C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -
action_sheet.h File Reference

Functions for operating with a sheet metal solid. More...


class  MbJointBendUtils
 Auxiliary functions for a composite bend (a bend from a sketch). More...
class  MbBeadParamCalculator
 The calculator of the dependent parameter of a bead. More...
class  MbKCalculator
 Calculator of the neutral layer coefficient. More...
class  MbDisplacementCalculator
 The bend displacement calculator. More...
class  MbJalousieParamCalculator
 The calculator of trimmed jalousie parameters. More...
class  MbCloseCornerGapHotPointCalc
 Calculator of hot point location for the gap of corner closure. More...
class  MbRuledShellGapCalc
 Calculator of hot point location for the gap of corner closure. More...
class  MbSheetRibHotPointCalculator
 Calculator of hot point location for the sheet rib. More...


enum  MbeSegmentationMethod { sm_Quantity , sm_Length , sm_Angle , sm_Height }
 The method of contour segmentation. More...
enum  MbeBendWidthType { bwt_KFactor , bwt_Allowance , bwt_Deduction , bwt_Table }
 The method of bend width definition. More...


MbResultType BendSheetSolidOverSegment (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const RPArray< MbFace > &bendingFaces, MbCurve3D &curve, bool unbended, const MbBendOverSegValues &params, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&result)
 The bend of a sheet solid along a line. More...
MbResultType SheetSolidJog (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const RPArray< MbFace > &bendingFaces, MbCurve3D &curve, bool unbended, const MbJogValues &jogParams, const MbBendValues &secondBendParams, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, RPArray< MbFace > &firstBendFaces, RPArray< MbFace > &secondBendFaces, MbSolid *&result)
 A jog. More...
MbResultType BendSheetSolid (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const RPArray< MbSheetMetalBend > &bends, const MbFace &fixedFace, const MbCartPoint &fixedPoint, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&result)
 Rebend the sheet solid bends. More...
MbResultType UnbendSheetSolid (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const RPArray< MbSheetMetalBend > &bends, const MbFace &fixedFace, const MbCartPoint &fixedPoint, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&result, RPArray< MbContour3D > *ribContours=nullptr)
 Unbend the bends of a sheet solid. More...
MbResultType CreateSheetSolid (const MbPlacement3D &placement, RPArray< MbContour > &contours, bool unbended, const MbSheetMetalValues &params, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > *nameMakers, RPArray< MbSMBendNames > &resultBends, MbSolid *&result)
 Create a sheet solid. More...
MbResultType SheetSolidPlate (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbPlacement3D &placement, RPArray< MbContour > &contours, const MbSheetMetalValues &params, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > *nameMakers, MbSolid *&result)
 Addition of a plate to the sheet solid. More...
MbResultType SheetSolidHole (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbPlacement3D &placement, RPArray< MbContour > &contours, const MbSheetMetalValues &params, bool diff, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > *nameMakers, MbSolid *&result)
 Create a hole in a sheet solid. More...
MbResultType BendSheetSolidByEdges (MbSolid &solid, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges, const bool unbended, const MbBendByEdgeValues &params, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, RPArray< MbSMBendNames > &resultBends, MbSolid *&result)
 A bend on an edge. More...
MbResultType SheetSolidJointBend (MbSolid &solid, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbPlacement3D &placement, const MbContour &contour, const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges, const bool unbended, const MbJointBendValues &params, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, RPArray< RPArray< MbSMBendNames > > &resultBends, MbSolid *&result)
 A composite bend of a sheet solid. More...
MbResultType CloseCorner (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, MbCurveEdge *curveEdgePlus, MbCurveEdge *curveEdgeMinus, const MbClosedCornerValues &params, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&result)
 A corner enclosure. More...
MbResultType CutSolidArrayByBorders (MbSolid &solidArray, const MbeCopyMode sameShells, const MbCutSolidArrayByBordersParams &params, c3d::SolidSPtr &resultSolid)
 Cutting the solidArray with contours of plane sheet faces of sheetSolid form params. More...
MbResultType CreateStampParts (const MbStampPartsParams &params, MbStampPartsResult &resultSolids)
 Creation of stamping's components. More...
MbResultType CreateStampWithToolSolidParts (const c3d::SolidSPtr &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const c3d::SolidSPtr &toolSolid, MbeCopyMode sameShellTool, const MbStampWithToolPartsParams &params, MbStampWithToolPartsResult &resultSolids)
 Stamping with a tool solid (punch or die). More...
MbResultType NormalizeCutSides (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbNormalizeCutSidesParams &normParam, c3d::SolidSPtr &result)
 Normalize cut sides of the sheet solid. More...
MbResultType Stamp (const c3d::SolidSPtr &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbStampParams &params, c3d::SolidSPtr &result)
 Stamping. More...
MbResultType StampWithToolSolid (const c3d::SolidSPtr &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const c3d::SolidSPtr &toolSolid, MbeCopyMode sameShellTool, const MbStampWithToolParams &params, c3d::SolidSPtr &result)
 Stamping with a tool solid (punch or die). More...
MbResultType CreateSphericalStampParts (const MbSphericalStampPartsParams &params, MbSphericalStampPartsResult &resultSolids)
 Creation of spherical stamping's components. More...
MbResultType SphericalStamp (const c3d::SolidSPtr &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbSphericalStampParams &params, c3d::SolidSPtr &result)
 Spherical stamping. More...
MbResultType CreateBeadParts (const MbFace *face, const MbPlacement3D &placement, const RPArray< MbContour > &contours, const SArray< MbCartPoint > &centers, const MbBeadValues &params, const double thinkness, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&partToAdd, MbSolid *&partToSubtract)
 Creation of bead's components. More...
MbResultType CreateBead (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbFace &face, const MbPlacement3D &placement, const RPArray< MbContour > &contours, const SArray< MbCartPoint > &centers, const MbBeadValues &params, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&result)
 A bead. More...
MbResultType CreateJalousieParts (const MbFace *face, const MbPlacement3D &placement, const RPArray< MbLineSegment > &segments, const MbJalousieValues &params, const double thickness, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&partToAdd, MbSolid *&partToSubtract)
 Creation of jalousie's components. More...
MbResultType CreateJalousie (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbFace &face, const MbPlacement3D &placement, const RPArray< MbLineSegment > &segments, const MbJalousieValues &params, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&result)
 Jalousie. More...
MbResultType CreateRuledSolid (MbRuledSolidValues &parameters, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, RPArray< MbSMBendNames > &resultBends, MbContour *&resultContour, MbSolid *&resultSolid)
 A ruled shell from a contour. More...
MbResultType SheetSolidUnion (MbSolid &solid1, const MbeCopyMode sameShell1, MbSolid &solid2, const MbeCopyMode sameShell2, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbSolid *&result)
 A union of sheet solids by a side face. More...
bool CanUnionSheetSolids (const MbSolid &solid1, const MbSolid &solid2)
 Checks that solids are sheet and they can be connected by a side face. More...
MbResultType RestoreSideEdges (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const RPArray< MbFace > &outerFaces, const bool strict, RPArray< MbSheetMetalBend > &bends, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&result)
 Restore the side edges of the bends. More...
bool SeparateBendsBySubshells (const MbSolid &solid, const RPArray< MbSheetMetalBend > &bends, const MbName &fixedFaceName, RPArray< RPArray< MbSheetMetalBend > > &bendsGroups, RPArray< const MbFace > &fixedFaces)
 Disjoint the bends by the common subshells. More...
bool CollectBends (const MbFaceShell &faceShell, const RPArray< MbFace > &innerFaces, const RPArray< MbFace > &outerFaces, RPArray< MbSheetMetalBend > &result)
 Collect the pairs of faces of the bends. More...
bool IsSuitableForFixed (const MbFace &face)
 Determine whether a face can be chosen as a fixed face for bending/unbending. More...
void FindCurveFaces (const RPArray< MbFace > &faces, const MbCurve3D &curve, RPArray< MbFace > &result)
 Find the faces containing the specified curve. More...
MbFaceFindSheetFace (const MbCurveEdge &edge)
 Find the upper/lower face of a sheet solid that contains the specified edge. More...
MbFaceFindPairBendFace (const MbFace &face)
 Find the pair face of a bend. More...
MbFaceGetPairPlanarFaceByEdge (const MbCurveEdge &curveEdge, const double begDistance, const double endDistance)
 Find a planar pair sheet face given en edge. More...
MbFaceGetPairPlanarFaceByCurve (const MbFace &sheetFace, const MbCurve3D &curve)
 Find a planar pair sheet face given a three-dimensional curve. More...
MbFaceGetPairPlanarFaceByContour (const MbFaceShell &shell, const MbFace &sheetFace, const MbPlacement3D &place, const RPArray< const MbCurve > &segments)
 Find a planar pair sheet face given a contour. More...
MbFaceGetPairPlanarFace (const MbFaceShell *faceShell, const MbFace &sheetFace)
 Find the planar pair sheet face. More...
double GetDistanceIfSameAndOpposite (const MbFace &face1, const MbFace *face2)
 Compute the distance between faces. More...
void GetSimilarCylindricBends (const MbFaceShell &shell, RPArray< MbSheetMetalBend > &bends)
 Find the similar bends. More...
bool CalculateTangentPoint (const MbFace &face, const MbPlane &plane, MbCartPoint &tangentPoint)
 Compute a tangent point for bend/unbend. More...
bool CalculateConicAxisLine (const MbFace &face, MbLineSegment &axisLineSegment)
 Calculate the centerline of an unbended conic bend. More...
bool BuildBends3DCenterlines (const MbBends3DLinesParams &params, MbBends3DLinesResult &result)
 Calculate the centerlines of unfolded bends. More...
bool GetParamsForCloseCorner (const RPArray< MbFace > &facesPlus, const RPArray< MbFace > &facesMinus, MbClosedCornerValues &parameters, MbCurveEdge *&edgePlus, MbCurveEdge *&edgeMinus)
 Calculate the parameters for the corner closure. More...
bool GetParamsForCloseCorner (const MbCurveEdge &selectedEdgePlus, const MbCurveEdge &selectedEdgeMinus, MbClosedCornerValues &parameters, MbCurveEdge *&edgePlus, MbCurveEdge *&edgeMinus)
 Calculate the parameters for the corner closure. More...
bool GetParamsForCloseCorner (const MbCloseCornerParams &params, MbCloseCornerResults &result)
 Calculate the parameters for the corner closure. More...
double CalculateSegmentationParameter (const MbCurve &curve, const MbeSegmentationMethod method, const double param, const MbeSegmentationMethod newMethod)
 Calculate parameter of segmentation. More...
MbResultType SplitContourIntoSegments (const MbCurve &curve, const size_t segmNumber, MbContour *&resultContour)
 Split every arc of the contour into segments. More...
MbResultType SplitContoursIntoSegments (MbContour &contour1, SArray< double > &breaks1, MbContour &contour2, SArray< double > &breaks2, MbSNameMaker &names, const SArray< size_t > &segmNumbers1, const SArray< size_t > &segmNumbers2, const size_t defSegmNumb, const double gapValue)
 Split a part of a contours (an arc) into segments. More...
bool FillBendNamesArray (const MbContour &contour1, const MbPlacement3D &placement1, const SArray< double > &breaks1, const MbContour &contour2, const MbPlacement3D &placement2, const SArray< double > &breaks2, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, RPArray< MbSMBendNames > &bendNames)
 Fill the array of MbSMBendNames. More...
MbContour3DMakeContour (const MbPlacement3D &placement, const MbContour &contour, const SArray< double > &breaks, MbSNameMaker &names)
 To create 3D contour by 2D contour with splitting. More...
bool MakeSheetRiContourByTwoSides (const MbCurveEdge &bendEdge, const double bendAngle, const double l1, const double l2, const double bRatio, const double rad, const bool dir, const double t, MbPlacement3D &placement, MbContour &contour, double &bMax)
 Create the contour of rib by side distances. More...
bool MakeSheetRiContourBySideAndAngle (const MbCurveEdge &bendEdge, const double bendAngle, const double l1, const double a, const double bRatio, const double rad, const bool dir, const double t, MbPlacement3D &placement, MbContour &contour, double &bMax)
 Create the contour of rib by distance and slope angle. More...
bool MakeSheetRiContourByDepthAndAngle (const MbCurveEdge &bendEdge, const double bendAngle, const double h, const double a, const double bRatio, const double rad, const bool dir, const double t, MbPlacement3D &placement, MbContour &contour, double &bMax)
 Create the contour of rib by depth and slope angle. More...
MbResultType SheetRibParts (const c3d::SolidSPtr &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbSheetRibSolidParams &params, c3d::SolidSPtr &partToAdd, c3d::SolidSPtr &partToSubtract)
 Create rib parts of a sheet solid. More...
MbResultType SheetRibSolid (const c3d::SolidSPtr &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbSheetRibSolidParams &params, c3d::SolidSPtr &result)
 Create a sheet solid with rib. More...
MbResultType BendAnySolid (MbSolid &solid, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbPlane &cutPlane, const SArray< MbAnyBend > &bends, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&result)
 Cut the solid with the cutting planes and bend the resulting parts according to given parameters. More...
MbResultType SimplifyFlatPattern (MbSolid &solid, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbSimplifyFlatPatternValues &params, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbSolid *&result)
 Simplify flattened sheet solid. More...
MbResultType RemoveOperationResult (MbSolid &solid, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbRemoveOperationResultParams &params, SPtr< MbSolid > &result)
 Remove the result operation with name "removeName". More...
MbResultType ConvertSolidToSheetMetal (c3d::SolidSPtr &solid, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, MbSolidToSheetMetalParams &parameters, c3d::SolidSPtr &result)
 Construct sheet metal solid based on an arbitrary solid. More...

Detailed Description

Functions for operating with a sheet metal solid.