity () const
 Get density of an object.
void SetVisual (float a, float d, float sp, float sh, float t, float e, uint rgb=0)
 Set visual properties of the object.
void SetVisual (const MbRGBA &ambient, const MbRGBA &diffuse, const MbRGBA &specular, const MbRGBA &emission, uint8 shininess, uint8 opacity, uint8 chrom)
 Set visual properties of the object.
bool GetVisual (float &a, float &d, float &sp, float &sh, float &t, float &e, uint rgb=0) const
 Get visual properties of the object. More...
bool IsColored () const
void SetColor (uint32)
 Change color of the object.

void SetColor (int R, int G, int B)
 Change color of the object (0-255).
uint32 GetColor () const
 Get color of an object.
void SetWidth (int)
 Set thickness of lines for object's representation.
int GetWidth () const
 Get thickness of lines for object's representation.
void SetStyle (int)
 Set style of lines for object's representation.
int GetStyle () const
 Get style of lines for object's representation.
void SetSelected (bool s=true)
 To allocate or not to allocate an object.
bool IsSelected () const
 Is the object selected.
bool ReverseSelected ()
 Invert object selection.
void SetChanged (bool c=true)
 Set: the object is changed or isn't changed.
bool IsChanged () const
 Is the object changed?
void SetVisible (bool)
 Set visibility.

bool IsVisible () const
 Is the object visible?
bool IsInvisible () const
 Is the object invisible?
void AttributesAssign (const MbAttributeContainer &)
 Duplicate attributes of a given object, release existing attributes.
size_t AttributesCount () const
 Get the number of objects.
bool RemoveAttributes (bool onDeleteOwner=false)
 Delete all attributes from container.
MbAttributeAddAttribute (MbAttribute *attr, bool checkSame=true)
 Add attribute in container. More...
MbAttributeAddAttribute (const MbAttribute &attr, bool checkSame=true)
 Add attribute in container (adds a copy of the attribute if it can be added). More...
void GetAttributes (c3d::AttrVector &attrs, MbeAttributeType aFamily, MbeAttributeType subType) const
 Get attributes of a given type or family. More...
void GetAttributes (c3d::AttrVector &attrs, MbeAttributeType aType) const
 Get attributes of a given type. More...
template<class AttrVector >
void GetAttributes (AttrVector &attrs) const
 Get attributes. More...
void GetCommonAttributes (c3d::AttrVector &, const c3d::string_t &samplePrompt, MbeAttributeType subType=at_Undefined, bool firstFound=false) const
 Get attributes using sample of description string.
void GetStringAttributes (c3d::AttrVector &, const c3d::string_t &sampleContent) const
 Get string attributes using sample of contents of the string.
bool RemoveAttribute (const MbAttribute *, bool checkAccuracySame=false, double accuracy=LENGTH_EPSILON)
 Get an attribute of a given type, the first one is returned if there are many. More...
bool RemoveAttributes (MbeAttributeType type, MbeAttributeType subType)
 Delete attributes of a given type.
const MbAttributeGetSimpleAttribute (MbeAttributeType) const
 Get a simple attribute of a given subtype.
MbAttributeSetSimpleAttribute (MbeAttributeType)
 Get a simple attribute of a given subtype.
MbAttributeSetSimpleAttribute (MbAttribute *simpAttr)
 Set a simple attribute of a given subtype.
MbAttributeSetSimpleAttribute (const MbAttribute &simpAttr)
 Set a simple attribute of a given subtype (always copies the attribute).
void RemoveSimpleAttribute (MbeAttributeType)
 Delete simple attributes (one or more) of a given subtype.
MbAttributeDetachSimpleAttribute (MbeAttributeType)
 Detach a simple attribute of a given subtype.
void GetUserAttributes (std::vector< MbUserAttribute * > &attrs, const MbUserAttribType &type) const
 Get a user attribute of a given subtype.
void RemoveUserAttributes (const MbUserAttribType &type)
 Delete user attributes (one or more) of a given subtype.
void DetachUserAttributes (std::vector< MbUserAttribute * > &attrs, const MbUserAttribType &type)
 Detach a user attribute of a given subtype.
void AttributesChange ()
 Perform actions when changing the attributes.

void AttributesConvert (MbAttributeContainer &other) const
 Perform actions when converting the attributes.

void AttributesTransform (const MbMatrix3D &, MbRegTransform *=nullptr)
 Perform actions when transforming the attributes.

void AttributesMove (const MbVector3D &, MbRegTransform *=nullptr)
 Perform actions when moving the attributes.

void AttributesRotate (const MbAxis3D &, double angle, MbRegTransform *=nullptr)
 Perform actions when rotating the attributes.

void AttributesCopy (MbAttributeContainer &other, MbRegDuplicate *=nullptr) const
 Perform actions when copying the attributes.

void AttributesMerge (MbAttributeContainer &other)
 Perform actions when merging the attributes.

void AttributesReplace (MbAttributeContainer &other)
 Perform actions when replacing the attributes.
void AttributesSplit (const std::vector< MbAttributeContainer * > &others)
 Perform actions when splitting the attributes.
void AttributesDelete ()
 Perform actions when deleting the attributes.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MbSyncItem
void Lock () const
 Switch lock on (locking happens only in parallel region).
void Unlock () const
 Switch lock off if locking has been set.

Protected Member Functions

 MbAssistingItem (const MbAssistingItem &, MbRegDuplicate *)
 Copy-constructor with the registrator.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MbItem
 MbItem (const MbItem &, MbRegDuplicate *)
 Copy-constructor with duplication registrator.
void LockItem () const
 Catch object if multithreading mode is on.
void UnlockItem () const
 Release object if multithreading mode is on.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MbSpaceItem
 MbSpaceItem ()
 Default constructor.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MbRefItem
 MbRefItem ()
 Constructor without parameters.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MbTransactions
 MbTransactions (const MbTransactions &, MbRegDuplicate *iReg)
 Copy-constructor with registrator.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MbAttributeContainer
 MbAttributeContainer (const MbAttributeContainer &, MbRegDuplicate *)
 Copy-constructor with the registrator.

Protected Attributes

MbPlacement3D place
 Local coordinate system.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MbAttributeContainer
static MbUserAttributeReduceUserAttrib (const MbExternalAttribute &)
 Convert user attribute to "system" one.
static MbExternalAttributeAdvanceUserAttrib (const MbUserAttribute &)
 Convert "system" attribute to user one.

Detailed Description

Assisting item of the geometric model.

The assisting item allows to use such an objects in a geometric model as a local coordinate system, axis, transformation matrix for the other objects location.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Duplicate()

MbSpaceItem& MbAssistingItem::Duplicate ( MbRegDuplicate iReg = nullptr) const

Create a copy of the object.

Create a copy of an object using the registrator. Registrator is used to prevent multiple copy of the object. If the object contains references to the other objects, then nested objects are copied as well. It is allowed not to pass registrator into the function. Then new copy of object will be created. While copying of single object or set of not connected objects, it is allowed not to use registrator. Registrator should be used if it is required to copy several connected objects. It is possible, that objects connection is based on the references to common objects. Then, while copying without using of registrator, it is possible to obtain set of copies, that contain references to the different copies of the same nested object, that leads to loss of connection between copies.

[in]iReg- Registrator.
A copy of the object.

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ Transform()

void MbAssistingItem::Transform ( const MbMatrix3D matr,
MbRegTransform iReg = nullptr 

Convert the object according to the matrix.

Convert the original object according to the matrix using the registrator. If object contains references to the other geometric objects, then nested objects are transformed according to the matrix. Registrator is needed to prevent multiple object copying. It is allowed to use function without registrator, if it is needed to transform single object. If it is needed to transform a set of connected objects, then one should use registrator to prevent repeating transformation of nested objects, because of the possible situation when several objects contain references to the same common objects, that require to be transformed.

[in]matr- Transformation matrix.
[in]iReg- Registrator.

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ Move()

void MbAssistingItem::Move ( const MbVector3D to,
MbRegTransform iReg = nullptr 

Move an object along a vector.

Move an object along a geometric vector using the registrator. If object contains references to the other geometric objects then the move operation is applied to the nested objects. Registrator is needed to prevent multiple copying of the object. It is allowed to use function without registrator, if it is needed to transform a single object. If it is needed to transform a set of connected objects, then one should use registrator to prevent repeating transformation of nested objects, because of the possible situation when several objects contain references to the same common objects, that require to be moved.

[in]to- Shift vector.
[in]iReg- Registrator.

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ Rotate()

void MbAssistingItem::Rotate ( const MbAxis3D axis,
double  angle,
MbRegTransform iReg = nullptr 

Rotate an object around an axis at a given angle.

Rotate an object around an axis at a given angle with the registrator. If object contains references to the other geometric objects then the rotation operation is applied to the nested objects. Registrator is needed to prevent multiple copying of the object. It is allowed to use function without registrator, if it is needed to transform a single object. If it is needed to transform a set of connected objects, then one should use registrator to prevent repeating transformation of nested objects, because of the possible situation when several objects contain references to the same common objects, that require to be rotated.

[in]axis- The axis of rotation.
[in]angle- Rotation.
[in]iReg- Registrator.

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ IsSame()

bool MbAssistingItem::IsSame ( const MbSpaceItem other,
double  accuracy = LENGTH_EPSILON 
) const

Determine whether an object is equal.

Still considered objects of the same type, all data is the same (equal).

[in]item- The object to compare.
[in]accuracy- The accuracy to compare.
Whether the objects are equal.

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ IsSimilar()

bool MbAssistingItem::IsSimilar ( const MbSpaceItem item) const

Determine whether an object is similar.

Such are considered the same objects whose data are similar.

[in]item- The object to compare.
Whether the objects are similar.

Reimplemented from MbSpaceItem.

◆ SetEqual()

bool MbAssistingItem::SetEqual ( const MbSpaceItem item)

Make objects equal if they are similar.

You can still make only a similar objects.

[in]item- The object to initialize.
Object is changed.

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ DistanceToPoint()

double MbAssistingItem::DistanceToPoint ( const MbCartPoint3D point) const

Determine the distance to the point.

Determine the distance to the point.

[in]point- Point.
Distance to point

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ AddYourGabaritTo()

void MbAssistingItem::AddYourGabaritTo ( MbCube cube) const

Expand sent bounding box (a.k.a. gabarit), so that it included the object.

Expand sent bounding box, so that it included the object.

[in,out]cube- The bounding box to expand.

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ CalculateLocalGabarit()

void MbAssistingItem::CalculateLocalGabarit ( const MbMatrix3D into,
MbCube cube 
) const

To compute bounding box in a local coordinate system.

To obtain bounding box of object with regar to a local coordinate system, sent box is made to be empty. Then it is computed bounding box of object in a local coordinate system \ and it is stored in box 'cube'

[in]into- Transformation matrix from object's current coordinate system to a local coordinate system
[in,out]cube- Information on bounding box

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ CalculateMesh()

void MbAssistingItem::CalculateMesh ( const MbStepData stepData,
const MbFormNote note,
MbMesh mesh 
) const

Build polygonal copy mesh.

Build a polygonal copy of the object that is represented by polygons or/and fasets.

[in]stepData- Data for еру step calculation for polygonal object.
[in]note- Way for polygonal object constructing.
[in,out]mesh- The builded polygonal object.

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ GetProperties()

void MbAssistingItem::GetProperties ( MbProperties properties)

Outstanding properties of the object.

Issue internal data (properties) of the object for viewing and modification.

[in]properties- Container for the internal data of the object.

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ SetProperties()

void MbAssistingItem::SetProperties ( const MbProperties properties)

Change the properties of an object.

Changing the internal data (properties) of the object you are copying the corresponding values from the sent object.

[in]properties- Container for the internal data of the object.

Implements MbSpaceItem.

◆ CreateMesh()

MbItem* MbAssistingItem::CreateMesh ( const MbStepData stepData,
const MbFormNote note,
MbRegDuplicate iReg 
) const

Create polygonal object.

Create a polygonal object - a polygonal copy of the given object.

[in]stepData- Data for step calculation during triangulation.
[in]note- Way for polygonal object constructing.
Created polygonal object.

Implements MbItem.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: