- Member CollectFacesForModification (MbFaceShell *shell, MbeModifyingType way, double radius, RPArray< MbFace > &faces)
- The method is deprecated. Use instead CollectFacesForModification with the parameters MbCollectFacesParams.
- Member ConvertShellToSheetMetall (MbFaceShell *initialShell, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbFace &initFace, bool sense, MbSolidToSheetMetalValues ¶ms, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbResultType &res, SPtr< MbFaceShell > &resultShell)
The function is deprecated, instead use ConvertShellToSheetMetall with the parameter list MbSolidToSheetMetalParams.
- Member CreateBoolean (MbFaceShell *shell1, MbeCopyMode sameShell1, MbFaceShell *shell2, MbeCopyMode sameShell2, const RPArray< MbCreator > &creators, size_t &sharedCount, size_t &firstCount, OperationType oType, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, const MbBooleanFlags &flags, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
- The function is deprecated, instead use CreateBoolean with the parameter list MbBooleanOperationParams.
- Member CreateCurveLofted (MbFaceShell *solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, SArray< MbPlacement3D > &places, RPArray< MbContour > &planeConours, const MbCurve3D ¢re_line, const LoftedValues ¶ms, OperationType oType, const MbSNameMaker &operName, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > &contourNames, SArray< MbCartPoint3D > *guidePoints, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&resShell)
The function is deprecated, instead use CreateCurveLofted with the parameter list MbLoftedSolidParams.
- Member CreateCurveLofted (MbFaceShell *solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, RPArray< MbSurface > &surfaces, RPArray< MbContour > &planeConours, const MbCurve3D ¢re_line, const LoftedValues ¶ms, OperationType oType, const MbSNameMaker &operName, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > &contourNames, RPArray< MbCurve3D > *guideCurves, SArray< MbCartPoint3D > *guidePoints, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&resShell)
The function is deprecated, instead use CreateCurveLofted with the parameter list MbLoftedSolidParams.
- Member CreateCurveLofted (MbFaceShell *solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, SArray< MbPlacement3D > &places, RPArray< MbContour > &planeConours, const LoftedValues ¶ms, OperationType oType, const MbSNameMaker &operName, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > &contourNames, SArray< MbCartPoint3D > *guidePoints, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&resShell)
The function is deprecated, instead use CreateCurveLofted with the parameter list MbLoftedSolidParams.
- Member CreateCurveLofted (MbFaceShell *solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, RPArray< MbSurface > &surfaces, RPArray< MbContour > &planeConours, const LoftedValues ¶ms, OperationType oType, const MbSNameMaker &operName, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > &contourNames, RPArray< MbCurve3D > *guideCurves, SArray< MbCartPoint3D > *guidePoints, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&resShell)
The function is deprecated, instead use CreateCurveLofted with the parameter list MbLoftedSolidParams.
- Member CreateExtensionShell (MbFaceShell *solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges, const ExtensionValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
The function is deprecated, instead use #ExtensionShellShell with the parameter list MbExtensionShellParams.
- Member CreateFaceModifiedSolid (MbFaceShell *outer, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const ModifyValues ¶meters, const RPArray< MbFace > &faces, const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
- The method is deprecated and will be removed in version 2024.
- Member CreateFaces (const MbPlacement3D &place, const MbContour &contour, const MbVector3D &der, bool sense, const MbSNameMaker &n, RPArray< MbFace > &faces, bool useAddCount=false)
- The function is deprecated, instead use CreateFaces with #FacesSPtrVector.
- Member CreateFunction (const MbCurve3D &curve, const MbPlacement3D &place, size_t coordinate)
- The method is deprecated. Use instead CreateFunction with the parameters MbFunctionParameters.
- Member CreateHole (MbFaceShell *solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbPlacement3D &place, const HoleValues &par, const MbSNameMaker &ns, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
- The function is deprecated, instead use CreateHole with the parameter list MbHoleSolidParams.
- Member CreateJoinShell (MbSurfaceCurve &curve1, MbSurfaceCurve &curve2, JoinSurfaceValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
- The function is deprecated, instead use CreateJoinShell with the parameter list MbJoinShellParams.
- Member CreateJoinShell (const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges1, const SArray< bool > &orients1, const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges2, const SArray< bool > &orients2, const MbMatrix3D &matr1, const MbMatrix3D &matr2, JoinSurfaceValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell, bool isPhantom)
- The function is deprecated, instead use CreateJoinShell with the parameter list MbJoinShellParams.
- Member CreateMeshShell (MeshSurfaceValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, bool isPhantom, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
- The function is deprecated, instead use CreateMeshShell with the parameter list MbMeshShellParameters.
- Member CreateNurbsShell (NurbsSurfaceValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, bool isPhantom, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell, IProgressIndicator *indicator=nullptr)
- The function is deprecated, instead use CreateNurbsShell with the parameter list MbNurbsSurfacesShellParams.
- Member CreateRemovedOperationResult (MbFaceShell &initialShell, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, const SimpleName removeName, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
The function is deprecated, instead use CreateRemovedOperationResult with the parameter list MbRemoveOperationResultParams.
- Member CreateRemovedOperationResult (MbFaceShell &initialShell, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, const SimpleName removeName, MbeSheetOperationName opType, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
The function is deprecated, instead use CreateRemovedOperationResult with the parameter list MbRemoveOperationResultParams.
- Member CreateRib (MbFaceShell *solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbPlacement3D &place, const MbContour &contour, size_t index, const RibValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
- The function is deprecated, instead use CreateRib with the parameter list MbRibSolidParameters.
- Member CreateRibElement (MbFaceShell *solid, const MbPlacement3D &place, const MbContour &contour, size_t index, const RibValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
- The function is deprecated, instead use CreateRibElement with the parameter list MbRibSolidParameters.
- Member CreateRuledShell (RuledSurfaceValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, bool isPhantom, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&shell)
The function is deprecated, instead use CreateRuledShell with the parameter list MbRuledShellParams.
- Member CreateSheetRib (MbFaceShell *solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbPlacement3D &place, const MbContour &contour, size_t index, SheetRibValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, MbResultType &res, MbFaceShell *&resultShell)
- The function is deprecated, instead use CreateSheetRib with the parameter list MbSheetRibSolidParams.
- Member CreateStamp (SPtr< MbFaceShell > &initialShell, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbFace *face, const MbPlacement3D &placement, const MbContour &contour, const MbStampingValues ¶ms, const double thickness, const bool add, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbResultType &res, SPtr< MbFaceShell > &resultShell)
The function is deprecated, instead use CreateStamp with the parameter list MbStampParams.
- Member CreateUnwrappedCurve (const MbCurvesWrappingParams ¶meters, MbResultType &res, c3d::WireFrameSPtr &resWire)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member CreateUserStamp (MbFaceShell *initialShell, const MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbFace &targetFace, const RPArray< MbCreator > &creatorsTool, MbFaceShell &toolShell, const MbeCopyMode sameShellTool, bool isPunch, const RPArray< MbFace > &pierceFaces, const MbToolStampingValues ¶ms, const MbSNameMaker &nameMaker, MbResultType &res, SPtr< MbFaceShell > &resultShell)
The function is deprecated, instead use CreateUserStamp with the parameter list MbStampWithToolParams.
- Member CreateWrappedCurve (const MbCurvesWrappingParams ¶meters, MbResultType &res, c3d::WireFrameSPtr &resWire)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member CurvesUnwrapping (const MbCurvesWrappingParams ¶meters, c3d::SpaceCurvesSPtrVector &resultCurves)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member CurvesUnwrapping (const MbCurvesWrappingParams ¶ms, c3d::PlaneCurvesSPtrVector &surfaceCurves)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member CurvesWrapping (const MbCurvesWrappingParams ¶meters, c3d::SpaceCurvesSPtrVector &resultCurves)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member CurvesWrapping (const MbCurvesWrappingParams ¶meters, c3d::PlaneCurvesSPtrVector &surfaceCurves)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member DivideShell (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, MbSolid *&result)
The function is deprecated, instead use DivideShell with the parameter list MbDivideShellParams.
- Member EdgeModifiedSolid (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const ModifyValues ¶ms, const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbSolid *&result)
- The method is deprecated and will be removed in version 2024.
- Member ExtensionShell (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, MbFace &face, const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges, const ExtensionValues ¶ms, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, MbSolid *&result)
The function is deprecated, instead use ExtensionShell with the parameter list MbExtensionShellParams.
- Member FaceModifiedSolid (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const ModifyValues ¶ms, const RPArray< MbFace > &faces, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbSolid *&result)
- The method is deprecated and will be removed in version 2024.
- Member FacesFillet (const MbSolid &solid1, const MbFace &face1, const MbSolid &solid2, const MbFace &face2, const SmoothValues ¶ms, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbSolid *&result)
- The function is deprecated, use FacesFillet with MbFilletData instead.
- Member GetParamsForCloseCorner (const RPArray< MbFace > &facesPlus, const RPArray< MbFace > &facesMinus, MbClosedCornerValues ¶meters, MbCurveEdge *&edgePlus, MbCurveEdge *&edgeMinus)
- The function is deprecated, instead use GetParamsForCloseCorner with parameters MbCloseCornerParams and MbCloseCornerResults.
- Member GetParamsForCloseCorner (const MbCurveEdge &selectedEdgePlus, const MbCurveEdge &selectedEdgeMinus, MbClosedCornerValues ¶meters, MbCurveEdge *&edgePlus, MbCurveEdge *&edgeMinus)
- The function is deprecated, instead use GetParamsForCloseCorner with parameters MbCloseCornerParams and MbCloseCornerResults.
- Class GridsToShellValues
The parameters are deprecated, instead use MbGridShellParams.
- Member IngotSolid (RPArray< MbItem > &solids, bool makeCopy, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbSolid *&ingotResult)
- The method is deprecated. Use instead IngotSolid with the parameters MbIngotSolidParams.
- Member IntersectionCurve (const MbSurface &surface1, bool ext1, const MbCartPoint &uv1beg, const MbCartPoint &uv1end, const MbSurface &surface2, bool ext2, const MbCartPoint &uv2beg, const MbCartPoint &uv2end, const MbVector3D &dir, MbCurve *&result1, MbCurve *&result2, MbeCurveBuildType &label)
- The function is deprecated, instead use IntersectionCurve with the parameter list MbIntCurveParams and MbIntCurveResults.
- Member IntersectionCurve (const MbSurface &surface1, const MbSurface &surface2, const MbIntCurveParams ¶ms, MbWireFrame *&result)
- The function is deprecated, instead use IntersectionCurve with the parameter list MbIntCurveParams and MbIntCurveResults.
- Member IntersectionCurve (const MbSurface &surf1, bool ext1, const MbCartPoint &uv1beg, const MbCartPoint &uv1end, const MbSurface &surf2, bool ext2, const MbCartPoint &uv2beg, const MbCartPoint &uv2end, const MbCurve3D *guideCurve, bool useRedetermination, bool checkPoles, MbCurve *&pCurve1, MbCurve *&pCurve2, MbeCurveBuildType &label)
- The function is deprecated, instead use IntersectionCurve with the parameter list MbIntCurveParams and MbIntCurveResults.
- Member IntersectionCurve (const MbSolid &solid1, const c3d::IndicesVector &faceIndices1, bool same1, const MbSolid &solid2, const c3d::IndicesVector &faceIndices2, bool same2, const MbIntCurveParams ¶ms, MbWireFrame *&result)
- The function is deprecated, instead use IntersectionCurve with the parameter list MbIntCurveShellParams and MbIntCurveResults.
- Member IntersectionCurve (const MbSolid &solid1, const c3d::IndicesVector &faceIndices1, const MbSolid &solid2, const c3d::IndicesVector &faceIndices2, const MbIntCurveParams ¶ms, MbWireFrame *&result)
- The function is deprecated, instead use IntersectionCurve with the parameter list MbIntCurveShellParams and MbIntCurveResults.
- Member IntersectionCurve (MbFace &face1, MbFace &face2, const MbIntCurveParams ¶ms, MbWireFrame *&result)
- The function is deprecated, instead use IntersectionCurve with the parameter list MbIntCurveParams and MbIntCurveResults.
- Member JoinShell (MbSurfaceCurve &curve1, MbSurfaceCurve &curve2, JoinSurfaceValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, MbSolid *&result)
- The function is deprecated, instead use JoinShell with the parameter list MbJoinShellParams.
- Member JoinShell (const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges1, const SArray< bool > &orients1, const RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges2, const SArray< bool > &orients2, const MbMatrix3D &matr1, const MbMatrix3D &matr2, JoinSurfaceValues ¶meters, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, MbSolid *&result, bool isPhantom=false)
- The function is deprecated, instead use JoinShell with the parameter list MbJoinShellParams.
- Member LoftedResult (MbSolid &srcSolid, MbeCopyMode copyMode, RPArray< MbSurface > &surfaces, RPArray< MbContour > &planeConours, const MbCurve3D *spine, const LoftedValues ¶ms, OperationType oType, RPArray< MbCurve3D > *guideCurves, SArray< MbCartPoint3D > *guidePoints, const MbSNameMaker &operName, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > &contourNames, MbSolid *&result)
The function is deprecated, instead use LoftedResult with the parameter list MbLoftedSolidParams.
- Member LoftedResult (MbSolid &srcSolid, MbeCopyMode copyMode, SArray< MbPlacement3D > &places, RPArray< MbContour > &planeConours, const MbCurve3D *spine, const LoftedValues ¶ms, OperationType oType, SArray< MbCartPoint3D > *guidePoints, const MbSNameMaker &operName, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > &contourNames, MbSolid *&result)
The function is deprecated, instead use LoftedResult with the parameter list MbLoftedSolidParams.
- Member LoftedSolid (SArray< MbPlacement3D > &places, RPArray< MbContour > &planeConours, const MbCurve3D *spine, const LoftedValues ¶ms, SArray< MbCartPoint3D > *guidePoints, const MbSNameMaker &operName, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > &contourNames, MbSolid *&result)
The function is deprecated, instead use LoftedSolid with the parameter list MbLoftedSolidParams.
- Member LoftedSolid (SArray< MbPlacement3D > &places, RPArray< MbContour > &planeConours, const MbCurve3D *spine, const LoftedValues ¶ms, RPArray< MbCurve3D > *guideCurves, SArray< MbCartPoint3D > *guidePoints, const MbSNameMaker &operName, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > &contourNames, MbSolid *&result)
The function is deprecated, instead use LoftedSolid with the parameter list MbLoftedSolidParams.
- Member LoftedSolid (RPArray< MbSurface > &surfaces, RPArray< MbContour > &planeConours, const MbCurve3D *spine, const LoftedValues ¶ms, RPArray< MbCurve3D > *guideCurves, SArray< MbCartPoint3D > *guidePoints, const MbSNameMaker &operName, RPArray< MbSNameMaker > &contourNames, MbSolid *&result)
The function is deprecated, instead use LoftedSolid with the parameter list MbLoftedSolidParams.
- Member MbAnnotationEdgeVestige::curveInfo
- The field will be declared private. Use methods GetCurveInfo() and SetCurveInfo() to access it.
- Member MbApproxNurbsParameters< Point, Vector, Nurbs >::InitSimpleConstraints (const std::vector< Point > &aPt, size_t order, double tolerance, c3d::BoolPair bFixBeginEnd, bool bClosed, Vector *pDerBeg=nullptr, Vector *pDerEnd=nullptr)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbArc3D::MbArc3D (const MbCartPoint3D &p0, const MbVector3D &vZ, const MbVector3D &vX, double aa, double bb, double angle)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbArc3D::MbArc3D (const MbCartPoint3D &p1, const MbCartPoint3D &p2, const MbVector3D &dirInPoint, bool insecond)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbArc3D::MbArc3D (const MbCartPoint3D &p1, const MbCartPoint3D &p2, double a_4, MbVector3D &vZ)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbArc3D::MbArc3D (const MbCartPoint3D &pc, const MbCartPoint3D &p1, const MbCartPoint3D &p2, int initSense=0)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbArc3D::MbArc3D (const MbCartPoint3D &p0, const MbCartPoint3D &p1, const MbCartPoint3D &p2, int n, bool closed)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbArc3D::MbArc3D (const MbCartPoint3D &pc, const MbCartPoint3D &p1, const MbCartPoint3D &p2, const MbVector3D &aZ, int initSense)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbArc::MbArc (const MbCartPoint &p1, const MbCartPoint &p2, const MbCartPoint &p3)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbArc::MbArc (const MbCartPoint &p1, const MbCartPoint &p2, double a4)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbBezier::MbBezier (bool closed, const SArray< MbCartPoint > &points)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbBezier::MbBezier (const SArray< MbCartPoint > &initList, bool cls, int initForm=0)
- The method is deprecated.
- Class MbColor
The class is deprecated and not recommended for use. Instead use the class MbVisual.
- Member MbContour::ChamferTwoSegmentsZero (ptrdiff_t &index, double rad)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbContour::FilletTwoSegmentsZero (ptrdiff_t &index, int defaultSense, bool fullInsert)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbCurvesWrappingParams::MbCurvesWrappingParams (const c3d::PlaneCurvesSPtrVector &curves_, const MbPlacement3D &place_, const MbCartPoint &xy_, const MbSurface &surface_, const MbCartPoint &uv_, double angle_, bool sense_, bool equals_, double accuracy_, bool copyCurves_, bool copySurface_, VERSION ver_)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbCurvesWrappingParams::MbCurvesWrappingParams (const c3d::ConstPlaneCurvesSPtrVector &curves_, const MbPlacement3D &place_, const MbCartPoint &xy_, const MbSurface &surface_, const MbCartPoint &uv_, double angle_, bool sense_, bool equals_, double accuracy_, bool copyCurves_, bool copySurface_, VERSION ver_)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbCurvesWrappingParams::MbCurvesWrappingParams (const c3d::ConstSpaceCurvesSPtrVector &curves_, const MbPlacement3D &place_, const MbCartPoint &xy_, const MbSurface &surface_, const MbCartPoint &uv_, double angle_, bool sense_, bool equals_, double accuracy_, bool copyCurves_, bool copySurface_, VERSION ver_)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbCurvesWrappingParams::MbCurvesWrappingParams (const c3d::ConstPlaneCurveSPtr &curve_, const MbPlacement3D &place_, const MbCartPoint &xy_, const MbSurface &surface_, const MbCartPoint &uv_, double angle_, bool sense_, bool equals_, double accuracy_, bool copyCurve_, bool copySurface_, VERSION ver_)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbCurvesWrappingParams::MbCurvesWrappingParams (const c3d::ConstSpaceCurveSPtr &curve_, const MbPlacement3D &place_, const MbCartPoint &xy_, const MbSurface &surface_, const MbCartPoint &uv_, double angle_, bool sense_, bool equals_, double accuracy_, bool copyCurves_, bool copySurface_, VERSION ver_)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbEdgeVestige::curveInfo
- The field will be declared private. Use methods GetCurveInfo() and SetCurveInfo() to access it.
- Member MbModifiedSolidResults::GetFilletRadiusSetHotPoint (MbCartPoint3D &pnt, MbVector3D &dir) const
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbNurbs::MbNurbs ()
- The method is deprecated.
- Member MbProjCurve::MbProjCurve (const MbCurve3D &sCurve, bool sameSpaceCurve, const MbSurface &surface, const MbCurve &pCurve, bool samePlaneCurve, MbRegDuplicate *iReg=nullptr)
- Deprecated constructor. Instead use a new constructor.
- Member MbRemoveOperationSolid::MbRemoveOperationSolid (const SimpleName removeName, MbeSheetOperationName opType, const MbSNameMaker &names)
- The method is deprecated, instead use constructor with the parameter list MbRemoveOperationResultParams.
- Member MeshShell (MeshSurfaceValues &pars, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, bool isPhantom, MbSolid *&result)
- The function is deprecated, instead use MeshShell with the parameter list MbMeshShellParameters.
- Class ModifyValues
The class is deprecated and will be removed in version 2024. Use MbModifiedSolidParams intead.
- Member NurbsSurfacesShell (NurbsSurfaceValues ¶ms, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, bool isPhantom, MbSolid *&result, IProgressIndicator *progBar)
- The function is deprecated, instead use NurbsSurfacesShell with the parameter list MbNurbsSurfacesShellParams.
- Member OctaLattice (const MbCartPoint3D &point0, const MbCartPoint3D &point1, const MbCartPoint3D &point2, double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius, size_t xCount, size_t yCount, size_t zCount, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbSolid *&result)
- The function is deprecated, instead use OctaLattice with the parameter list MbOctaLatticeParams.
- Member reader::reader (membuf &sb, uint8 om)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member reader::reader (iobuf_Seq &buf, uint16 om)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member reader_ex::reader_ex (membuf &sb, uint8 om)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member reader_ex::reader_ex (iobuf_Seq &buf, uint16 om)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member RibElement (const MbSolid &solid, const MbPlacement3D &place, MbContour &contour, size_t index, const RibValues &pars, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbSolid *&result)
- The function is deprecated, instead use RibElement with the parameter list MbRibSolidParameters.
- Member RibSolid (MbSolid &solid, MbeCopyMode sameShell, const MbPlacement3D &place, const MbContour &contour, size_t index, const RibValues &pars, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbSolid *&result)
- The function is deprecated, instead use RibSolid with the parameter list MbRibSolidParameters.
- Member RuledShell (RuledSurfaceValues &pars, const MbSNameMaker &operNames, bool isPhantom, MbSolid *&result)
The function is deprecated, instead use RuledShell with the parameter list MbRuledShellParams.
- Class rw
The class is deprecated and will be removed in version 2023.
- Member ShellPart (const MbSolid &solid, size_t id, const MbPath &path, const MbSNameMaker &names, MbPartSolidIndices &partIndices, MbSolid *&result)
- The function is deprecated, instead use ShellPart with the parameter list MbShellPartParams.
- Member SmoothPhantom (const MbSolid &solid, SArray< MbEdgeFunction > &edges, const SmoothValues ¶ms, RPArray< MbSurface > &result)
- The method is deprecated. Use instead SmoothPhantom with the parameters MbSmoothPhantomParams.
- Member SmoothPhantom (const MbSolid &solid, RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges, const SmoothValues ¶ms, RPArray< MbSurface > &result)
- The method is deprecated. Use instead SmoothPhantom with the parameters MbSmoothPhantomParams.
- Member SmoothPositionData (const MbSolid &solid, RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges, const SmoothValues ¶ms, RPArray< MbPositionData > &result, double edgeParam=0.5, const MbCurveEdge *dimensionEdge=nullptr)
- The method is deprecated. Use instead SmoothPositionData with the parameters MbSmoothPositionDataParams.
- Member SmoothPositionData (const MbSolid &solid, SArray< MbEdgeFunction > &edges, const SmoothValues ¶ms, RPArray< MbPositionData > &result, double edgeParam=0.5, const MbCurveEdge *dimensionEdge=nullptr)
- The method is deprecated. Use instead SmoothPositionData with the parameters MbSmoothPositionDataParams.
- Member SmoothSequence (const MbSolid &solid, SArray< MbEdgeFunction > &edges, const SmoothValues ¶ms, bool createSurfaces, RPArray< MbEdgeSequence > &sequences, RPArray< MbSurface > &result)
- The method is deprecated. Use instead SmoothSequence with the parameters MbSmoothSequenceParams.
- Member SmoothSequence (const MbSolid &solid, RPArray< MbCurveEdge > &edges, const SmoothValues ¶ms, bool createSurfaces, RPArray< MbEdgeSequence > &sequences, RPArray< MbSurface > &result)
- The method is deprecated. Use instead SmoothSequence with the parameters MbSmoothSequenceParams.
- Member writer::writer (iobuf_Seq &buf, uint16 om)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member writer::writer (membuf &sb, uint8 om)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member writer_ex::writer_ex (iobuf_Seq &buf, uint16 om)
- The method is deprecated.
- Member writer_ex::writer_ex (membuf &sb, uint8 om)
- The method is deprecated.