C3D Toolkit  Kernel - 117982, Vision -
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 Caligned_union< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >Union-container for instance of type from a specific set of types
 CArray2< Type >Two-dimensional array of objects
 CArray2< bool >
 CArray2< double >
 CArray2< MbCartPoint3D >
 CArray2< MbSpacePntTwoVects >
 CAssemblyGeneratorAssembly generator
 CAssemblyItemsConstIteratorIterator for traverse of immutable assembly
 CAssemblyItemsIteratorIterator for traverse of assembly
 CAttrDefInstanceAttribute definition instance
 CAuxiliaryDataParent class of data for manager of parallel processing
 CBalanceTree< Type >Balanced tree
 CBalanceTreeIterator< Type >Iterator of balanced tree
 CBalanceTreeNode< Type >Node of balanced tree
 CVSN::BaseBrushBase class
 CBasicIGESБазовый класс для IGES объектов
 CVSN::BasicObjectBasicObject class is the base class for all scene objects
 CVSN::BoxVertexBoxVertex represents a bounding box vertex. e.g. {min, min, min} is the point with the minimal coordinates along all axes
 CVSN::BuildUVMappingProcessNO TRANSLATION - не готово
 CVSN::BuildVertexNormalsProcessNO TRANSLATION
 CC3DConverterDebugSettingsSettings of the debug features of the C3D Converter
 Cc3d::C3DExchangeBufferMemory buffer for data exchange
 CC3DLocaleSwitcherLocal setting of the locale
 CCacheCleanerBase class for objects which require a garbage collection
 CCacheEdgesForVertexCache for edges adjacent to a vertex
 CCacheFacesForVertexCache for faces adjacent to a vertex
 Ccdet_query::cback_data< Data structure that notifies an app about collision detection event
 CCcArray< Type >Dynamic one-dimensional array without counter of elements number
 Ccdet_queryData structure and callbacks for the collision search request
 CVSN::CharArray8 bit zero terminated char array
 CClassDescriptorPacked class name
 CClusterReferencePosition for reading/writing in a cluster
 CVSN::ColorColor class defines color based on RGB or HSV, or CMYK values
 CVSN::CommonMatrix< C, R, T >NO TRANSLATION
 CCommonMutexLock class
 CCompareItemsResultThe result of comparison between two objects
 CConstraintManager2DManager of interactions with the solver
 CCoonsDerivesUVDerivative by uv at vertices
 CCornerValuesParameters of vertex fillet
 CCosinusoidParParameters of a sinusoid creation
 CMbSurfacesJointAnalysisResults::DataOutput local parameters
 Cdbg_inspector< _PairUnion >Debug Inspector of union-container (NOT completed yet!)
 Cdbg_inspector< recursive_union >
 CDefaultBicompVisitor< Graph >Посетитель алгоритма поиска блоков и точек сочленения в неориентированном графе
 CDefaultDFSVisitor< Graph >Пустой посетитель алгоритма обхода графа в глубину
 CDefRangeThe function domain
 CDefRangeItemElement of the function definition domain
 CDerivesValuesValue of the function and derivatives
 CDFS_element< Graph >Стековый элемент для алгоритма обхода в глубину
 CDimParametersParameters of size constraint
 CDiskreteLengthDataData for support of discrete length/radius/distance
 CVSN::DoubleFieldsFields class defines four rectangle fields
 CDoubleTripleCoordinates for Nurbs-vector
 CDPtr< T >Smart pointer
 CDPtr< CoonsDerivesUV >
 CDPtr< DuplicationValues >
 CDPtr< MbCoonsWorkingData >
 CDPtr< MbGregoryWorkingData >
 CDPtr< MbIntCurveValues >
 CDPtr< MbMeshTopology >
 CDPtr< MbPatchMating >
 CDPtr< MbPlacement3D >
 CDPtr< MbRectPatchBaseData >
 CDPtr< MbSplineWorkingData >
 CDPtr< MbSurfaceContiguousData >
 CDPtr< MbSurfaceWorkingData >
 CDPtr< MbTrimmedWireFrameInfo >
 CDPtr< SArray< double > >
 CDuplicationValuesAbstract class of duplication parameters
 CDXFCompositeDataBlock properties
 CDXFConverterDXF - converter
 CDXFEntityObject of DXF format
 CDXFHandleUnique (in the document) object identifier
 CDXFPolyline::DXFSegmentPolyline segment
 CPriorityQueue< Index, Weight >::Element< Element of queue
 Cempty_variantTail element for recursive determination of type recursive_union<T1,T2>
 CExceptionModeDefinition of mode for exception handling
 CVSN::ExplodeDispatcherClass ExplodeDispatcher is used to manage the process of disassembling objects of the geometric model (scene segments), it also provides support for working with GUI tabs and provides various viewing modes
 CVSN::ExplodeParameterStateUsed to get the state of GUI elements by control parameter
 CVSN::ExplodeParameterValuesClass ExplodeParameterValues is used to get a set of a ranges, determined by the control parameter. The method ExplodeDispatcher::GetParameterValues() is used to get data. If for the requested parameter such a range type is not supported, ExplodeDispatcher::GetParameterValues() method will return ResultState::rs_UnSupported
 CExtensionValuesThe shell extension parameters
 CFaceLoopsConstIteratorIterator for traverse loops of a immutable face
 CFaceLoopsIteratorIterator for traverse loops of a face
 CFastenersValuesThe parameters of fastener elements
 CFatalErrorHandlerHandler of fatal errors
 CVSN::FieldsFields class defines four rectangle fields
 CFileSpaceFile space
 Cmembuf::FileStackEntryStack of FileSpaces
 CVSN::Flags< Enum >Flags<Enum> is a template class where Enum is an enumarated type. Flags is used to store enumeration value combinations in C3D Vision
 CFormDefinitionContour shape description
 CFullFilletValuesParameters of face fillet
 CGcArgumentArgument of constraint (or geometric primitive of the solver)
 CGCE_adim_parsParameters of angular dimensional constraint
 CGCE_callback_tableThe structure uniting 2D-solver callbacks
 CGCE_circleCoordinates of a circle
 CGCE_diagnostic_parsDiagnostic characteristics of constraint system
 CGCE_dim_parsParameters of dimensional constraint
 CGCE_dragging_pointControl point of the dragging
 CGCE_ellipseCoordinates of an ellipse
 CGCE_intervalParameters of interval constraint
 CGCE_ldim_parsParameters of distance constraint
 CGCE_lineCoordinate of a line on the plane
 CGCE_pointCoordinates of a point on plane
 CGCE_point_dofDegree of freedom of a point
 CGCE_splineCoordinates and characteristics of a spline
 CGCE_vec2dVector coordinates
 CGCE_vecNdCoordinates of n-dimensional vector
 CGCM_c_argArgument of constraint to record in 'GCM_c_record' data
 CGCM_c_paramsStructure of constraint parameters
 CGCM_c_recordStructure of geometric constraint record
 CGCM_closest_paramsScalar parameters of geometric constraint or dimension
 CGCM_dof_recordDetailed info about geometric degree of freedom
 CGCM_extra_paramAdditional parameter for functions of type #GCM_dependent_func
 CGCM_g_recordStructure of data fields representing a geometric object
 CGCM_geom_axisAxis of a planar angle
 CGCM_intervalThe range of allowable values for a linear or angular interval dimension
 CGCM_pointCoordinates of point in three-dimensional space
 CGCM_undefined< T >Undefined value of some datatype
 CGCM_vec3dCoordinates of 3D-vector
 CGcPrecisionTolerances of 2D-constraint solving and other constants
 CGCT_diagnostic_parsDiagnostic characteristics of constraint system
 CGeConstraintsRangeThe range of the geometric constraints set
 Ccdet_query::geom_element< Structure representing a collision detection geometry
 CGeomCodeGeometric primitive encoding
 CVSN::GeometryFactoryGeometryFactory class presents a factory of geometric object representations and also generates the prepared scene for the next rendering
 CGetVestigesTransDataA structure for data transmission between threads
 CVSN::GlobalFlagsGlobal settings for visualization module
 Cgraph_traits< Graph >Graph datatype traits
 CGridsToShellValuesOperation parameters of grids-to-shell conversion
 CHoleValuesThe parameters of notch
 CIAttrDefinitionAttribute definition interface
 CIConverter3DConverter's interface
 CIConvertorProperty3DInterface of converter's properties
 Cc3d::IEmbodimentNodeEmbodiments tree node
 Cc3d::IEmbodimentTreeEmbodiment Tree
 CIfDrawGIInterface of debug drawing of application
 CIfProgressIndicatorA run progress indicator
 CIGetMsgThe getter of a string from string data
 CVSN::ImageImage class provides tolls for loading/saving different image formats
 Cc3d::IModelTreeGeneric model tree
 Cc3d::IModelTreeNodeModel tree node
 Cindex_tag< size_t >Template to generate an indexed type (for static type-matching in compile-time)
 CInertiaPropertiesInertial properties of solid
 CVSN::MathBaseGeometry::InfoPrimitiveStructure of data when requesting compatibility identificators
 Ciobuf_SeqStream buffer
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 CIStrDataData of a string
 CItAlgebraicConstraintConstraint for subset of coordinates
 CItAssemblyImportDataThe user defined interface for import constraint system of an assembly from CAD application
 CItAssemblyReactorThe event handles related to solving the assembly
 CItCamMechanismInterface "Cam mechanism"
 CItConstraintItemGeometric constraint
 CItCoordInterface of coordinate
 CMbModel::ItemConstIteratorConstant iterator on objects of the model
 Cc3d::ItemDataBaseA base class for user data of a tree node
 CMbModel::ItemIteratorSimple iterator on objects of model
 CItemPtrVectorIterator< ContainerType, ItemType >Iterator for traverse container of pointers
 CItemPtrVectorIterator< std::vector< const MbCurveEdge * >, const MbCurveEdge >
 CItemPtrVectorIterator< std::vector< MbCurveEdge * >, MbCurveEdge >
 CIFC_Array< Type >::iteratorA constant iterator (new functions can be added as necessary)
 CItGeomGeometrical object
 CItIntervalTreeVariableInterface of interval variable
 CItMateTransmissionInterface "Mechanical transmission for two solids"
 CItPositionManagerAbstract for control of geom position in the assembly
 CItTreeVariableInterface of variable
 CItUserFuncInterface of function
 CIVariableSectionDataAn Abstract Base Class for obtaining sections for sweeping operation with variable section
 CJoinSurfaceValuesData for construction of surface of the joint
 CKdTree< Scalar >K-d tree
 Cstd::less< DefRangeItem >Comparison of elements of the definition domain
 CVSN::LightingSettingsLighting settings
 CList< Type >List of pointers to elements
 CListItem< Type >The list element
 CLIterator< Type >Iterator of list
 Cc3d::LogHelperLogging switch in a scope
 CConvConvertorProperty3D::LogRecordConverter message data
 CLoopCrossParamParameter of loops self-intersection
 CLoopOrientedEdgesConstIteratorIterator for traverse oriented edges of a immutable loop
 CLoopOrientedEdgesIteratorIterator for traverse oriented edges of a loop
 CVSN::MaterialCacheMaterial cache for reuse
 CMaTerminatorSymbolDescription of the terminator symbol
 CMathCommon static data of algorithms and functions
 CVSN::MathGroupItemItem for use with the MathGroupGeometry class
 CVSN::Matrix3DFThe matrix of transformation in a three-dimensional space
 CMatrixNNSquare matrix of numbers N x N
 CMbAccurateTimerHigh resolution timer
 CMbAnyBendBend parameters of a non-sheet body
 CMbApproxErrorApproximation error information
 CMbApproxNurbsCurveResult< Nurbs >Output data for the approximation polyline by a NURBS curve
 CMbApproxNurbsParameters< Point, Vector, Nurbs >Parameters for the approximation polyline by a NURBS curve
 CMbApproxWeightConstraint< Vector >Parameters for the approximation by a NURBS curve
 CMbAttributeContainerAn attribute container
 CMbAutoRegDuplicateAuto-registrator of duplication
 CMbAutoRegTransformAuto-registrator of transformation
 CMbAxis3DThe axis-vector which is attached to a fixed point
 CMbBeadParamCalculatorThe calculator of the dependent parameter of a bead
 CMbBeadValuesThe bead parameters
 CMbBends3DLinesParamsInput data for calculating centerlines of unfolded bends
 CMbBends3DLinesResultOutput data of calculating centerlines of unfolded bends
 CMbBendValuesThe bend parameters
 CMbBooleanFlagsControl flags of Boolean operations
 CMbBooleanOperationParamsParameters of Boolean operation
 CMbBreaksPartPart of break
 CMbBreaksRebuildClass for breaks rebuilding
 CMbCartPointThe cartesian two-dimensional point
 CMbCartPoint3DThe three-dimensional point
 CMbClassTraits< Type >Class traits of C3D geometric kernel
 CMbCloseCornerGapHotPointCalcCalculator of hot point location for the gap of corner closure
 CMbCloseCornerResultsThe calculated parameters of the corner closure
 CMbClosedCornerValuesThe bend closure parameters
 CMbClothoidParamsParameters for a clothoid creation
 CMbCollisionDetectionUtilityUtility for calculation of intersection and proximity parameters of solids
 CMbCompContourArrayAn array of contours belonging to the certain component
 CMbConstraintElementary constraint
 CMbConstraintFixedValuesFixed values of surface parameters
 CMbConstraintSystem2DGeometric constraints system
 CMbContourChamferParamsParameters for the 3d-contour chamfers creation
 CMbControlDataThe data for two-dimensional object control
 CMbControlData3DThe data for three-dimensional object control
 CMbConvexHullParamsParameters for convex hull 2D creation
 CMbConvexHullParams3DParameters for convex hull 3D creation
 CMbConvexHullResultsResults of convex hull 2D creating
 CMbCoonsWorkingDataTemporary data of Coons surface
 CMbCornerChamferParamsParameters for the chamfer creation
 CMbCrossPointIntersection point of two curves
 CMbCubeThe bounding box
 CMbCubeTree< Type, Cube, Point, Vector >Tree of objects with bounding boxes
 CMbCurvatureCurvature and principal curvature direction data
 CMbCurveExtensionEndsParameters of extension of the one curve end
 CMbCurveIntoNurbsInfoAdditional information for transformation of a curve or surface to NURBS
 CMbCutShellSilhouetteResultResults of creating a solid cutted by a silhouette contour
 CMbDimAccuracyN-dimensional accuracy
 CMbDirectionTwo-dimensional normalized vector
 CMbDisplacementCalculatorThe bend displacement calculator
 CMbDistanceDistance between curves
 CMbDivideShellParamsParameter class for a shell division into parts using given edges container
 CMbDuplicationSolidParamsClass with solid duplication parameters
 CMbEdgeFacesIndexesIndex of edge identification
 CMbEdgeFunctionA structure for edge and function transferring or supporting curve
 CMbEdgeSequenceSequence of edges
 CMbElementElement of tesselation of solid volume
 CMbElementarySolidParamsParameters for creating an elementary solid
 CMbExtendedIndexIndex of face and it edges
 CMbExtensionShellParamsParameter class an extension of an open solid by extrusion
 CMbFaceAndGridMathematical face and its calculated grid
 CMbFairCurveDataThe parameters of the construction of smooth curves based on a three-dimensional polyline
 CMbFairCurveMethodDefinition of a method of smooth curves creation
 CMbFairCurveParamsThe parameters of creating or changing a fair curve
 CMbFilletBundleFaces of one solid to create a fillet between two disjoint sets of faces
 CMbFitResultsBaseBase class for fitting results
 CMbFixAttrSetFixed set of attributes
 CMbFlagsProvides the common interface for bit-flags treatment
 CMbFloatPointA two-dimensional point
 CMbFloatPoint3DThree-dimensional point
 CMbFloatVector3DThree-dimensional vector
 CMbFormNoteWay for polygonal object constructing
 CMbFunctionParametersParameters of creating a scalar function
 CMbGarbageCollectionGarbage collector in objects which use data caching
 CMbGeomTolTolerances to test the accuracy of geometry
 CMbGridLoopBorder of triangulation
 CMbGridSegmentA polygonal mesh segment (segmentation result)
 CMbGridShellParamsOperation parameters of grids-to-shell conversion
 CMbHoleSolidParamsParameters for creating a shell with a hole, a pocket or a groove
 CMbHomogeneousExtended point with homogeneous coordinates in the two-dimensional space
 CMbHomogeneous3DExtended point with homogeneous coordinates in the three-dimensional space
 CMbIdArrTruncated set of simple names
 CMbIntCurveParamsParameters of a surface intersection curve
 CMbIntCurveResultsResults of the surface intersection curve creation
 CMbIntCurveValuesThe base class for parameters of a surface intersection curve creation.
 Cc3d::MbItemDataTree node data
 CMbItemIndexIndex of object identification
 CMbItemItemDist< Param1, Param2 >Distance between points on objects (curve-curve, curve-surface, surface-surface)
 CMbJalousieParamCalculatorThe calculator of trimmed jalousie parameters
 CMbJalousieValuesThe parameters of jalousie
 CMbJoinShellParamsParameters for creating a join shell
 CMbJoinShellResultsResults of creating the shell of join
 CMbJointBendUtilsAuxiliary functions for a composite bend (a bend from a sketch)
 CMbKCalculatorCalculator of the neutral layer coefficient
 CMbLatheCurvesResultThe output data of the lathe section for the solid
 CMbListVarsList of variables
 CMbLocalCubePhantomParamsParameter class for the creation of a bounding box phantom in a local coordinate system
 CMbLocalSectionMapIteratorThe iterator of local views of sections of solid
 CMbLoftedSolidParamsInput data for lofted solid operation
 CMbLumpAndFacesA solid with an array of faces and triangulation grids
 CMbMapBodiesPArrayThe set of solids projections
 CMbMapSettingsParameters for the construction of one view projection.
 CMbMapViewInfoThe information about a view
 CMbMapVisibilityModeVisibility mode of mapping
 CMbMatrixThe extended matrix of transformation in a two-dimensional space
 CMbMatrix3DThe extended matrix of transformation in a three-dimensional space
 CMbMedianShellParamsParameters for creating the median shell
 CMbMedianShellResultsResults of creating the median shell
 CMbMergingFlagsControl flags of shell items merging
 CMbMeshProcessorValuesParameters of BRep shell construction from polygonal mesh
 CMbMeshSimplificationParamsTriangulation simplification parameters
 CMbMeshToInstanceResultsResults of the replacement of repetative meshes (MbMesh) into MbInstance
 CMbMeshUnwrapParamsParameter for an unwrapping the mesh on a plane
 CMbMeshUnwrapResultResult of an unwrapping the mesh on a plane
 CMbMinMaxGridDistancesParamsParameters of the operation of the grid search for minima and maxima
 CMbMinMaxGridDistancesResults< Param1, Param2 >Results of the operation of the grid search for minima and maxima
 CMbMinMaxItemItemDistances< Param1, Param2 >Distances between surfaces with points
 CMbNameA name of an object
 CMbNamedAttributeContainerAttribute container
 CMbNamedContoursTreeThe tree of named contours
 CMbNamePairName of object and its duplicate
 CMbNamePairListTable of names correspondence
 CMbNameVersionVersion of a name
 CMbNearestSolidResultThe result of the search operation for the nearest body in the specified direction
 CMbNestSyncItemBase synchronization object with lazy initialization which supports nested locks
 CMbNormalizeCutSidesParamsParameter class by parameters normalize of the holes of sheet solid
 CMbNurbsCopyCurveResultOutput data for create NURBS copy of curve
 CMbNurbsCopySurfaceResultOutput data for create NURBS copy of surface
 CMbNurbsPointInfoParameters of knot point of the object spline copy
 CMbNurbsWireFrameInfoInformation for transformation of a wire frame to NURBS
 CMbObjectAlignmentParamsParameters of object alignment
 CMbObjectAlignmentResultResult of object alignment
 CMbObjectChangeSignal< Object >Class for notifying objects about changes of a certain object
 CMbObjectChangeSignalOne< Object >Class for notifying a single object about changes of a certain object
 CMbOctaLatticeParamsLattice shell based on three control points, lattice parameters and number of elements
 CMbOperationResultsThe common operation results
 CMbOrientedBoxAn arbitrarily oriented bounding box (OBB) that includes some geometric object within box boundaries
 CMbPartSolidDataInformation about the solid part
 CMbPatchMatingPatch curve conjugation
 CMbPersistentNestSyncItemBase synchronization object with support of nested locks
 CMbPersistentSyncItemBase object providing means of synchronization
 CMbPlacementLocal coordinate system in two dimensional space
 CMbPlacement3DLocal coordinate system in three dimensional space
 CMbPntLocAn object with information about the point location relative to the shell
 CMbPointOnCurve< Curve >Point on a curve
 CMbPointOnCurve< MbCurve >
 CMbPolygon3DSolidA polygon with a solid
 CMbPositionDataData for operation dimensions
 CMbPrecisionThe precision of object construction
 CMbProjectionsObjectsThe additional projected objects
 CMbPropertyProperty. Internal use only
 CMbRectBounding rectangle
 CMbRect1DOne-dimensional box
 CMbRect2DA two-dimensional box
 CMbRect3DThree-dimensional box
 CMbRefItemReference-counted object
 CMbRegDuplicateRegistrator of copied objects
 CMbRegionBooleanParamsBoolean operation parameters over regions
 CMbRegTransformRegistrator of transformable objects
 CMbRGBAColor value in the RGBA color model
 CMbRibSolidParametersParameters of a rib
 CMbSolidToSheetMetalValues::MbRipEdgeValuesThe rip edge and closing corner parameters
 CMbRuledShellGapCalcCalculator of hot point location for the gap of corner closure
 CMbRuledShellParamsParameter class for the creation an open ruled solid
 CMbRuledShellResultOutput data for the creation an open ruled solid
 CMbRuledSolidValuesA ruled shell parameters
 CMbSectionLayoutThe parameters of form-generating operation
 CMbSectionMapA data for constructing a set of sections and cutaways of shells
 CMbSectionMapIteratorThe iterator of section views of solid
 CMbSectionMapIteratorAbsThe interface of iterator of section views
 CMbSectionPhantomThe parameters of form-generating operation
 CMbSectionRailThe surface section control function
 CMbSectionRuleThe surface section control function
 CMbSerialItem< Type >Serialization class template (ordinal numbering of created objects)
 CMbSheetMetalValuesParameters of solid construction from sheet material
 CMbSheetRibHotPointCalculatorCalculator of hot point location for the sheet rib
 CMbShellChamferParamsParameters for creating chamfers for edges of a solid
 CMbShellCuttingParamsShell cutting operation parameters
 CMbShellFullFilletParamsParameters for creating a fillet of a chain of the body faces
 CMbShellHistoryFaces history
 CMbShellPartParamsParameters for extracting a specified part of a decomposing solid
 CMbShellPartResultsResults of extracting a specified part of a decomposing solid
 CMbShellsDistanceDataThe data of the minimum distance between two shells
 CMbShellsIntersectionDataInformation about two solids intersection
 CMbShellStitchParamsStitch parameters
 CMbBendByEdgeValues::MbSideParameters of one boundary of bend
 CMbSimplifyFlatPatternValuesParameters of the simplification corners operation.
 CMbSketchCheckParametersSketch diagnostic parameters
 CMbSketchErrorsA set of errors is the result of a sketch diagnosis
 CMbSlotValuesThe parameters of stress relieving of bending
 CMbSmoothPhantomParamsParameters for creating phantom surfaces of fillet/chamfer
 CMbSmoothPhantomResultThe output data of creating phantom surfaces of fillet/chamfer
 CMbSmoothPositionDataResultsThe output data of creating support points of fillet/chamfer operation sizes
 CMbSolidToSheetMetalValuesThe parameters of sheet metal solid building based on an arbitrary solid
 CMbSpaceContourCreationResults< Item >The result of creating a contour
 CMbSpaceParamPntA space-parametric point
 CMbSpacePntTwoVectsPoint and two normalized vectors, and their lengths
 CMbSpatialOffsetCurveParamsParameters of an offset curve in space
 CMbSphericalStampPartsResultOutput data for create parts of stamping
 CMbSpineDataSpine for sweep operation
 CMbStampingValuesThe parameters of stamping
 CMbStampPartsResultOutput data for create parts of stamping
 CMbStampWithToolParamsInput data for stamping by solid operation
 CMbStampWithToolPartsResultOutput data for create parts of stamping solid by another solid
 CMbStepDataData for step calculation
 CMbSurfaceContiguousDataAdditional (related) surface data
 CMbSurfaceFitConstraintConstraint for primitive fitting
 CMbSurfaceFitToGridParametersParameters of surface fitting
 CMbSurfaceFitToGridResultsParameters of surface fitting
 CMbSurfaceOffsetCurveParamsParameters of an offset curve on a surface
 CMbSurfacesJointAnalysisParamsInput parameters of the search function for minimum and maximum deviations of surfaces parameters along their intersection curve
 CMbSurfacesJointAnalysisResultsOutput parameters of the function of finding the minimum and maximum deviations of surfaces parameters along their intersection curve
 CMbSurfaceTessellationSurface tessellation
 CMbSurfaceWorkingDataPoints and Derivative Surfaces
 CMbSweptDataThe generating data
 CMbSweptLayoutThe parameters of Boolean operation of extrusion or revolution to object
 CMbSweptSideParameters of rotation and extrusion
 CMbSymmetrySolidParamsParameter class by create a symmetric solid relative to a plane
 CMbSyncItemBase synchronization object with lazy initialization
 CMbTempCircleAuxiliary circle
 CMbThreadedJointCheckParametersThreaded joint check parameters
 CMbToolStampingValuesThe parameters of stamping by a tool solid
 CMbTransactionsThe history tree of object
 CMbTraverseOffset from the edge of the intersection
 CMbTreeDistanceToElementBase< Point >The base interface for calculating of squared distance to the object from the tree's bounding box with specified index
 CMbTrigonTriangular plate
 CMbTwoTraversesOffsets from the edge of the intersection
 CMbUnitInfoInformation about arbitrary element
 CMbUuidGlobal unique identifier
 CMbVectorTwo-dimensional vector
 CMbVector3DVector in three-dimensional space
 CMbVEFVestigesThe set of arrays which are given after getting of all lines
 CMbWeightMatrixWeights of a NURBS surface
 CMbWireFramePointWire frame point
 CMbWireFrameProjResultResults for projecting points onto a wire frame
 CMedianShellFacesSet of faces for build a median shell
 CMedianShellValuesOperation parameters of median shell between selected faces of solid
 CMeshInfoDiagnostic data of a polygonal object
 CMeshPolygonsConstIteratorIterator for traverse edges of a mesh
 CMeshSurfaceValuesSurface parameter by grid of curves
 CMI3DPropertiesVolume mass-inertial properties
 CMIPropertiesMass-inertial properties of curve
 CModifyValuesOld parameters for a solid direct modification
 CMtADimensionTraitsCharacteristic data of angular dimension
 CMtArgumentGeometric argument of constraint
 CMtBicompSearch< Graph >Отображение реберных свойств для графов, поддерживающих концепцию смежности вершин (без явных ребер)
 CMtConstraintIterIterator traversing assembly constraints
 CMtGeomArgumentAn argument of geometric constraint
 CMtGeomConstraintGeometric constraint
 CMtGeomVariantGeometric object, argument of geometric constraint
 CMtLDimensionTraitsCharacteristic data of linear dimension
 CMtMateParametersParameters of proximity to solution for geometric constraint
 CMtMatingGeometryData structure for matched geometry
 CMtParVariantNumeric or enumerated parameter of constraint
 CMtRefItemBase class for objects with reference counting
 CMtStrongComponents< Graph, SCVisitor, NumberingMap >Algorithm for searching strongly connected components in a digraph
 CMtTransDofRecord about the degree of freedom of movement
 CMultiMap< KeyType, ValType >Associative set with duplicates (multiset)
 CMultiMap< int, MbAttribute * >
 CMultiMap< MbeItemDataType, ItemDataBase * >
 CVSN::MutexMutex class is a synchronization primitive that can be used to protect the shared data from simultaneous access of several streams. In case of recursive one, Mutex class can be used to protect the common data from simultaneous access of several streams
 CVSN::MutexLockerMutexLocker class is a mutex wrapper that provides convenient ownership mechanism of mutex throughout the scope
 CNameIntersectionInfoName with hits counter
 CNodeElem< Type >Auxilliary structure for the priority queue element
 CVSN::NodeKeyNode unique key
 Cnull_typeEmpty data type
 CNurbsBlockValuesThe parameters for construction of NURBS-block
 CNurbsSurfaceValuesThe parameters of spline surface
 CNurbsValuesParameters of the deformable face
 CVSN::OpenGLContextInterfaceOpenGLContextInterface class presents own OpenGL context allowing to render OpenGL in a system window
 CVSN::OpenGLFramebufferObjectOpenGLFramebufferObject class encapsulates framebuffer OpenGL object
 CVSN::OpenGLFunctionListInterfaceThe OpenGLFunctionList class provides cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 functions
 CVSN::Painter. Canvas painting tool
 CParallelRegionGuardScoped guard of parallel region
 CMbItemItemDist< Param1, Param2 >::ParamPointParametric point (1D or 2D)
 CPatchValuesThe parameters of patch
 CVSN::PickAreaSelectionEventNO TRANSLATION
 CPlanarCheckParamsParameters for checking if the curve is planar
 CPlaneInstanceItemsConstIteratorIterator for traverse of elements of immutable planar instance
 CPlaneInstanceItemsIteratorIterator for traverse of elements of planar instance
 CVSN::PlatformRenderingAreaPlatformRenderingArea class provides abstraction for surface
 CVSN::Point3DFThe three-dimensional point
 CVSN::Point3DFColorCoordinates for setting a position with normal
 CVSN::Point3DFTexture1D< 1D texture coordinates. 2D texture coordinates
 CVSN::Point3DFTexture2D3D texture coordinates
 CVSN::Point3DFTexture3DCoordinates for setting a color
 CPointersIterator< Type >Interface of iterator
 CVSN::PointFPointI class defines point on the plane using float-precision
 CVSN::PointIPointI class defines point on the plane using integer precision
 CVSN::PolygonDescriptorDefines additional options for creating geometric curves.
 CPolyline3DPointPoint parameters for creation of a polyline
 CPrimitiveDifferenceDifferences of primitives
 CPriorityQueue< Index, Weight >Priority queue using a heap
 CVSN::ProcessEventProcessEvent class is the event and also base class for all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters
 CMbShellCuttingParams::ProlongStateState of prolongation types of cutter surfaces
 CPropType< Type >Object type and property type correspondence structure
 CVSN::RandomAccessConstIterator< T >Итератор с произвольным доступом
 CVSN::RandomAccessIterator< T >Iterator with an arbitrary access
 CVSN::RectFRectF class defines rectangle in the plane using float-precision
 CVSN::RectIRectI class defines rectangle in the plane using integer precision
 CRectifyValuesParameter for an unwrapping the face on a plane
 Crecursive_union< Type, Tail >Recursive definition of class "union-container"
 Cc3d::ref_pair< _Ty1, _Ty2 >A pair of references
 CVSN::RenderContainerContainer for visual objects
 CVSN::RenderingAreaRenderingArea class represents abstract surface for visualization
 CVSN::RenderingAreaFormatRenderingAreaFormat class represents RenderingArea format
 CVSN::RenderLayerSettingsRender layer settings
 CVSN::RenderObjectRenderObject class contains GeometryRep + bounding box
 CVSN::RenderPostProcessRenderPostProcess class allows you to perform the final post-processing of the scene with a shader
 CVSN::RenderScreen. The tool to drawing on the screen
 CVSN::RenderStateObject rendering state
 CVSN::RenderStatisticsRenderStatistics class provides the functional to compile statistics of the scene rendering
 CRPArray< Type >One-dimensional array of pointers to objects
 CRPArray< AssemblyMIAttire >
 CRPArray< const MbCurveEdge >
 CRPArray< MbApex3D >
 CRPArray< MbBreak >
 CRPArray< MbContour >
 CRPArray< MbContourOnSurface >
 CRPArray< MbCreator >
 CRPArray< MbCurve >
 CRPArray< MbCurve3D >
 CRPArray< MbFace >
 CRPArray< MbFaceShell >
 CRPArray< MbFunction >
 CRPArray< MbGrid >
 CRPArray< MbLineSegment >
 CRPArray< MbLoop >
 CRPArray< MbLump >
 CRPArray< MbMapBody >
 CRPArray< MbOrientedEdge >
 CRPArray< MbPntMatingData >
 CRPArray< MbPolygon3D >
 CRPArray< MbPolyline3D >
 CRPArray< MbSMBendNames >
 CRPArray< MbSNameMaker >
 CRPArray< MbSpaceCurves >
 CRPArray< MbSpacePoints >
 CRPArray< MbSpine >
 CRPArray< MbSurface >
 CRPArray< MbSymbol >
 CRPArray< MbTreeVariable >
 CRPArray< MbVar >
 CRPArray< RPArray< MbSMBendNames > >
 CRPArray< SolidMIAttire >
 CRuledSurfaceValuesData for the construction of a ruled surface
 CSArray< Type >Array of plain old data structures (POD)
 CSArray< bool >
 CSArray< Cluster >
 CSArray< DerivesValues >
 CSArray< double >
 CSArray< MbAnyBend >
 CSArray< MbBreaksPart >
 CSArray< MbCartPoint >
 CSArray< MbCartPoint3D >
 CSArray< MbEdgeFacesIndexes >
 CSArray< MbeMatingType >
 CSArray< MbePairObjectsSelection >
 CSArray< MbFloatPoint >
 CSArray< MbItemIndex >
 CSArray< MbItemThinValues >
 CSArray< MbTri >
 CSArray< MbVector >
 CSArray< MbVector3D >
 CSArray< Pair >
 CSArray< PPNode< Type > >
 CSArray< ptrdiff_t >
 CSArray< SimpleName >
 CSArray< size_t >
 CSArray< StVertexOfMultilineInfo >
 CSArray< T >
 CSArray_assign< T >Initialization of an array by the list of values
 CVSN::SceneContentSceneContent class represents scene content as the graph
 CVSN::SceneModificationThe base class for changes that can be sent and received by Vision change notification system
 CVSN::SceneSegmentDataSceneSegmentData class represents scene segment data
 CVSN::SceneSegmentRefSceneSegmentRef class sets reference to geometry representation
 CScopedExceptionModeAlter mode for exception handling in a scope
 CScopedLockScoped lock. Can accept a null pointer to a mutex. Locking occurs if the pointer to the mutex is nonzero and the code runs in parallel
 CScopedReadProgressScoped progress indicator for reader
 CScopedRecursiveLockRecursive scoped lock. Can accept a null pointer to a mutex. Locking occurs if the pointer to the mutex is nonzero and the code runs in parallel
 CVSN::SelectionItemSelectionItem class is a definition of the interface for a selected item
 CVSN::ShaderShader class implements a pixel shader and its program. This class provides loading and also compiling and performing subprogram of vertexes and shader itself
 CShellFacesConstIteratorIterator for traverse faces of a immutable shell
 CShellFacesIteratorIterator for traverse faces of a shell
 CShellVerticiesIteratorIterator for traverse verticies of a shell
 CSimpleNameArraySet of simple names
 CVSN::SizeFSizeI class describes a size and uses an floating precision
 CVSN::SizeISizeI class describes a size and uses an integer precision
 CSmoothValuesParameters of fillet or chamfer of edge
 CSolidEdgesConstIteratorIterator for traverse edged of immutable solid
 CSolidEdgesIteratorIterator for traverse edged of solid
 CSolidFacesConstIteratorIterator for traverse faces of a constant solid
 CSolidFacesIteratorIterator for traverse faces of a solid
 CSolidMIAttireSolid, its properties and transformation matrices of solid duplicates
 Csorting_array< KeyType, _Pr >Dynamic container for storing elements of an ordered set
 Csorting_array< MbItem *, LessName >
 CSparseArray2< Type >Two-dimensional sparse array of objects
 CSparseRow< Type >Sparse vector of objects
 CSpineDataA spine curve and its neighborhood
 CSPtr< T >Smart pointer to objects with reference counter
 CSPtr< C3DPmiToItem >
 CSPtr< C3DSymbolToItem >
 CSPtr< const MaTextItem >
 CSPtr< const MbContour >
 CSPtr< const MbCurve3D >
 CSPtr< const MbCurveEdge >
 CSPtr< const MbElementarySurface >
 CSPtr< const MbFace >
 CSPtr< const MbGrid >
 CSPtr< const MbItem >
 CSPtr< const MbMesh >
 CSPtr< const MbRefItem >
 CSPtr< const MbSolid >
 CSPtr< const MbSpaceItem >
 CSPtr< const MbSurface >
 CSPtr< const MbSurfaceCurve >
 CSPtr< const MbSurfaceIntersectionCurve >
 CSPtr< IC3DCharEncodingTransformer >
 CSPtr< IProductIdMaker >
 CSPtr< ItGeom >
 CSPtr< ItModelAssembly >
 CSPtr< ItModelInstanceProperties >
 CSPtr< ItModelPart >
 CSPtr< MaTextItem >
 CSPtr< MbBaseHotPointAttribute >
 CSPtr< MbCalloutCurve >
 CSPtr< MbContour >
 CSPtr< MbContourOnPlane >
 CSPtr< MbCurve >
 CSPtr< MbCurve3D >
 CSPtr< MbCurveEdge >
 CSPtr< MbCurveMate >
 CSPtr< MbCurveTessellation >
 CSPtr< MbExternalAttribute >
 CSPtr< MbFace >
 CSPtr< MbFaceShell >
 CSPtr< MbFunction >
 CSPtr< MbItem >
 CSPtr< MbMesh >
 CSPtr< MbNumericalCharacteristic >
 CSPtr< MbPatchCurve >
 CSPtr< MbPlanarGrid >
 CSPtr< MbPointFrame >
 CSPtr< MbPolyCurve >
 CSPtr< MbRefItem >
 CSPtr< MbSNameMaker >
 CSPtr< MbSolid >
 CSPtr< MbSurface >
 CSPtr< MbTerminator >
 CSPtr< MbTextItem >
 CSPtr< MbTopologyItem >
 CSPtr< MbWireFrame >
 CSPtr< MtBoxConstraint >
 CSPtr< MtRefItem >
 CSPtr< MtTestBox >
 CSPtr< Nurbs >
 CSPtr< ProgressBarWrapper >
 CSPtr< RefItem >
 CSPtr< Type >
 CSPtrPair< RefItem >A pair of smart pointers
 CSQueue< Type >Queue of objects without destructors
 CSRef< T >Smart reference to objects with reference counter
 CSRef< MbFace >
 Cstatic_array< Elem, arrSize >Static vector
 Cstatic_array< Elem, 2 >
 CStMLTipParamsTip parameters structure
 CstrbufA buffer of a CHAR-string
 Cc3d::StrHashHash with a string type
 CVSN::StringGeneral String class based on Unicode standard
 Cstring_generatorGenerator of MbUuid from string
 CStVertexOfMultilineInfoInformation about a vertex
 CSweptValuesThe parameters of form-generating operation
 CtapeThe base class of the stream for implementation of reading and writing
 CTapeBaseBase class for stream classes
 CTapeClass"Wrapper" for one stream class
 CTapeClassContainerArray of stream classes registration
 CTapeManagerStream manager
 CTapeRegistratorCompile with the given preprocessor define for control of reading/writing char* and TCHAR* only via ReadTCHAR/WriteTCHAR(), not via illegally operator << and >>
 CVSN::Texture2DTexture2D class is for processing 2D textures. The class is used to create textures on the fly or to change the existing texture resources
 CVSN::Texture3DTexture3D class is for processing 3D textures. The class is used to create textures on the fly or to change the existing texture resources
 CThreadMapperStructA structure for the thread mapping creator
 CTMBoxSizeBox sizes
 CTPointerBase< T >Base class of smart pointer
 CTPointerBase< char >
 CTransformValuesThe parameters of object scaling
 CTriVertexVertex of a polygon
 Ctype_which< T, idx >Get variant type with a given index
 Cunion_conductor< _PairUnion, typeNb, power >Conductor of visitor for recursively given container
 Cunion_conductor< _Myt, 0, power >
 Cunion_conductor< const _Myt, 0, power >
 CVSN::UniteVerticesProcessNO TRANSLATION
 CVariableSectionValuesData required for sweeping operation with variable section
 CVSN::VariantVariant class implements union of most common data types in C3D Vision and supports fixed set of types
 CVSN::VariantValueVariantValue is a union of possible values
 CVSN::Vector3DFVector in three-dimensional space
 CVersionContainerContainer of versions
 CVertexEdgesIteratorIterator for traverse edges adjacent to a vertex
 CVertexFacesIteratorIterator for traverse faces adjacent to a vertex
 CVisitorAbstract base class of the visitor
 CVisitorImpl< T >A generallized declaration of support of the object visit by a concrete visitor
 CVisitorImpl< const TCHAR * >
 CwcsbufA buffer of a WCHAR-string
 Cwhich_type< _PairUnion, _Type >Get type index from the list of union-container
 CVSN::WidgetBaseWidgetBase is the base control class that allows create a manipulator with different behavior logic and rendering presentation on the same basis
 CVSN::WidgetEventProcess event
 CWireFrameEdgesIteratorIterator for traverse edges of wire frame
 CVSN::WStringGeneral String class based on Unicode standard and used for converting string